Ch 3

Corrin pov

The weeks have flown by slowly! I think I’ve done the same damn puzzles a few times already. Read almost every book. The television sucks but it makes noise so I don’t completely go crazy! Everything has been working like clockwork and the nurse is moving in today so I’’ll be able to finally talk to someone!

I quickly start cleaning and getting laundry done. I throw it in the hamper, and go to pick it up when I get a hard cramp in my side, making me buckle to the ground. After about 30 seconds it lets up so quickly I move the stuff to my bed. About 7 min later another one comes on that takes my breath away and I have to stop folding. This seems to go on for an hour when the nurse finally shows up.

She sees my state and starts hooking me up to a machine and sure enough contractions are coming on and getting closer together. She makes calls and in less than an hour I have a team filling up the tub getting supplies ready because this labor is progressing fast. By the time the damn tub is filled I’m at a six and I’m begging for some kind of relief.

They help me walk over to the tub so I can look out the window and try to relax. The pain is becoming excruciating when I start grunting loudly and screaming. I have tears streaming when I look out and there’s that damn bear again. It looks like he’s so sad just looking at me in pain. I don’t understand why though. I quickly close the window curtains and focus as I’m told it’s now time to push.

After pushing for what seems like an hour little Dominick made his appearance kicking and screaming. They place him on my chest and I don’t think about anything but my baby. My baby boy. I promise I’ll fight with every breath I have to keep you safe. I chat with the nurses as everything starts to get cleaned up and the tub will need to be drained.

Once everything is hauled out and they all go to leave except one nurse. They say the doctor will be making house calls. His name is Dr. Linton and he will be here in a couple days to check his progress and how I’m doing. They leave some formula just in case I don’t produce milk, and a pump with storage bags. With the way these suckers are filling up I think we will be just fine.

He has already wanted to eat twice and he’s only a few hours old. I don’t think we will have an issue thank goodness. When everyone else leaves the nurse turns to me asking if I want to take a shower. Oh God yes! We set the baby down and I grab some clothes and the monster pads when I head into the bathroom. I quickly flip on the shower and stand because my body is loving the hot water right now. I look out the window and that damn bear is back with friends. What the hell this isn’t no damn peep show.

“What the hell are you looking at? Don’t you have some butts to sniff or something?”


Tona pov

I stand there in shock while the guys around me are dying laughing. Does she really think we sniff butts now? We aren’t wolves. We don’t go aroundand say hey, nice to meet you let me sniff your ass as a greeting. Human’s are something I tell you. I can’t help but snicker too. Man is she a spitfire! I like her, even if she isn’t my mate she would make an awesome friend!

When I saw the vehicles going flying up the road I knew something was going on so we came running up and we saw them run in and knew the baby was coming. We could smell the stench in the air, and the moment we smelled blood we knew the baby was here. Of course it was verified by the screaming of the little one, but we smelled the blood moments before.

When she looked at me in my eyes and stared I couldn’t help it. I wanted to take any amount of pain I could away from her. My heart ached and my bear Koda was going crazy. He wanted to break in and be with her, but had to explain they would all scream and most likely throw something at me. Knowing the girls they would throw it thinking it would act liek a dog toy yelling at me to go fetch. We should be headed back to our cabin but I just can’t seem to pull myself away.

It’s like Koda knows something I don’t. I haven’t had a good whiff to even know if she is my mate. I don’t think Koda even cares at this point. He just wants a mate already. I have seen tons of women but was never attracted to any of them. My buddies have had girlfriends but nothing ever really serious. I chose not to even get involved. I never found anyone that I liked until her.

There is just something about her though. Her long brown curly hair, her hips are to die for. Her boobs are gorgeous but I’m definitely an ass man! Gotta have some meat on the bones. If I wanted a twig I would have been born a wolf. Ok ok now I made myself laugh. I hear the shower shut off as she looks out and sure enough I’m still standing here like an idiot.

“Don’t you have something better to do! Did someone steal your picnic basket?”

I cock my head to the side and look at Jack and he is rolling on the ground laughing. Even Koda is dying laughing. This girl I swear is starting to work on my last nerves. I huff and stomp away with her laughing at my back. I swear if she isn’t my mate, I will make her my mate just so we can irritate each other forever. Then I would be the one laughing.


Damian pov

It’s been weeks and all we found out is she was taken by a detective. Who knows where he stuck her but no doubt he is hiding her. I have contacts inside the department but they don’t even know either as he isn’t even assigned to this city. He came just for a few months and then will be gone. They snooped in her file but there is no address listed on where she is. I’m waiting for info to come back on where he has been lately but it’s only been local.

I know he isn’t that stupid to hide her locally. He hasn’t even been home to his house if he has a family. Only to a local motel. I found out the two new girls I have are pregnant. Only a few months but hopefully one of them will give me a fucking boy. Even if they do, I want Corrin. Nobody can compare to her. Her smart mouth got her smacked a lot but now that I don’t have it I want it even more.

What kills me the most is she should have had the baby by now. Nowhere in this state does it show her having it. So we started expanding to other states. Hoping it gets registered soon. I wonder what the baby looks like. Will it look like me with my dark features or more like her. Will it have her fiery personality or take after me and be dominating.

My father keeps bugging me every damn day about info. No, I haven’t found anything. Well you aren’t looking hard enough. Back and forth every day till I get fed up and go fuck one of the girls. I have to be nice now since they are pregnant, but I really don’t care. Yeah I’m an uncaring asshole thanks to my father. I saw how he treated my mom.

She couldn’t produce a son so he would make her watch him fuck whores till he got me. Then got rid of the whore who had me and shoved me to my mom to raise. When I was just a few years old she ended up taking her own life. Since I was a decent age by then he finished raising me. So now here we are. He has his couple women he keeps around, while I keep mine for now until I get her back.

I need Corrin back!

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