Ch 12

Damian pov

It’s been a couple of days since we left Corrin and I’ve never felt better! I’ll always have love for her since she is the mother to my only son, but my life is right here with Tina. We got into Paris late last night and just got to the hotel to sleep it off. Laying here next to Tina just watching her I dunno what she was able to do that no woman could ever do before. Tame the psycho living in my head. When I’m around her my mind just stops and doesn’t want to think anymore.

I finally turn back on my phone and hear it ding and quickly grab it seeing a text from King Nick. They have settled in Montana, and have made it safely. Ok, so I now know Montana is off the map and I’m not going back to Jersey for obvious reasons. I cannot be in the same house that I was with my dad. There are way too many negative memories and I want to start new. I sent a text thanking him for letting me know, and for everything.

I set my phone down when it dings again. I quickly look and Nick responds back ‘It’s because of a girl, huh? The one that makes your heart stop. Anyways good luck man, stick to the agreement.’

I respond ‘It is and I will.’ I set my phone down when Tina starts to wake up and stretches out her body. The comforter slips down below her breasts, and I quickly climb over her, shoving her under my body. I position myself between her legs and in one swift motion enter her core slamming myself as deep as I can go. I grab her left breast roughly when I take her right breast inside my mouth flicking her hardened nipple.

I can feel her starting to clench around me when she starts panting hard trying to catch her breath. I snake my hand from her breast to the throat and lean over to whisper in her ear.

“Do not cum till I say so!”

She quickly nods and can tell she is holding herself when I near my edge. I lick up her neck which gets a moan in response when I whisper ‘now’. She throws her head back while her body starts to shake going over her edge, and she sends me over mine.

I take a minute before I lay back down next to her hugging her back to my front just relishing in her scent. I start feeling her tremble and soon I hear that she is crying. I quickly flip her over facing me, placing my hand to her cheek.

“Tina baby what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“Why Damian? Why did you choose me?”

“Tina baby, I wanted to rewrite my story with you in it. Now tell me if you can live anywhere where would you want to live?”

“I love the ocean! Except I also like the snow! Can we live by the ocean? Maybe a place that snows also?”

“Done! Let’s get up and we can look at properties. Get it figured out and have it all ready by the time we head back.”

I quickly jump up pulling her to a standing position on the bed so I can carry her to the shower. I quickly helped her clean up, cleaning myself also. We both jump out and while I watch her drying herself off I get hard all over again. I pin her back to the wall picking her up and start slamming into her again quickly sending us both into our own orgasms. Before long we are both trying to catch our breath laughing.

“I’m so glad you came over to me that day Tina. Never did I think I could be this way. I always thought I was destined to be a monster.”

“Damian, I’m glad you walked in that day.”

I smile at her when I slowly lower her down to her feet. She takes off running to get dressed when I just stand there thinking where I would be right now if I didn’t. I would probably be dead there’s no doubt about that. I’m quickly pulled from my thoughts when Tina comes and stands next to me dressed looking down. I slowly take my hand lifting her face to look at me.

“Tina, when we are outside, always hold your head up high. Be proud that you were able to do something that no other woman could do. You tamed the beast. Behind closed doors you may look down if you wish but only behind closed doors. I will treat you the way you want to be. It will scratch my dominating itch and your submissive itch. I love you Tina, and want to spoil you. We will look at houses, go shopping and spend the whole day only on you.”

She got a big smile and nodded when I quickly threw on some clothes. I walk over grabbing my laptop and sit down on the chair at the desk getting my laptop open and running so I can startlooking at properties. Tina comes over kneeling at my feet on the floor and leans against me holding my leg. I reach over running my hand through her hair and can feel her lean even more into my touch. Man this girl is something. I’m never letting her go, and will buy her a ring today.

Once my laptop is up I start looking at ocean front properties in the northeast where there is snow also. I tap her shoulder motioning for her to get up. She jumps up climbing in my lap snuggling into me watching the screen. I slowly scroll down property by property when one catches her eye. She sits up pointing and I click on the listing. It’s an older Victorian style house that has been completely upgraded but still has the Victorian charm. It’s three stories with 12 bedrooms and 14 bathrooms. It even has a second house that’s smaller no doubt for staff.

There will be enough rooms for all the kids, and us with room to spare. We scroll through the listing photos when it shows the views from the balconies and even has a basement. It’s not right on the beach but you can see the ocean from the windows. That would be perfect for a playroom for all the kids. It’s absolutely perfect so I call on the phone to talk to the realtor, and it’s still available. I called my lawyer next to get it purchased and furnished. We will be back home in one to two weeks.

I close my laptop and just hold her. I text my men to be ready in ten minutes because we are headed out shopping. I quickly have her stand up while we finish getting dressed and get shoes on to meet my men down in the lobby of the hotel. I grab Tina’s hand and she’s looking at the ground when I tip her face to meet mine.

“We are going out in public. Walk with your head held high love, you have earned that and deserve that.”

She nods her head and we start walking when she just looks around but never says anything. I made sure our hotel was in the heart of the city so we wouldn’t need a car and could just walk everywhere. I point to a dress boutique and look at her. She just shrugs her shoulders. So I stand and ask about another clothing shop. I get the same response. I face her and walk up so I’m standing right in front of her when I see tears start to fall.

“Tina baby talk to me! Why the tears? I told you today was all about you. Why do you not want to go shopping?”

“I’ve never been spoiled like this before. I don’t want to spend your money.”

“Tina love, I want to spoil you! Let’s just go look and see if anything catches your eye.”

She nods her head and I turn to go into the dress shop. When I enter I see her looking and touching dresses and can see she is in love with it but then she looks at the tag and walks away. I stop her in her tracks.

“Tina, baby if you like something get it. Don’t look at the prices. You have no budget baby. Here I’ll show you what I like ok. I walk over to a solid black tight dress and ask what size she is. She points to the six so I grab it.

I point to a baby pink dress and she smiles. So I grabbed her size. I start pointing to floral dresses and she has started getting the hang of it. By the end she has chosen eight dresses. She goes and tries them all on showing me how they look and she looks absolutely amazing. The smile that’s on her face is worth every minute. She walks out of the dressing room handing them to me and I walk up paying for them when we head out to the next shop.

We spent all morning shopping for clothes, shoes, and purses. While we are walking around I see a jewelry shop and pull her into it. I walk her over to the rings letting her look. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist placing my chin on her shoulder when she just looks. She starts scanning by design and eyes a single diamond solitaire but then sees what price range they are and starts moving down to the cheaper area. I stop her from moving, pointing to the ring when she shakes her head no.

I have him pull it out and it fits perfectly on her finger. I nod to him and hand my card to go run for the payment. She looks at the ring then to me as tears start falling again. I pull her in close to me so I can whisper in her ear.

“Tina baby, I never thought I would ever meet anyone like you. Now that I have you I can’t imagine my life without you for one second. I want you to be mine forever, and would love it if you would marry me.”

She just shakes her head yes burying her face when the sales associate brings back my card. I quickly put it away and we grabbed some lunch before heading back to the hotel. When we entered I saw that there was a spa and walked with her while my guys took our bags to the room. When we walk in I ask about a manicure and pedicure and while she is getting them done, I walk next door to see about getting her hair done.

The moment she is done with her nails I have her follow me next door and get her hair done however she wants it done. She opted to just have some highlights done and that was ok with me. After about an hour she came out and when I saw her I couldn’t contain myself. I quickly grabbed her hand and took her to our room because she won’t be sleeping much tonight.

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