
I turn over and stretch my arm out to scoop up my beauty, only to find the space beside me empty. Rising up on my elbows, I stare toward the bathroom door in confusion, searching for some sort of sound or clue as to where she might be.

Maybe she’s in the lounge area? I throw the covers off and ignore my junk swaying as I fly toward the door. Surely she didn’t leave, right?

The lounge is empty, and now I’m pissed. Scanning the bedroom floor, I see all her belongings are gone, she’s gone. I grind my teeth in annoyance.

Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, I dial the number I know can get me answers, because, boy, do I want answers.

Did she not understand when I told her she was special?

“What’s wrong?” My brother’s voice fills the room.

“Lucas, I lost something. Someone.”

“Fuck. Was there trouble?”

I scrub a hand through my cropped hair. “No, it was after the fight. I went to that club you mentioned, Envy, and I hooked up with a girl.”

Lucas scoffs. “Of course you fucking did.”

I roll my eyes at my brother’s response. Just because he doesn’t do random sex, he thinks it’s okay to have an opinion on my choices. Well, screw that.

“I don’t need your opinion, asshat. It’s my dick!”

“Yeah, probably riddled with all sorts of shit.”

My mind wanders back to Tia. I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve never not used a condom. I’ve always wrapped it before I tapped it. But with her, it was different, she was different. There was a spark, an energy, a connection between us that wasn’t just sexual. Maybe it’s my lack of relationship experience to feel this way, but I know deep down, something is telling me she’s mine.

“I want you to find her for me.”


“Because I like her.” I swallow away the vulnerability I feel. The first fucking girl I feel something for, and she left. In fact, scrap that, she didn’t just leave, she practically ran.

“You like her,” Lucas mimics sarcastically. He’s always like this; he doesn’t understand my need and sexual appetite, therefore, anything to do with the opposite sex, he admonishes.

I swallow away the panic trying to escape me, the silence between me and Lucas filling the room.

“What do you know about her?”

My shoulders ease slightly, knowing he’s going to help.

“Her name’s Tia. She works at the back of the bar.”

“Should be easy enough to find. Gimme twenty minutes; I’ll do a quick search and send you an address over.”

My muscles sag in relief. “Thanks.”

“Oh, and Cole? Rage wants you to check the gym out too.”

My jaw locks in frustration. Of course he does.

“Sure,” I clip back, ending the call and throwing my phone onto the bed.

When I first agreed to come to Basington, Ocean City, I was told it would be for the night. Now, it’s turning out to be a fucking week. I have my own mixed martial arts gym to run, never mind checking out all of Lucas’s and Rage’s business ventures. Their scheme to grow the business is commendable, but all I want to do is assist with training our guys. Throw in a few fights every now and again, and I’m one hell of a happy guy. Especially when the gym bunnies want my cock.

What more can a guy want?

I scrub the towel through my damp hair and pick up my phone. Lucas came through as promised, and I grin to myself as I open the attached document.

Tia’s blue eyes gleam back at me, causing my heart to jackhammer in my chest. Fuck me, she’s beautiful.

I read her credentials; Tia Jones, age twenty-one, lives at Cavendish Court, apartment 52, Basington, New Jersey.

She works as a part-time server at a local diner during the day and as a bartender at night at Club Envy.

Lucas also sent over her hours of work, so I know today she has a rest day. Perfect.

I scan over the additional information, reading that Tia also studies an online college course in art, specifically children’s illustrations. Mmm, so my girl is good at drawing.

Opening my closet, I pull out a plain white T-shirt and tug on a pair of jeans. I smile to myself as I imagine Tia’s face when she sees me at her apartment.

It’s time to go get my beauty.

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