
As soon as we step foot inside the apartment, I’m on her like a wild animal. I push up her dress and free my cock from my jeans with vigor.

Seeing Lucas dressed up for her made me hungry for them both, her to fuck and him to fuck with. The intense arousal at the thought of my brother wanting her as much as I do makes my cock ache with desperation.

I pepper messy kisses down her neck.

“Mark her,” he snaps from beside me. He’s standing so close I can smell his cologne, the one I bought him last Christmas, the one he knows I like.

I tug her skin between my teeth and pull savagely. A gasp of pain leaves her lips, but when I scan her face, all I see is arousal.

Tia grabs my face in one hand and pulls my open mouth to hers, sucking on my tongue, toying with my piercing eagerly.

“Beauty,” I pant the word out, unsure of the reason, just because.

The moment my hand reaches my cock, my eyes close in pleasure.

“Get it out, let us see,” Lucas hisses beside me.

I flick my eyes toward his, his transfixed on us both. His solid erection protrudes from his dress pants.

Let us see. His words echo in my mind. He said us. He wants us. Both of us. The thought sends my balls throbbing, and my cock begins to leak pre-cum.

I drop my jeans and boxers, sending them down to my feet. I flick off my shoes and socks and kick my clothes to the side. Tia pulls my top over my head, and now I’m fully naked. Every muscle and ridge is tight with need for her. And him.

“Fuck,” he hisses through his teeth, making me have the sudden urge to hoist Tia up against the wall and plunge into her wet heat. Her head falls back against the wall as I begin pounding into her tight little pussy.

“Fuck, that’s it. Fuck her hard.”

“Jesus. You like that, Lucas? You like watching me fuck our woman hard?” I pant the words out as I grind my cock into her.

“More,” she begs.

I grip her throat, knowing that turns him on, and on hearing his belt buckle clang, my balls draw up, making me squeeze my eyes shut and forcing my movements to stutter, hoping my orgasm doesn’t happen just yet.

I thrust up hard into her, and my piercing rubs her favorite spot, making her respond by clenching around me.

“That’s it, fuck her.” He spits the words out with malice.

I concentrate on my girl‍—‍our girl‍—‍as I fuck her senseless. Her nails dig into my shoulders as she clings to me, her pussy saturating my cock.

“Dirty girl likes to be fucked while my brother watches,” I whisper in her ear.

Tia grips my cock harder, her muscles pulling me in.

“You like being watched. Getting fucked like a whore.” I nip at her ear.

“Her tits.” I hear him swallow hard. “Play with her tits.”

“Fuck, Lucas. I’ve only got two fucking hands. Come play with them yourself,” I snap back at him.

I hear him fumbling beside me, making me snap my eyes toward him. My shoulders slacken slightly when I see him buckle his belt back up.

His eyes meet mine, darkness and anger radiating from them. Holy fucking shit. I’ve never seen him so pissed.

My movements have stopped completely, and a tremble works over Tia’s body.

Lucas looms behind me, stepping so close, I can feel his shirt against my back. He makes a sudden flash movement, and before I can register what he’s doing, he grips the back of my neck in his hand and forces my head down.

“I said play with her fucking tits. Bite them.” His words are deadly, dark, cold.

His dominance completely consumes him. And I let it. I give into his desires.

My eyes glance up from below my lashes toward Tia. She licks her lips in response to us, and her chest heaves slightly. She’s turned on. I snap the straps of her dress in my palms, setting her tits free.

Tia throws her head back in pleasure the moment my teeth graze her flesh. I nip and suck while she moans and holds my head in place, and Lucas holds my neck. His rough, tight grip bites into my pulse points, sending a sick need to punish Tia through me. I slam into her harder, sending her head flying back and hitting the wall.

“Oh god, Cole. I’m going to . . .”

“Come, Tia. Come on his cock. Milk his cock for him like a good girl.”

His words and Tia’s viselike grip on my cock send my orgasm spiraling. As if sensing my release, Lucas grips me tighter. “Suck.”

One word, and I explode, flooding her pussy and sending drips down my balls. I stumble forward, pushing her harder into the wall.

Her orgasm milks my cock dry.

He releases my neck, and I stand tall once again. My eyes take a moment to refocus, but I’m automatically aware he’s no longer there. The moment his fingers left me, I knew he’d be gone, like he was never here to begin with.

“Is he okay?” Tia stares down the corridor, and when his door slams shut, it makes her jump. Tears fill her eyes, and I want to strangle the prick for hurting her. For hurting me too.

I gently kiss her lips.

“He’s gone to bash one out,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

She gives me a sad smile that I want to erase forever.

I swallow harshly, overcome with the emotions of the night. “I love you.”

Now her smile broadens into a genuine one, one that makes my chest swell like I’m the best motherfucker in the world.

“I love you, too.”

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