Chapter 0083

“You… You…”

Jerome’s face paled, then turned blue. He gritted his teeth so harshly that they were almost crushed.

He was humiliated in front of all his esteemed guests. He so desperately wanted to kill Alexander.

As Amber had formed New Chesire Group, Jerome and his father were infuriated to no end. Neil had

no appetite to eat recently, while Donovan was bedridden and in a coma.

He had spent much effort to convince the few rich heirs from Province Town to come to Ol’ Mare. They

were pleased with him hosting them for the past few days. They were ready to return home to convince

their families to invest in Chesire Group.

All this, and Alexander ruined everything!

“Hey man, don’t you think it’s inappropriate to just hit another person?” a young man walked over and

helped Jerome to his feet. He was talking to Alexander, but his eyes wandered to Amber. He sized her

up from top to bottom.

He was struck in awe.

He had heard Jerome mention more than once that he had a cousin named Amber Chesire, who was

called the most beautiful woman of Ol’ Mare.

He was a little dismissive of this initially. At that moment, when he finally saw her, he was dazzled. She

was much more gorgeous than any other woman. He wanted her in bed terribly.

It did not matter if she was married. It was more exciting that way. He was not as if he had no

experience in sleeping with married women.

“Miss Chesire, is this your husband? What a brute! Hehe!” Luke said

condescendingly while sweeping Alex a gaze. He was behaving as though getting rid of Alexander

would be easy.

“Putting the fact that you hit someone aside, I’d like to say a few words about

your internal conflict in the Chesire family. After all, I think no one in Ol’ Mare would dare not to respect

the Hudson family.”

Then, Luke glanced at Jerome.



Jerome immediately nodded and chimed in ingratiatingly, “Yes! If Mister Hudson wants me to jump off

the bridge, I’ll do as told!”

“You’re too polite!” Luke smiled smugly. He looked at Amber once more.

From his past experience, even a married woman would run into his arms. After all, he was handsome

and extremely wealthy. It would surely make them swoon!

“I’m sorry. I don’t know you,” Amber said coldly. She tugged at Alexander’s arm. “Alex, let’s go have

dinner. We can ignore them.”

Luke was evidently shocked by Amber’s behavior, but it was then replaced with a scowl. “Are you

ignoring me?”

This woman was not respecting him at all. Any woman he wanted would fight the others to get into his

bed, but this bitch was downright unappreciative!

“It’s bad enough that you’re talking nonsense, but do you hear how stupid you sound?” Alexander

swept Luke a cold glance. “We’re going to have dinner. Fuck off!”

Then, he led Amber inside.

“Fuck you! How dare you yell at me!” Luke’s face was contorted. He immediately went up to them and

blocked them in their path, glaring at Amber. “I’m Luke Hudson of the Hudson family in Province Town.

I’m going to give you a last chance. Kneel and apologize, then spend the night with me. Otherwise-”


“Ah!” A slap landed squarely on Luke’s face. The crisp sound of the slap and his yells sounded


Luke fell to the ground and spat out two bloody teeth.

He was more shocked compared to the pain. He was hit-and in a small town like Ol’ Mare, no less!

More surprisingly, Alexander’s slap alone sent him to the flood. He had practiced martial arts since

young. Thus, his center of gravity was much more stable than any ordinary person, yet Alexander’s

slap threw him off-balance.

“How dare you insult my wife. You’re practically wanting to get killed.” Alexander’s gaze gleamed

sharply. He let out a cold murderous air. The surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped a few


The terrifying aura overwhelmed Luke, and he shuddered. He opened his mouth to say something, but

he could not find his voice.


He was a lunatic.

This man was no ordinary person. Otherwise, why would he not be afraid that he was from the great

Hudson family? He was the heir!

Alexander Kane was too pompous for his own good!

“Oh? You came just in time!” Right at this moment, a few security guards quickly ran over. Alexander

instructed, “Take them out, and throw them into the pile of trash!”

“Yes, sir!” The security guards naturally knew Alexander. They dragged Jerome and Luke away and

threw them into the pile of trash behind La Perle

It stank, and flies were everywhere.

“There’s one more.” Alexander turned and looked at the other rich brat coldly. ” Do you have a death

wish as well?”

“D-Don’t get angry. I-I don’t know Luke Hudson! I was just passing by.” Damon Schneider was sweating

profusely, his voice quivering as he spoke. Not daring to stay, he quickly fled the scene.

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