I scrutinize Cole’s face. His muscles are bunched tight across his shirt, and his jaw clenches. I know I’ve hurt him. That I insulted him when I said I wanted my cum to be for Tia.

But it’s true, it was meant for her.

My first time was meant for her, not him.

I stare at him, his eyes soften, and the anger behind them slowly dissipates when my words appear to register.

I snap my eyes away, unwilling to see the sympathy behind them.

Clearing my throat, I decide to change the subject. “The guy I’ve hired to investigate the Lancasters has said the husband”‍—‍I search the email on the screen‍—‍“Timothy Lancaster is a crooked senator. Unable to have children of his own. They originally were going to take Tia and Harper, but instead decided on only accepting Harper. We’ve come to the same conclusion, they figured she’d give Harper up without a fight. They offered her numerous payments.”

Cole’s spine straightens and his fists pump in anger.

“Obviously, she refused each and every time. The investigator has said they’ve made it pretty hard for her every step of the way.”


I glance up at Cole. “Yeah. I’m proud of her.”

“They seem—” Cole pauses for a moment, as if deep in thought. “Quite old.”

My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I glance back at the information sent and shake my head. “He’s forty-two, and she’s thirty-eight.”

Cole scoffs. “She is not thirty-eight, brother.” His eyes bug out. “Seriously, Lucas. Look into it more, but I’m telling you, she is not thirty-eight.”

My mind begins to wander. Maybe they put down a younger age on the form so they stand a better chance of gaining custody of Harper?

“Okay, I’ll have him investigate that too.”

“When’s Rage back? It’s like you sent the poor dude on a road trip to bumfuck nowhere. He’s been blowing up my phone, pissed you’re arranging more things for him.”

My body tightens at Cole’s words. I brush an uneasy hand through my hair, my throat suddenly feeling dry and my chest constricting.

“Wednesday, next week.”

Cole, oblivious to my internal meltdown, checks his phone. “Good. I’m fed up with having to run the gym and the club. I want some time with Tia.” He gazes up from his phone and stares at me. A heavy thickness of longing hangs in the air, an undercurrent of sexual tension. I can read his mind, hear what he’s saying without him actually saying it. Without him uttering a single word. “And you, I want you too.”

I nod in understanding.

Cole stands and brushes his palms over his legs, and my eyes track the movement. His thick thighs fill his jeans tightly.

When he clears his throat, I snap my gaze up toward his cocky grin. “I’ll see you later, brother.” He winks before leaving the office, leaving me with a rock-hard cock and a mind full of uncertainty.

How far am I willing to go?

How far will he let me?

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