Ch 14

Corrin pov

We peel out of our driveway heading back towards the palace. In our car we have Tony in the passenger side, one of his guys driving and two sitting behind us in the back seat. Me and Tona are sitting in the middle seat with Domi who is finally calming down. Pretty soon we will need to stop so I can feed him. I know he’ll be hungry but Tony wants to try and at least make it halfway first. After about an hour on the road he gets a call from his guys and puts it on speakerphone.

“Tony! They tried ramming us and we did what you said. We busted out the window and started shooting at them. We took out the car and at some point you will pass it. How far are you behind us?”

“Only about thirty minutes! Don’t stop untill you get there. Nick is expecting you first and has his border patrol on alert in case you have any stragglers following you. We will stop in four hours to feed and change the baby then will grab food to eat as we keep driving.”

Tony hangs up and the car goes quiet again. The adrenaline and emotions going throug my body are getting to be too much. We are driving and about halfway to our first stop Tona gets a call from Nick.

“Ok Damian is in the air fying with some of his men to get here. He should be expected here by the time you get here. I know this is nerve wracking. If you look outside at the tree lines you should be able to see shadows moving. Those are wolf packs watching while you guys drive. They can’t quite run out in the open, but when you get closer and it gets more dense with the forest they will start running alongside in the shadows.”

“Ok Nick we are about an hour away from the halfway point. We will call you when we get there!”

“Great Tona, I’ll send you an address. It’s for a local pack there where you can stop with your escort.”

Tona hung up while we kept driving trying to go as fast as we could. I look out at the tree line and see the shadows running, and think my goodness those poor wolves must be exhausted! We have an suv in front of us as well as a few behind us driving with us down the highway. We pass car after car taking the fast lane when before I realize it we have taken an exit to go into the forest.

We make a few turns and are now on a dirt road driving for a few miles when I see a bunch of wolves standing around. Our escort goes up when everyone shifts and discusses what’s going on. I’m so used to it by now it doesn’t even phase me anymore. I can only imagine Kelly in the other car and I chuckle to myself. I look back in the next suv and see her burying her head into Jack covering her eyes.

We get the ok to enter and we are on our way again when everyone shifts and runs with us. After a few minutes we pull up to the pack house and I see Roan and Maggie with the kids. I quickly jump out with Domi and run up hugging Maggi. Tony and Tona get out and shake Roan’s hand when we all head inside the pack house. I quickly find a bathroom with Kelly and take turns holding Dominick while the others relieve themselves. I then head to the front room area sitting so I can change the baby and feed him. Kelly comes and sits beside me with everyone else when food is brought over for us to eat.

I sit crosslegged on the couch while we sit and visit talking about what has gone on lately with everyone. Domi is done eating so I quickly burp him and set him on the ground with the kids and his toys. Everyone is chatting when we see Roan and Maggie jump up yelling at veryone to shift and guard the pack house. She runs over hitting a button on the wall and an alarm starts sounding out loud outside.

She grabs me and Kelly when we grab all the kids and their toys following her to a wall. She typed in some code to the pin pad and the door opened up to a set of stairs. Our hearts are pumping hard in our chests while we race down the stairs and into some kind of basement. She shoves us all in and pulls the door shut behind her locking it. We sit down and notice it’s a very large basement for only us seven people. Within minutes doors open up around us as pack members with their children all funnel in crying. I hold Dominick who is screaming and I ask Maggie what is going on?

“There was a breach at the border. Suv’s came on shooting guns at our guys and some were hit. Tony is loading up the guns and suv’s to divert them and lead them away from the pack house.”

I just look at her wide eyed when I don’t hear anything. Within a few short minutes we sit on thee ground looking up when we start to hear gunfire erupting from around the grounds as the women and children all huddle together crying. We try to calm everyone down when a few of the women let out a blood curdling scream grabbing their chests laying down wailing. I look at Maggie and she just shakes her head. I know what it means, and my heart drops praying I don’t feel that pain.

I see Maggie get a mind link when she quickly takes out her phone. I hear her put it on speaker phone when Nick picks up the other end.

“Maggie what’s wrong?”

“We are under attack Nick. Roan needs reinforcements. They dunno who these people are but they came prepared with guns. We’re losing warriors, and need help!”

Within seconds we see Nick and Tara show up in the bunker when Nick opens the door running out. Tara quickly closes the door behind him and smirks at us. I just look at Maggie when Tara closes her eyes and puts her arms to the side. We see her look from side to side with her eyes closed while Kelly and I just stop and watch. She opens her eyes telling Maggie there’s hundreds of them but give her a minute and she can put a dent in them.

She closes her eyes again and I watch her hands make fists snapping to the side. She sways a little bit getting her footing and does it again. This time she is brought down to one knee as she struggles to stand back up. She puts her arms out again looking around with her eyes closed. Maggie leans over and whispers in my ear.

“She can see what is going on through Nick’s eyes. When she snaps her hands she is breaking the necks of the enemies. It takes a toll on her energy though because she can do about twenty to forty at a time. Depending on how close they are together.”

I just stare at Maggie wide eyed. Did I just seriously hear what I think I just hear?

“Are you fucking kidding me!”

The moment I say this we watch as Tara collapses to the ground. I quickly hand Dominick over to Kelly when Maggie and I rush to Tara’s side. She is breathing and is giving us a thumbs up but has no more energy. Within seconds I see a lady all in white appear through a mist and think holy shit. I jump back when Maggie grabs my arm, mouthing it’s ok.

“Oh hi there sweetie. I’m her mom, the Moon Goddess. Oh you’re Tona’s mate! Oh I’m so happy he finally found you! Tara baby you ok? I’ll be right back!”

With that she disappeared out to wherever the fuck she went. We patiently wait and minutes later we are told to hang tight it’s all over. I see Maggi get a mind link when she gets up slowly opening up the main door when Nick, Tona, Roan and Jack come running in. Roan runs over to the women that fell crying telling them what happened, and everything will be ok. Maggie walks over also comforting them because no one was expecting this. Nick sits with Tara propping her up when she slowly gets some energy back.

We are all sitting when Tara’s mom comes walking in. The Moon Goddess walks over to Tona giving him a hug. She notices Dominick who has been fussing this whole time and walks over to him. He stops and smiles at her, putting his arms up to her. She scooped him up while Tona and I just looked at each other confused. She walks over to Roan and Maggie explaining that she had to intervene because this was not supposed to happen. As far as their mates go she had to intervene. They will be unconscious for a while but will survive.

Tona comes to sit with me on the floor when the Moon Goddess walks over sitting in front of us with Dominick. She places him on her lap and she waves her hand making a crystal clear rattle appear for him to play with. She stares at me smiling when I look at Tona and back to her.

“You don’t know Corrin do you?”

“Know what?”

“I will have some people explain it in a bit. Except for now, how will we get all you guys to the palace? We need to move quickly because they will send others!”

In an instant we see Jenna appear.

“Do you need a taxi?”

I see Tara and Nick grab Kelly and Jack disappearing. Jenna comes over to Tona and I, gabbing our hands and in a split second are next to Kelly and Jack at the palace. I look around and start to panic. When I see the Moon Goddess appear with an older couple and Dominick. They are holding Domi and I look nervous and confused.

“Corrin these are your biological parents Jim and Joella Creighton. They had to hide you and who you really are because if anyone found out they would come after you. Since you hadn’t met your mate they didn’t interfere, but now that you have they can’t hide it anymore.”

“I don’t understand? I’m just a human? I’m not a shifter of any kind right?”

I watch as my bio parents look at each other when tears start to fall. My mom walks over, placing her hand over my heart and instantly I have a shooting pain and start seeing stars when my vision starts to blur. I collapse down to the ground when I see a vision of a white bear shaking out her fur. I start feeling bones break. Tona quickly grabs me talking me through whatever the fuck is going on. I stare at him with tears falling down my face and the pain is beyond excruciating. I just close my eyes when the bones snapping and rearranging seem to go on forever when I feel darkness take over.

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