Ch 5

Tona pov

When we pull up to the edge of the territory we see these huge lycans patrolling, and damn I thought we were some big guys. These guys must tower us by at least a foot! They motion for us to stop when one comes up to the window. He stares at us and sniffs the air.

“Bears and a human? I’m Konak. Tony said you guys were coming. He’s inside with his guys and the King and Queen. Hey, be forewarned about the kids. They have magic powers and can blow shit up.”

We all just stare at each other when the guards all start laughing. So we think ok haha scared the shifters, good joke. Then shit got real!

“No, we”re serious. They can freeze, choke, throw fire and teleport. Those are just the older ones. No one knows yet about the younger ones.”

Yep, we’re all going to die. This will be it! Bring my mate and her kid to be safe to just be killed by some kids. We quickly pull forward and drive till we come up to the castle. There’s tons of men with large guns and kids running everywhere. Well at least they look normal. I see Tony and jump out, turning around grabbing my little guy, and helping Corrin out of the car. She offers to grab him back, but I feel him snuggle into me so I motion that I’m fine. I walk holding her hand, and we walk up to where everyone is standing at.

“Damn man I’m glad you guys made it! We will have a big battle on our hands and we need the best of the best to fight the father.”

“Wait, who’s the father Tony?”

“Damien Marquez, the mob boss.”

I just look straight ahead giving a slight nod. I don’t want to look at Corrin and have her think I’m doubting this mate thing and want to check back out. They both are mine, and I’ll fight for them. I had no clue who the father was, but it doesn’t matter. Hes is my little guy.

“I’m King Nick and this is my mate Queen Tara. Our kids are everywhere right now, but you will meet them all shortly. Tony told us about your predicament and we knew we could help. We have had our own battles over the years so please know you are safe here. Please settle in and we will all talk tomorrow about a plan.”

“Tony, what about Hernandez?”

“He knows we have you, and I’m hiding you. After he spoke to you his position was compromised and they had to move him out quickly. They just need a month or two to finish processing all their evidence. Then they will have him behind bars with his dad.”

She just nods her head when she snuggles into my side while we walk in following Nick and Tara. They lead us down a hallway pointing out rooms to my guys when we get to the last room.

“This is for you guys, I brought in clothes and a crib for you. We had a lot of pack members get stuff together so you would have a lot to choose from.”

I open the doors and it’s absolutely perfect. She and Nick take their leave leaving me and Corrin inside the room. I walk over slowly placing a sleeping Dominick in the crib when I see Corrin sitting on a chair starting to cry. I quickly walk over picking her up and setting her in my lap straddling me so I can look at her.

“Corrin we will make it out of here! We will get through this I promise.”

She nods snuggling against me when I wrap my arms around her. I hear a soft knock at the door and look down to see Corrin has fallen asleep on my chest. I softly tell them to enter and see a cart being wheeled in with food on it. They just park the cart smiling and leave without even saying a word. I rub Corrin’s back telling her food is here which surprisingly wakes her back up.

She sits on the chair next to me rubbing her eyes when I wheel over the cart and set the food in front of her. She quickly dives in when I start eating also. I hear Dominick stirring so I jump up to grab him and change his diaper while she keeps eating. Once changed I sit back down and before long he’s fussy so she takes him to nurse. I just eat and stare at them like some kind of creep.

“Why did you still take me as your mate even though I already have a kid? You could have rejected me? That’s what you guys do right? I mean I’m a human so how would I even have a mate?”

“Well why would I do that? You’re my mate. Besides, there’s something there because you have a scent. How you even have a scent as a human I don’t know and frankly don’t care. Even if you weren’t my mate I would still want you to be mine. Even with a baby. just so we could irritate each other for the rest of our lives.”

I walked over when she started laughing at what I said. I leaned down kissing her cheek when I knelt down in front of her.

“Corrin, never would the thought of rejection ever be on my mind. I wanted you from the first day that I saw you. I didn’t want to scare you though. I’ve waited years to find you, and now that I have you I’ll never give you or our son up without a fight. I know he isn’t mine but you are so that makes him also. I know at some point we will have our own, but I’ll treat Dominick just as if he was.”

She quickly covered her face and I could tell she had started crying. The tears are slipping from behind her hand when I quickly pull her in my arms making sure we don’t squish the little guy. I place them both on my lap kissing her cheek and neck then kissing the little man’s head. I knew that no matter when or how I’d find my mate they were going to be mine no matter what!


Damian pov

I knew they fucking had her. As soon as Hernandez made that phone call to Tony and the phone call went out to get her we were always one step behind. When we saw those shifters I knew they had her. So we backed off, and as soon as they left we went to their cabin and went inside. Her clothes were packed and a bunch of baby clothes. Baby boy clothes. That bitch had a boy and dared to try and run from me!

When we leave I tell the guys to grab all of hers and the baby’s stuff. They put it in the cars and I have them torch the cabin. I’m not giving them anything to come back to. While I watch it go up my phone rings and it’s my boy Palo, they are following them at a distance and they are headed for the Alpha King’s wolf pack’s territory. Why the hell would bear shifters go there? Actually I don’t give a shit, I’ll still get them from there. They have no clue who they are fucking with!

I call my dad letting him know we found them and are currently following them. She did in fact have a boy, and I’m going to get my son and get her back. I need this boy more than ever since the two girls just came back saying that they are having girls. I’m so tired of fucking girls! I have six girls now and one son. The one I want won’t have anything to do with me. At least we know where they are now. We’ll be watching to see if they leave and do research on this King and Queen.

We decided to hit the local hotel for the night and see that there is a bar across the way. Perfect I need to blow off some steam, and maybe get a piece of ass. We walk over and when we walk in the place stops to look and I see girls eyeing me. The owner offers us a corner booth with a private curtain. I look around when one girl in particular catches my eye and as I sit down with my guys around me she walks over asking if she can sit down. I motion for my guys to let her sit down and when she slides in her hand instantly goes to my thigh. I grab her hand tightly and I pull her close so she can only hear.

“Listen, I’m not looking for anything but a good fuck. So don’t think that I want anything more. Either you want to just fuck or fuck off. I’m a sick fucker who does sick shit.”

I see her smirk and release her hand when she slowly moves it up my thigh to my hard cock. I motion for my guys to close the curtain and stand guard when Anton hands me a condom discreetly.

I watch intently when she turns to face me and kneels over undoing my pants and pulling out my hardened cock. In one quick motion she slowly starts taking me inch by inch into her mouth. I grab her hair in my hand and shove myself down her throat when I feel she is going to slow. Hearing her not gag is making me harder by the second. Everything I’m giving her she is taking like a fucking champ.

I pull her head back by her hair when I see drool sliding out of her mouth and just think fuck that is sexy. I forcer her to stand up when I slid her skirt up, ripping her underwear off and placing her on my lap straddling me facing the table. I slide the condom on and slam her down onto me, and damn she is so fucking tight. I yank her head back by her hair so I can whisper in her ear.

“Fucking ride my cock!”

In a split second she is bouncing up and down slamming herself over and over again. I pull the straps of her top down her arms freeing her tits, and I just gotta watch. I stand her up spinning her around so she faces me and slam her down again. She starts bouncing and her tits look fucking gorgeous bouncing to her movements. I grab one roughly with my hand when I pop the other in my mouth sucking down hard enough to get whines and whimpers out of her. Within a few moments I feel her pussy tighten up as she orgasms and shatters all around my cock.

I see her muscles start to shake but she keeps going and before long is about to tip over again when I grab her around her throat.

“I let you come the first time, but don’t fucking come again until I say so!”

She nods and I watch her when I feel myself start to get closer to my release. Right as I’m about to explode I look at her and see she’s holding back with every fiber of her body. What a good girl she’s being. I lean over to her ear and whisper.

“Fucking cum for me!”

Within seconds she throws her head back when she clamps down hard orgasming which sends me over. I explode so hard I grab her to me while her body shakes and we both take a while to come down from our highs. After we catch our breath I look at her and damn she’s hot. Jet black hair straight down her back with ice blue eyes, and a slight tan. I lean back when she slowly lifts herself up. I take off the condom, tying it and putting it in my pocket. She sits down quietly next to me and says nothing.

Once I see she’s calm she goes to move and I grab her thigh roughly getting a whimper. I shake my head no and she keeps looking down with a slight smirk. Oh my oh my I think she likes being dominated. This shit is going to get me into trouble. I grab her chin roughly turning her face to look at me but she keeps her eyes focused elsewhere.

“Look at me!”

She focuses her eyes on me and stares.

“So you like being dominated, is that it? What’s your name and story?”

“I’m Tina and I haven’t found the right guy that can treat me the way I need and want to be treated. I’m fucked up as well courtesy of my dad, so when you walked in I just knew you could. I promise I’ll be a very good girl. You can do whatever you want.”

“I’m telling you right now, I’ve fathered many kids, and those kids do not have their mothers. I don’t apologize for who I am or what I do or have done. I typically don’t keep women around long term, but I’ll keep you. But don’t think I’ll take it easy on you! I will cause you pain no doubt. When is the last time you fucked someone?”

The glimmer of hope I saw in this girl’s eyes, made me hard all over agin.

“The last person to force me to fuck was my father 2 years ago. I ran away so he couldn’t do it again. I have had boyfriends but when I asked them to do stuff they refused and left, saying I was sick and needed help.”

We decide to order food to just relax. After we ate and drank, we got up when I motioned for her to follow us. She doesn’t say anything, just quietly follows when we go over to the hotel. I go into my room with her behind me and as soon as the door is shut and locked I grab her by the hair shoving her against the wall.

“I will give you one last chance Tina to get out! After this your ass is mine and only fucking mine! You will always walk behind me, you will address me as Sir. And will not speak unless I speak to you! You will not look me in my eyes unless I say so. You will not cum unless I say so. Everything is done with my permission! Listen and you will be treated like a queen. Don’t listen and I will punish you! Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir!”

“Good! Now fucking strip and lay on the bed! You want a punishment, you got it!”

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