His Human Mate
Chapter 29

Xavier's POV

I was walking back and forth pulling on my hair as I got nervous by the second. I really wish everything goes as planned. I don't want to end up screwing anything.

I have decided to ask Amelia out on a date. I was debating over whether it was a good idea or not, when I finally decided that it is in fact a good idea.

Now I was just wondering how am I to ask her. I try to gather up all my guts and walked out of my office room. I spot my mum just then.

"Hi mum. Did you happened to see Amelia?" I asked her nervously. She eyed me suspiciously. But still answered. "She is in her room.”

I nodded my head and left. I walked back up the stairs to her room. I knocked the door, but no one answered. I open the door and went inside.

As I stepped inside, her scent hit me, calming me down. I looked for her in the room. But she wasn't there. That's when I heard the bathroom door open.

I looked towards her and what I saw made my eyes pop out. She had her towel wrapped around her. She has yet to notice me. When she finally did, she let out a squeal.

"W-What are you doing here?" she asked. I barely heard her. My eyes were busy roaming at her. She cleared her throat gaining my attention.

"Yeah, sorry. I wanted to ask you something. But I'll come back later." I said about to go. As I walk past her, my heart beat increased.

I could smell her. She smelt absolutely sweet. Both my wolf and I couldn't control anymore. I ran to her and hugged her. I hugged her until she could barely breathe.

I placed my face in her neck, inhaling her scent as much as I can to calm down. But it just did the opposite. I am barely able to calm myself down.

I felt her squirming trying to get away, but it just made my wolf want her more. He was in more control than me. I gave one kiss in her neck before pulling away.

"I am sorry. I couldn't control.” I said scratching my neck. She stood there shocked. I took that as my cue to leave. I left, closing the door after me.

After few seconds, I heard her locking the door. I waited for a few minutes, before she opened the door. Her cheeks were still flustered from just now.

I seriously need to get better control over my wolf. "What is it you wanted to talk about?" she asked me hesitantly as she let me in.

I turn to face her. I don't know how to ask her. What if she says no? What if she don't want anything to do with me?

I got rid of all those thought and took in a deep breathe. Here goes nothing. "W-Will you go on a d- date with me?" I asked her, rubbing the back of my neck.

She looked taken back when I asked her. She stood there still. "Give me one chance, little one.” I asked her pleading. She thought about it for awhile.

"A-Alright.” she said in a soft voice. I grinned as I embraced her into a soft hug. I let her go to look at her. "Get ready by 7pm. Wear something casual and comfortable.”

She nodded her head with a blush still covering her cheeks. I let her go for her to get ready. It was already 6pm. "I'll meet you downstairs?"

She nodded her head. I retreated back to my room with a smile on my face. I was really scared she would say no, but she said yes. I am gonna make her happy. I'm gonna win her back.

Amelia's POV

I stood there still even after he left. I can't believe that actually happened. He asked me on a date. I was literally squealing inside.

But somewhere back in my head, I was afraid saying yes to him. I was scared he was going to hurt me. I threw that thought of the window and decided to give it a shot.

I looked at the time and it was already 6.17pm. Damn. I was spaced out for so long. I quickly went into my closet and tried to come up with an outfit.

I was so confused on what to wear. Finally, I pulled out a grey crop top and black leggings. Perfect. I put on some mascara and lip gloss and I was done.

I put a blue washed cap and white sneakers. Once I checked that I was good, I saw the time and my eyes went wide. 6.55PM

I quickly went down. As I did, I saw him, walking back and forth with nervousness with his back facing me. I slowed down as I reached the last step.

I cleared my throat gaining his attention. He quickly turn to me. He stood there shocked for awhile, before walking towards me.

"You look beautiful, little one.” he whispered making me blush. "T-Thank you.” I said to him. He was wearing a grey t shirt and black jeans and black shoes.

"Where are the 2 of you going?” I heard Nathan asking. I stood there shocked. What am I to say. "We, Nathan, are going on a date.” he said wrapping his hand around my waist.

He eyed him suspiciously. "Fine. But bring her back in one piece. Or I will castrate you." Nathan said making me laugh as Xavier rolled his eyes.

We both started to walk out. We were walking into the woods. "Where are we going?" I asked him questioningly.

"Its a surprise." he said smiling. I pouted. "Don’t worry you'll know soon." he said grabbing my hands into his intertwining them.

Tingles shoot up my body. It was so good to hold his hands. I wish we were like this, before any of those happen. We would have been so much happy right now.

But its ok. Not that we can't start now. Even though I have to fight the demons in my head, I will. We were walking and walking till he stopped.

He went behind me and covered my eyes. "Xavier, What are you doing?" I asked giggling. "Shh. Its a surprise.” he said as he tugged me to walk.

After few more steps, he finally stopped. "We are here, little one." he said taking his hands off. I open my eyes slowly. The moment I did, I gasped.

We were at a beautiful waterfall and there was a small tent with a basket, it was a picnic. It was most breathtaking scene ever.

"Do you like it? If you don’t like we can go back. You don't like it, do you?" he started to ramble on and on without stopping.

"Xavier stop." I said making him stop rambling. "Its perfect.” I said. He let out a breath he was holding and broke into a grin.

"You did all of this?" I asked him amazed. He nodded his head rubbing the back of his head. "Its so nice Xavier." I said walking towards the waterfall.

"I am happy you liked it." he said smiling. "Come on. Lets eat.” he said bringing me inside the tent. The tent had cute little fairy lights.

He opened the basket and started taking the food and drinks out. He passed me grilled cheese making my eyes wide.

"How did you know I like them?" I asked excited. He chuckled. "I may or may not have asked Angela." he said sheepishly.

We continued to eat and have small talks while enjoying the view. There weren't much words that were exchanged but it was what we needed.

Each others company with no words exchanged. Just the serenity and our intake of breath. Its all we needed now.

"I love you, little one.”

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