Chapter 0026

Zoe stood dumbfoundedly as she heard the beep from the phone.

That was the head of the Severn family, a prominent figure in Ol‘ Mare, Bruno Severn!

The telephone operator transferred the call to Bruno himself?!

Zoe could not understand why Bruno attached such great importance to this collaboration, and he was

even coming to visit the Chesire Group in person.

As Chesire Group Assistant General Manager, Zoe had no right to host Bruno; it had to be Donovan in


“Hurry, hurry!” Zoe frantically waved to Patrick and Susanne, gesturing for them to get into the car. She

did not care about her aching body anymore, urgently dialing Donovan’s number as she drove.

Since Bruno was coming to visit, every member of the Chesire Group needed to prepare a grand

welcoming ceremony!

4 p.m., at Chesire Group’s office building.

A giant banner hung high at the entrance with the words, ‘A warm welcome to Severn Group’s CEO,

Sir Chesire!‘

From Donovan to department managers, along with the specially invited

ceremonial teams and honor guards, over a hundred people stood in formation at the entrance, waiting

to receive the distinguished guests.

“Where’s Neil?” Donovan asked, his voice tinged with concern as he scanned the crowd. He could not

believe his second son, Chesire Group’s general manager, Neil, was absent from such a momentous


Ben approached cautiously and said, “Sir Chesire, he’s still at the hospital with Mister Lionel!”

Donovan nodded slowly, his expression softened slightly. His precious grandson, Lionel Chesire, who

was not yet a year old, was being treated at Ol‘ Mare Hospital for hand, foot, and mouth disease.

Nonetheless, Donovan thought Neil’s absence at this contract signing ceremony did not matter much

since he was personally present.

For the Chesire family, the continuation of their lineage was more important


The unmistakable screech of brakes pierced the air, and a blazing red Porsche sped in from a distance,

coming to a screeching halt at the Assistant General Manager’s parking spot not far from where

Donovan stood.

Zoe, Patrick, and Susanne quickly rushed to Donovan, gasping for breath.

“Grandpa, you’re here!”

“Mh,” Donovan nodded slightly at Zoe, then shot a cold glance at Patrick and Susanne, grumbling

under his breath. “The two of you better behave properly and sign the contract without any issue.

Otherwise, you’ll have to answer me.”

Patrick and Susanne nodded, feeling somewhat bitter.

Even after achieving such a significant accomplishment, Donovan did not spare them a kind word. The

traditional preference for males and lineage continuation was ingrained in Donovan’s character, and it

seemed unlikely he would change his ways in this lifetime.

Just then, a cheer erupted among the crowd.

“Look, Sir Chesire has arrived!”

The Severn family’s motorcade, consisting of 13 luxury vehicles–six at the front and seven at the rear,

all the latest Maybach models–pulled into the parking area. In the middle was Bruno’s personal car, a

custom Rolls–Royce Cullinan with bulletproof features costing over three million dollars.

The impressive motorcade drove closer, causing a stir. Soon, the cars stopped in front of the Chesire

Group building.

“They’re here!” Donovan’s face lit up with a smile as he led Zoe and the executives toward the Rolls–

Royce Cullinan.

Not far ahead, a burly Severn family bodyguard set up a canopy and respectfully welcomed Bruno as

he exited the car.

Bruno scanned the crowd, glancing past Donovan and Zoe, finally fixing on Patrick and Susanne with a

gleam in his eyes.

It was them!

Alexander’s in–laws, the key figures for this signing, not only for Severn Group but also for the entire

Severn family’s future!

“Oh, my! Why are you two welcoming us personally? It’s a mistake on my part. Please forgive me for

coming here on such short notice,” Bruno said graciously,



Donovan’s smile was radiant. He handed his cane to Ben, who was by his side.

Meanwhile, Zoe was equally thrilled, assuming Bruno was referring to her and Donovan. Both she and

Donovan extended their hands, nodding and bowing in anticipation of shaking hands with Bruno.

Bruno briskly walked past Donovan and Zoe without so much as a glance. He shook hands with Patrick

and Susanne, radiating warmth as he greeted them, ” Mister and Missus Chesire, it’s a true honor to

meet you both in person!”

He continued, “I’ve heard you two tirelessly and repeatedly engaged in negotiations, ultimately leading

to this collaboration. I should’ve welcomed you in person a long time ago. I trust our team didn’t neglect

you in any way, right? If there were any flaws in our hospitality, I hope you’ll forgive us. Anyway, I’ve

prepared a gift for you.”

Then, he ordered his subordinates, “Bring in the gift!”

One of the Severn family bodyguards from the rear of the motorcade hurried forward, holding an

elegantly crafted, pure gold card with the utmost respect. It was then presented to Bruno.

Bruno, holding the card, handed it to Patrick and Susanne personally. He was all smiles as he praised,

“This is our Severn Group’s exclusive VIP card. It’s one of a kind! With this card, you’ll be exempt from

all expenses at any of our entertainment establishments! Please accept this card!”

Patrick and Susanne were left utterly stunned.

Donovan, Zoe, and all the high–ranking executives present were equally dumbfounded.

What was happening?!

The distinguished head of the Severn family, Bruno, being excessively polite to Patrick and Susanne

was nothing short of perplexing. It was not just politeness; it was politeness taken to the extreme, even

bordering on intentional flattery.

Why? On what grounds?

After all, the couple had been expelled from the Chesire family and were working as low–level

associates within the group. They did not even receive various bonuses and benefits, and their basic

wages were frequently deducted to the point where they only earned a meager income just to prevent

themselves from starving.


Yet, Bruno was showing them such respect and had even prepared a one–of–a- kind, exclusive VIP

card! Moreover, why was he completely ignoring Donovan and paying no heed to Zoe?

Was the card meant for someone else entirely, then?

Patrick was extremely uncomfortable about accepting such a lavish gift from Bruno but did not dare to

refuse it outright. Awkwardly, he said, “Mister Severn, I’m grateful for the kindness you’ve shown, but

your generosity is truly… Well, it’s a bit too much for me. Our company policy strictly prohibits receiving

gifts… How about we proceed with signing the contract first?”

Bruno was no fool. He quickly caught on to Patrick’s discomfort and smoothly pocketed the exclusive

VIP card, not making any further mention of it. He then grabbed Patrick’s arm in a friendly manner.

Despite being more than 20 years Patrick’s senior, he appeared to be conversing as equals, exuding


“Don’t worry about the contract,” Bruno assured. “I’ve come here personally to finalize the partnership

with you. Is 4.5 billion dollars sufficient? If not, I can certainly increase the budget. Just give me the

word, and I’ll put in every effort to ensure your satisfaction!”

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