
After showing Tia the ginormous bathroom, I went in search of Lucas. I’d heard a door slam down the hall and knew he was back and no doubt stewing.

Opening his office door, I step inside without knocking. His eyes snap up to meet mine from above his computer.

“I’ve ordered Chinese, and we’re going to watch a movie. Are you going to join us?”

He pauses and stares at me with such intensity, I shuffle uncomfortably on the spot. I hate it when he does this, withdraws from me. “Come on, Lucas. Don’t be like this.” I wince at the pleading tone in my voice.

Lucas’s gray eyes drill into mine. He’s pissed, but I’m not even sure why.

Before he finally exhales, the silence between us is deafening.

“I haven’t seen you in weeks.” He spits the words out with vitriol. “You left.” His words hang in the air.

I left and came back with someone, someone I love. Possibly more than him. He thinks it but refuses to say it.

“Then you fuck her on the dining table you expect me to eat at?” His cold eyes should unnerve me, but they don’t. I’m used to his unfeeling, detached demeanor.

I chuckle to myself. “I knew you’d be watching. I thought you’d like that.” I grin at the gift I handed to him on a silver platter, fresh material for his spank bank. “Next time, I’ll make sure she faces the other way. You should see her come, brother.” My cock swells in my jeans at the mere thought. Lucas doesn’t miss the action either; his eyes flick to my cock, then quickly back up to my face as though completely unfazed.

If he could just give in . . .

“I’m not hungry.” He snaps his mouth shut, making me scoff at his juvenile attitude.

“Sure you’re not. You can sit here pretending you don’t want a taste of my girl’s pussy all you like, but we both know you do.”

I turn on my heel and make my way into the kitchen.

If only he would give in.

Everything would be perfect.

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