Chapter 229 Just Give Me Five Minutes 

The neon lights outside the window were flashing intermittently but only illuminated half of Zachary’s 


The other half was hidden in the shadow; Lysander quickly noticed that she couldn’t quite make out his expression. 


A piercing whistle sound echoed in the air.- 

Lysander’s first reaction was to think that they had stopped for too long, blocking the traffic behind them. 

When she finally regained her senses, she was shocked to find that Zachary was the one who honked. 

The sharp and piercing sound of this car horn attracted many annoyed glances from the people around. Zachary said apologetically. “Did I scare you? I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and accidentally pressed the hom. 

Just as Lysander was about to speak, she heard the car window on her side being knocked. 

Through the glass, Josiah was soaked all over, desperately knocking on the window and continuously calling her pame. “Lysander, Lysander.. 

The sound insulation in the car was good. Even though she could see the veins bulging on Josiah’s neck from his forceful roar, his voice was not very loud. 

His attention had also been drawn by the earlier honk, and he clearly recognized Zachary’s car. 

Rumble Rumble… 

A flash of white light streaked across the sky, followed immediately by the deep rumble of thunder. 

“Lysander, open the door. I have something to tell you, Lysander-” 

Lysander said impassively, “Drive.” 

Zachary glance to the side. “Have you really decided?” 

“Mmm–hmm, drive.” 

Zachary revved the engine, and the car slowly moved forward a few inches. 

Josiah took a step forward, chasing after her. He tapped on the car window even more urgently, continuously calling out her name. 

“Why have we stopped?” Lysander turned his head to look at Zachary. “Let’s go.” 

Zachary suddenly lowered his head and gave a slight smile. “Lysander, I think it’s not right to keep dragging this on. Maybe you guys should clear things up.” 


Chapter 229 Just Give Me Five Minutes 


The voice of Josiah, mixed with the cold rain, seemed to hit her in the face. 

He wiped the water off his face, chuckled lightly, and said, “Just give me five minutes, okay? Just five 


Lysander didn’t look at him, staring straight ahead. “Drive.” 

Zachary was stumped by her words. 

Lysander grew anxious. “I said, drive!” 

“Just two minutes will do! Is that okay? Lysander…” Josiah dared not reach out to pull her; he could only stand outside and keep begging. 

Zachary, however, didn’t make any moves at all.. 

Lysander turned to look at him. “What’s the meaning of this?” 

“I was just thinking, perhaps it would be better if you guys have a chat…” 

“You knew very well that I didn’t want to see him at all!” Lysander took a deep breath, trying her best to calm down. “Zachary, I’m going to say this one last time. I don’t want to see him, not even for five minutes or two minutes. Please, drive. I want to leave this place.” 

Josiah’s eyes were brimming with tears. “Lysander-” 

Zachary reached out, gently holding her hand. His thumb tenderly caressed the back of her hand before he slowly nodded. “Okay, whatever you say. It’s your decision.” 

The car slowly moved, finally leaving its original spot. 

Only then did the weary Lysander close her eyes. 

However, she heard Zachary say, “Lysander, it seems that Mr. Guerra is chasing the car.” 

Nevertheless, she didn’t speak nor move. 

Zachary consequently stopped talking when he saw that she had no reaction. 

Lysander couldn’t care less about how far Josiah was willing to pursue their car nor his fate in the end. 

When she finally arrived at the ground floor of the condominium, Lysander opened the car door, and after getting out of the car, she walked straight toward the entrance of the building. 

This time, she did not say goodbye to Zachary, an impolite gesture. 

However, she still gave him a faint smile. 

She figured that being too polite in the past had allowed everyone to take advantage of her. 

Rark at home she received a text from an unknown number I will handle the matter broerly and wou 

08:37 Mon, 3 Jun 

Chapter 229 Just Give Me Five Minutes 

Lysander deleted the message and blocked the number. 

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