Chapter 271 Good Idea 

“The outcome mustn’t be left uncertain,” Kallum interrupted. “But the interference device is a good idea. Have Quintus modify it to ensure that the disease detector will show a green light during the test.” 

“Understood!” Quintus replied and quickly left. Modifying the detector would take time, so he needed to act fast. 

“They might use other testing methods, Calista said, sounding hesitant. “Blood tests are not the only tools. They could use test strips or other non–electronic devices. In that case, the interference device would be useless. 

Her concern was valid, but time was pressing. Kallum had to announce the press conference to calm the public before figuring out a foolproof plan as delaying further would only make things worse for him. 

Hearing that the Fairchild family would hold a press conference and that Kallurn was willing to undergo a public blood test at the hospital, the protesters calmed down considerably. 

With the conference set for the day after tomorrow, they decided to wait, as making a fuss now seemed pointless. 

However, Harvey held his own press conference first. 

He feared the Fairchild family might kill him in anger before their conference if he didn’t appear in front of the public as soon as possible. Besides, to create momentum, he needed to release a statement first and sway public opinion quickly. 

He portrayed himself as a victim who knew the truth but was silenced by the Fairchild family, causing a huge stir in Horington. 

Everyone closely followed the developments, particularly focusing on Harvey. 

In the hospital ward, reporters swarmed around Harvey. 

“Mr. Wolford, is what you said true? Were you targeted by the Fairchild family because you discovered the truth?” 

Although most reporters were cautious, the Murray family was somewhat influential. To seek revenge for losing two ports, they got a few reporters from various radio stations and news agencies to interview Harvey. Besides, as the matter had escalated, the state also started an investigation. Thus, some reporters who thought that the Fairchild family was doomed immediately went there to interview Harvey. 

Looking haggard and miserable, Harvey spoke weakly but passionately in front of numerous microphones. “That is right! Kallum was infected with the K Virus a year ago. Calista has been keeping him alive. I accidentally discovered his secret, which led to my current situation…” 

He continued pitifully. “This concerns everyone’s lives. To verify it, I had a friend secretly obtain the water used during Kallum’s blood test. It was not pure water! My friend tested it with a strip, and it changed color! If Kallum was fine, why tamper with the water? Unfortunately, my friend could not smuggle the evidence out of Fairchild Mandr 

Reporters snapped photos frantically. Someone asked, “Are you implying that Ms. Calista Stafford knows a Tar shout the V Virus and has agnethed in nealong the lives of infarted nationtr 


1 Coin 

711 +137 

1 Pearls 

12:28 Wed, 5 Jun 

Chapter 271 Good Ideal 


“Exactly! Calista definitely has such a method but refuses to reveal it. So many people have been isolated because of Kallum, and their fates are uncertain. Yet, she hides the cure just for Kallum. It is heartless!” 

“Why would she do that? Shouldn’t she publish her findings?” 

Harvey sneered. “Perhaps you out–of–town reporters do not know, but Calista was betrothed to Kallum from a young age. She always loved him, but he didn’t feel the same, so they never had an official engagement. Yet, a year ago, Kallum’s attitude toward her changed abruptly. It is suspicious! And they say women are blind in love. She was already infatuated with Kallum. Now, being sweet–talked by him, not only would she turn a blind eye to those dying, she’d probably even defend Kallum if he were to twist the truth!” 

As he spoke indignantly, he secretly gloated. This is perfect! I am setting the narrative first, so if Calista presents her research findings later, people will only accuse her of letting people die. If she presents her findings now to save lives, it is as good as admitting she has a way to prolong the lives of K Virus patients, indirectly confirming my suspicions. Anyway, whatever Calista does at this point is wrong! 

Harvey was stirring up trouble regardless of the consequences. 

He had nothing left to fear now. Things had reached a point of no return, all he could do was to make a big 


Twelve people in Horington were infected. Barring any surprises, they would die in a month. Twelve lives could not just go unaccounted for. 

On the day Kallum held the press conference, the state would send someone to inspect. In other words, if Kallum had any issues, he would definitely not escape isolation, and the Fairchild family’s reputation would suffer greatly as a result! 

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