Chapter 0022

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was already the day for Chesire Group to sign the

contract with Severn Group.

Standing before the Severn Group’s huge office building, Zoe gazed up in awe and exclaimed, “The

Severn Group!”

The building had over 120 floors and stood over 400 meters tall, serving as a landmark in Ol‘ Mare.

The owner of this grand structure, the Severn family, had risen in recent years and expanded its

industries throughout the region. They had branches in many major cities nationwide, making them a

renowned business giant in Ol‘ Mare, and even the entire province of Tormora.

In the presence of the Severn family, second–tier families like the Chesire family were like mere small

fishes in a large pond with no basis for comparison.

Wearing elegant high heels, holding a leather briefcase, and swaying her slender figure gracefully, Zoe

walked to the lobby’s service desk. She offered a charming smile to the receptionist and said, “Hello.

I’m Zoe Chesire, Chesire Group’s assistant general manager. I’m here to see Mister Severn for the

previously discussed collaboration project ready for signing.”

The service desk had a total of 12 receptionists, all equally beautiful. One of them glanced at Zoe and

smiled professionally, asking, “Could you please show your appointment letter?”

An appointment letter?

Zoe was taken aback. After all, the project was already settled, and only the final step was left—the

signing process. She was annoyed and wondered why Patrick did not inform her that she needed an

appointment letter to meet Severn Group’s general manager, George Severn.

“I’ve said it already. I’m Zoe Chesire, the Chesire Group’s assistant general manager,” said Zoe, her

tone growing colder. “We’ve discussed the project and are down to the final signing. Isn’t a verbal

arrangement for the appointment enough? Do you understand the importance of this contract? It’s a

major project worth more than seven hundred fifty million dollars! If the signing is delayed, can you

afford the losses?”

Zoe then rudely ordered the receptionist, “Get Mister Severn on the line for me immediately!”

The receptionist maintained her smile and courtesy when she replied, “I

appointment letter. You can

However, her words came to an abrupt halt. Behind the desk, a man in a black suit, accompanied by

eight burly bodyguards, strode toward the receptionist. He glanced at Zoe and then spoke in a deep

voice, “Who is she?”

“This is…” The receptionist explained Zoe’s identity but eventually shook her head helplessly. “I’ve

already informed Miss Zoe about our company policy, but she insists on staying and wants me to

continue contacting Mister Severn.” “You want to meet Mister Severn without an appointment letter?”

The man in the suit sneered. “You must be up to no good. Do you think you can get close to Mister

Severn and be his mistress or even bag a sugar daddy just because you have a pretty face? This kind

of bitch is nothing new to me!”

Zoe’s expression instantly soured, and she gritted her teeth. “What did you say? Did you just call me a

bitch? I dare you to repeat that!”

The man in the suit burst into laughter. However, his demeanor quickly turned cold and arrogant as he

retorted, “Listen well, Zoe. You’re nothing special, and I know all about you. Mister and Missus Chesire

have settled everything with Mister Severn, securing the seven hundred fifty million dollar collaboration.

Did you think you could fire them and take this from them? Dream on!TM

With that, the man in the suit reached into his pocket and pulled out a freshly printed contract. He

forcedly slammed it onto Zoe’s face and said, “Take a good look at this.”

Letter of Intent?

The document outlined the agreement to construct three buildings and their surrounding facilities, a

large project with a financial framework of over 1.5 billion dollars.

That was twice the value of the collaboration Patrick initially secured!

“I’ve seen plenty of thrash like you!” The man in the suit stared at Zoe with a look of contempt.

“Donovan would probably laugh in his dreams at a one billion five hundred million dollar collaboration

project. Anyway, Mister Severn told us this contract will only be discussed with Mister and Missus


The man then raised his hand and waved at the bodyguards behind him, ordering, “Get this cheap

bitch out of here!”



The eight burly bodyguards rushed forward without the slightest regard for Zoe’s dignity. They forcefully

removed her from the building, even breaking one of her expensive high heels. Zoe’s stylish ensemble

became tousled, her hair disheveled. She looked like a madwoman.

Zoe was in a complete mess, limping away with one high heel shorter than the other as she ranted and

cursed vehemently at the building’s entrance.

“How dare you! You bastard!”

Even though she was furious, she could do nothing about the matter. After all, the Chesire family was

insignificant compared to the Severn family. Even if Donovan were present, he would not dare argue.

“Patrick, Susanne…” Zoe’s face contorted as she stood in front of the building. Eventually, she gritted

her teeth and drove back to Chesire Group.

Donovan must absolutely not find out about this. Otherwise…

Would be unimaginable!

“She’s gone.”

On the Severn Group building’s top floor, in the Chairman’s office.

The Severn family patriarch, Bruno Severn, and his son, George, watched a young woman standing by

the windows and bowed to her, displaying the utmost respect.

The woman was Maxine, and she was dressed in red as always.

“Well done,” Maxine turned around slowly, her gaze carrying a hint of approval.

“It’s all thanks to His Lordship,” George said genuinely.

Years ago, Bruno and George were formidable figures in the business world, but they were framed and

sent to prison by their competitors who had connections to the powerful dignitaries. In prison, they

barely survived an assassination attempt by the enemies.

Alexander saved them, discovered the injustice they suffered, and sent them home. Moreover,

Alexander also annihilated their enemies and allowed them to rise again.

They held deep gratitude and awe for Alexander. With just a word from him, the Severn family could

skyrocket and become a business giant in Wyverna. Conversely, it could be wiped out in an instant.


“If His Lordship has any orders, please inform us. Even if it means our lives, we’ll not hesitate,” Bruno


“Why would we want your lives?” Maxine chuckled softly. “After Zoe returns, she’ll undoubtedly keep

this matter a secret. I think you know what to do next, right? Do everything decisively and make sure

it’s a clean kill. Otherwise, you might as well do nothing. Mister and Missus Chesire must be

compensated for all the wrongs they’ve suffered, with interest.”

Bruno immediately nodded.

He could not believe that the wicked Zoe dared to offend Alexander’s in–laws. She was truly pushing

her luck!

Bruno turned to George and said, “George, spread the word that we’re increasing the budget for the

Severn Group and Chesire family’s cooperative project to four billion five hundred million dollars. The

profits that the Chesire family can gain should be at least one billion or more. I’d like to see how Zoe

can keep it hidden from Donovan.”

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