
I move quickly in the bathroom, adjusting the package before placing it in the makeup bag. I fold the towels as always and place Cole’s boxers into the dirty wash hamper.

“Hey, brother. Are you okay?”

I turn to Cole, and he scans over me before analyzing my face. I thought I’d done a pretty good job of disguising my nervousness, but clearly not.

He stands leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, his ability to take my breath away at every turn not lost on me.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I dart my eyes away quickly, and I imagine a smug grin encompassing his face.

He breathes out deeply. I’m not sure if it’s in annoyance or uncertainty. “You seem a little . . . off this morning.”


“Yeah. You good with what happened last night?” He drags his hand over his cropped hair, suddenly uncomfortable. I rearrange his toiletries on the bathroom counter. “With us.” I turn to him, and a need to put his mind at rest hits me straight in the chest.

“I enjoyed it.” I stare into his green eyes, hoping he can see the truth behind my words. His shoulders relax, and a smile plays on his lips.

“Me too. I came so fucking hard.”

It’s my turn to smirk now because the look of euphoria on Cole’s face when he came to me saying his name was like a fucking dream. Controlling him. Controlling both of them.

My eyes shutter closed on the memory ingrained in my brain, the feeling so intense, I can feel it clawing to get out, clawing for more. More control, more of my filthy words, and the desperate need to fill her while controlling Cole’s pleasure too, then allowing him to fill Tia’s pussy. Flooding it with our cum. Our seed.

“Yeah. You’re definitely acting weird.”

I snap my gaze open to watch him turn to leave, but his absence is soon filled with Tia.

“Oh. You don’t have to tidy this bathroom, Lucas. I can do it.” She takes Cole’s shirt from the counter and dumps it in the hamper with a playful huff.

“I always do it,” I admit quietly.

Tia stops beside me. “You do?”

“I like the place clean. Cole and Rage are . . .” My words trail off while I try to think of the correct word.

“Messy?” she prompts.


Tia scoffs on a laugh but then she raises her eyebrows when she realizes I’m being serious, leading me to admit their previous plans. “They wanted a cleaner. I don’t like people in my space.”

Tia smiles softly in understanding. “Well, I can help you now. I don’t mind cleaning.” She nibbles at her lip nervously. “Maybe you should do Rage’s, though, in case he’s not comfortable with me being in his space.”

I almost want to choke on her words. Of course he’ll be comfortable with her in his space.

Who wouldn’t be?

She’s perfect.

“What time are you expecting him?” She glances back at the door, as though he’s going to walk through it at any moment.

“He’s going to be here for dinner.”

She wrings her hands with a tremble. “I hope he likes me.”

My eyes narrow because what’s not to like?

I crowd her against the wall. “As long as Cole and I like you, baby girl, that’s the main thing.”

My lips breeze over hers, and her soft fingers take hold of my jaw as I frantically unbuckle my belt with a determined need to fill her. Reassure her.

My anxiety of the situation fills me with a need to prove to her how much I want her. How much she means to me.

“Please.” She whimpers into our kiss. “Please, Daddy.” Holy fuck, my cock weeps at the term of endearment.

“Baby girl.” I push her panties aside and surge inside her warm, slick pussy.

Our tongues wrestle furiously as I take hold of her throat and press so hard, her head drops back against the wall, and her pussy clenches around me. I release her so I can suck on her neck and leave marks. I want everyone to see she belongs to me. That I did this.

I created this relationship. Me.

I come so hard I bite into her tender flesh and revel in the copper taste on my tongue, determined to leave yet another mark on her.

Just to be certain he knows she’s ours.

Staring down into her blue eyes, I can’t help but tell her one more time before it all goes to shit.

My heart hammers rapidly against my chest, and my hold on her hips tighten, scared to lose her already. “I love you, baby girl.” My words are heartfelt, filled with so much love and emotion, her eyes fill with tears. “Promise me you won’t leave and hurt him.”

Tia’s eyebrows draw together in confusion.

“Promise me you’ll love Cole, no matter what,” I beg because the thought of breaking my brother’s heart along with my own is too much to bear.

A soft smile graces her lips, and her shoulders relax.

“I love you too, Lucas.” Her fingers glide down my face and over my jaw. “You and Cole. I’ll never leave either one of you. I promise.”

Her words hit me in the chest so hard I struggle for air.

How I’ve longed to hear those words. I’ve been desperate to hear them, to feel the warmth when they fall from her lips and seep into my bones, and today, of all days, she uses them without realizing those very words are a lie.

Because by the end of today, Tia will hate me.

There’s not a doubt in my mind.

I can only hope she’ll love Cole enough for the both of us.

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