Chapter 0030

“I—It’s so expensive!” Amber looked away, her face turning pale,

Amber’s previous Porsche Macan cost about 105000 dollars, and the price of this car before her was

nearly 20 times that amount. How could she ever afford something priced in the millions? She did not

even dare to think about test- driving it!

“Hello, ma’am. Which car are you interested in?”

A lively young girl approached them, her work uniform seeming a bit ill–fitting and her demeanor a little

rusty. She was not wearing a name badge, and it was clear that she was a new salesperson at this


The other women in fitted dresses with heavy makeup stood behind the service counter, looking at the

young newcomer mockingly. They were seasoned salespeople who instantly knew Amber’s hesitance

was a sign,

Truly wealthy customers would not be timid; they would at least ask about the car’s performance or

request a test drive.

Besides a new salesperson, no one would waste time on such customers. Thus, when Alexander and

Amber entered the store to look at the cars, they did not even acknowledge them.

Alexander did not even glance at the salespeople in the distance. He only smiled at the girl before him

and turned to Amber, softly asking, “Amber, do you like this car? Are you sure about this one? Should

we buy this?”

Amber shuddered.

Did Alexander just suggest they buy it right away? Did he not see the price? How much could he get

from his retirement benefits anyway? Moreover, how much could he have earned in these last two

years sailing a ship?

“Alex, don’t joke around…” Amber blushed as she slowly lowered her head.

The sneers and disdain on the faces of the few female salespeople at the counter were plain for her to


“Daddy, I think this car is just right for Mommy!” Olivia chimed in sweetly.

Upon hearing Olivia’s words, Alexander kissed her cheek and then softly spoke to the young girl before

him. “Tell us about the car. What are the advantages of this car? Performance, features, materials,

safety rating… I want all the information

on this car.”

Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, the young girl manipulated the electronic information

panel beside her, stuttering, “Well, a–as you can see, sir, while this car is a bit pricier, it…uh, features a

low–profile, elegant design specially tailored for distinguished women. Quite like the young lady beside

you, exuding an aura of natural beauty and graceful temperament… As for performance and


As she spoke, the girl’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she looked apologetic. “I’m sorry. I’m

new here, and I’m not familiar with all the details.”


The female salespeople behind the counter cackled mockingly.

The Porsche HBLY–GT had been displayed in the showroom for over half a month, and they were sure

they could easily recognize by a mere glance who could afford this car.

An inexperienced rookie on probation pushing this multi–million–dollar luxury car to a man in

camouflage attire and a woman in a regular dress?

What a big joke!

“Though your professionalism might be a bit lacking, you have a good attitude and are very

enthusiastic,” Alexander said, glancing at distance before smiling. “I know what my wife likes, so…

bhe service counter in the

Alexander pulled a Centurion card from his pocket and added with a light smile, ” Charge full payment

on the card using contactless payment. I know you have a dedicated service channel. Money is not an

issue. Deduct all the fees needed for the car’s purchase, and process all the paperwork within ten


More than two million, paid off with contactless payment?

The bank’s name was not even shown on the card; only the word ‘ALEX‘ was visible on it.

What type of card was this?

“Sir, this…” The young girl was stunned. She stared at Alexander’s face and made sure he was not

joking around. Though somewhat doubtful, she eventually took the card and walked toward the

financial office behind the service counter.

Amber finally realized what was happening and said anxiously, “Alex, s–stop messing around!”

Did he not see the electronic information earlier and notice the price? The car was priced at 2.8 million


How much money could Alexander get from his retirement benefits anyway?

If the payment failed, it would be so embarrassing!

“Don’t worry,” Alexander reassured Amber, smiling. “The payment will be processed quickly. It’ll be fine

in a moment.”

In less than half a minute…

Behind the service counter, the young girl clutched the Centurion card. She looked flustered and almost

did not know how to act. She ran out of the finance office excitedly, talking incoherently, “Sir, Ma’am, t–

the payment went through. The car is yours! H–Here’s the purchase invoice!

“Also, t–the staff in the back are preparing the car purchase gifts. You’ll have a gas card, free

maintenance, and a car wash card… There are so many that I can’t even list them all! I’m sorry; I got

too excited!”

She was more than just excited.

At this moment, this young girl, Amanda, who had just started her first day on the job, was so thrilled

that she was on the verge of bouncing. Not only that, but this was also the first customer she received.

Despite fumbling in her words, she sold a two–million–dollar Porsche!

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