Chapter 265 Still Not Sure About Your Feelings 

He took a deep breath and urged her once more. As if the deep affection in his eyes was about to overflow, he gently caressed Calista’s face with his burning hot palm. 

“You were willing to reveal your medical skills for me, risk danger in Corleon for me, and forsake your reputation for me. Even knowing my situation, you were still willing to make enemies for my sake. Callie, are you still not sure about your feelings?” 

It was clear to me that you loved me deeply, so why didn’t you say it? Kallunt’s feelings were a bittersweet mix at the thought of that 

Calista was somewhat exasperated. Matters like these usually take their own course, so why is Kallum so interested? 

Seeing Kallum looking at her with anticipation, Calista had no choice but to say, “Yes, you are a very important person to me. Satisfied?” 

She wasn’t lying, though. If it weren’t for leveraging Kallum’s influence, she would likely still be engaged in a power struggle with the Stafford family and Quincy. Instead, in such a short span of time, she had effortlessly trampled all her enemies underfoot. 

A very important person? That’s not enough! That’s simply not enough! 

Kallum’s agitation heightened. He opened his mouth, then tightly closed it, opened it again, only to close it tightly once more. 

In the end, he forcefully loosened his tie, surrendering to his emotions, and given up on himself, “Can’t you just say ‘I love you?” 

Calista was taken aback. How did the conversation suddenly shift to this? 

Kallum forcefully lifted her face. 

ld out loud as if he had 

“I’m not one for beating around the bush. Your actions have already said it all. Why can’t you be a bit sweeter with your words, huh?” 

Calista blinked and stepped back in slight frustration as she asked, “Are you out of your mind?” 

Kallum was visibly tense, and his eyes held a thousand unspoken words. However, they were all in vain. when faced with someone who was unromantic. 

How could I possibly be attracted to a woman like Calista? 

Secing his face turn red with anger, Calista couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. “Sweeter? All right, then. I’ll make it sweeter next time. Now, off to bed with you!” 

Her stunning smile and nonchalant words left Kallum deeply unsatisfied. With one hand, he effortlessly pinned Calista between the wall and his body. 

“Is it really that hard to say you love me?” 

“You’re acting a bit off tonight…” Calista shook her head and got ready to wriggle out from under his arm



1 Coin 1 Pearls 

Chapter 265 Still Not Sure About Your Feelings 

His deep violet eyes were fixed on her, unwavering. It was this face that haunted his dreams every night, a sight he could never get enough of. 

The atmosphere was a bit intimate, but Calista remained unfazed. After all, Kallum couldn’t possibly do anything to her. She had also grown accustomed to his endearing gestures like kisses and hugs. 

She even went on to say, “If you desire intimacy, could we possibly not do it in this position? It’s me discomfort. 


Kallum felt somewhat disheartened. He couldn’t detect a shred of affection from her joking tone and the look in her eyes. It wasn’t like before, when Calista’s Ka 

always seemed to hold substance. 

In the past, he could sense Calista sneakily watching him without even needing to look back. Her fervent gaze was so intense that it could make one’s skin tingle. 

Back then, he would always glare back fiercely. But now, he wished that Calista could look at him again with that same gaze. It was a gaze filled with deep love, as if he was the only person in the world to her. 

“I can’t see through your thoughts at all now…” 

Kallum’s voice was a hushed murmur, laced with a hint of helplessness. 

He looked at her with a complex gaze, then reached out, gently using his fingertips to tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. 

“You have no idea how excited I was tonight when you told me you were carrying my child… Oh, how much I wished…” 

His gaze gradually lowered, coming to rest on Calista’s stomach. 

“How much I wished you were truly carrying my child.” 

The smile on Calista’s face gradually faded, turning into a serious expression. 

The atmosphere between the two suddenly grew tense. Calista studied him intently for a moment before a smile slowly returned to her face. 

“I understand why you harbor such thoughts. When one’s own life and death are beyond control, the idea of a new life being born seems almost like a continuation of one’s own existence.” 

She looked straight into Kallum’s eyes, her tone serious yet slightly aloof as she continued, “But what I will tell you is, you must have faith in me, and in yourself. I will cure you, so you won’t need to rely on having a child to prolong your life.” 

“No, it’s not like that! You simply don’t understand!” Kallum bit his lower lip, looking at her with a complex expression. 

He then took a deep breath, whispering into Calista’s ear in the softest of tones, 

“I simply wished for you to bear a child. If only I hadn’t made you take that pill after our first time, or performed that reconstruction surgery out of spite. Perhaps you could be carrying my child from that 

moment on!” 



1 Coink 

1 Pearls 

Chapter 265 Still Not Sure About Your Feelings 

“I understand that my thoughts were selfish, but all I wished for was that you were carrying my child at that time. I truly wanted a child, one that belonged solely to us.” 

As Kallum spoke, he held onto Calista’s hand tightly. 



For the past two decades, he had never entertained the thought of marriage. The idea was too wild, considering his youth. Among the powerful and influential people in the world, it was rare for marry before they hit thirty, and having children came even later. Of course, illegitimate children didn’t count. But now, as he held her hand, imagining a child of their own, he felt an unexpected sense of fulfillment in life. 

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