I’ve been in Basington over two weeks now, and I’ve loved being with Tia every night. We’ve spent every hour she doesn’t work together, and I can’t imagine what my life would be like without her in it. My chest hurts at the thought, the feeling completely alien to me.

But Lucas is getting antsy with the constant calls. He’s desperate for me to return home, and if I were being honest with myself, my business here is done.

The gym he sent me to is now being signed over to us, and Lucas is arranging for a new manager to take over. I was tempted to take control myself, therefore being able to stay here with Tia, but truth be told, I’m missing Lucas. I’m missing both of my brothers. As much as I know I’m falling for Tia, I also love them. They’re family, and I want her to be family too.

I’ve researched her college course, and it’s online based, so in reality, she can do it anywhere and submit her work at the college local to us.

She doesn’t need to work because I earn enough money for the both of us, but if she has issue with that, I can deal with that too. I just want her, in whatever capacity.

She’s it for me.

“You look deep in thought. Is everything okay?” Tia places down her burger and gives me her full attention. Her blue eyes stun me each time I stare into them. When she’s aroused, they go a deeper shade, yet when she’s sad, they appear to lighten. They’re unique.

“Everything’s fine, beauty. I’m just thinking about home, that’s all.”

Her face falls. “Oh.”

She quickly tries to hide the look of disappointment and panic, but I don’t miss it, and I can’t help but be hopeful that she needs me in her life as much as I need her.

“Do you need to leave soon?”

I shake my head and take another sip of my soda. “We’re good just yet.” I lie to her to subside my own feelings, not daring to risk losing her so soon into starting a relationship with her.

We’ve spent every night together, and when she has lunch hour at the diner‍—‍like today‍—‍I join her. Then, I spend my evenings growling at every asshole who dares look in her direction when she works at the club. She moaned that I was affecting her tips, so now I stuff a few hundred dollars extra in the jar each night to cover any losses.

I decide to change the subject, hiding my concerns in denial. “What time do you get off?”

“Five.” She picks at the bun, clearly just as affected with the conversation as me.

“You fancy a walk in the park when you finish? You’re not working tonight, right?”

Tia smiles at me, and my heart seems to swell at her happiness. “I’m off tonight, and that sounds amazing. Thank you.” She bends forward and pecks my lips, but I take a hold of her chin and gift my girl with my pierced tongue, deepening the kiss until her moans of pleasure vibrate against me.

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