Chapter 204 We Have Found Them 

At that moment, Kallum was on the brink of losing his mind. If it weren’t for his physical limitations, he would have taken matters into his own hands, 

Luckily, they had useful equipment on their plane. Otherwise, if they had to move the stones one by one, Kallum would have definitely gone mad. 

During the rescue, Levi, his forehead slick with sweat, reported on the latest situation. 

At that time, the individual intended to take Jarrett, who was nearest to him, down with him. Had it not been for Calista’s timely reaction, Jarrett would have undoubtedly perished in the explosion. 

Kallum’s lips were tightly pursed. His deep gaze stared at Levi in a hostile manner. 

“What were you doing at that time? All ten of you couldn’t even react as quickly as a single woman?” 

The ten Parker Guards, who had accompanied Calista, all knelt down on one knee, feeling that they had failed. 

At that time, the cave was bustling with activity. Those who were injured were being cared for by the medical staff brought by Kallum, while the deceased had been removed. Fearing that the recent explosion might cause a secondary cave collapse, Kallum’s team had even reinforced the supports. 

The people under Jarrett’s command were helping to move the stones, so these ten individuals had no choice but to follow orders. 

Kallum, however, didn’t have time to lecture them. 

“All of you will be demoted when we get back. The Fairchild family has no need for trash!” 


Upon hearing this, the ten individuals present were all taken aback. The Fairchild family’s guards were divided into three ranks. Excluding the ordinary hired help, there were three major groups with different last names who had been nurtured by the family over the generations–Gauche Guards, Destra Guards, Parker Guards, and Ludlow Guards. If they were demoted to the Lutllow Guards, all their years of hard work would be in vain, leaving them no place to showcase their martial skills. 

Levi Parker… Or rather Levi Ludlow, despite his disappointment, still had to say what needed to be said. 

“Mr. Kallum… Ms. Calista’s belongings are still inside. Just now, Sterling had rushed in and must have contracted the virus because he will definitely pass the lab. Ms. Calista is hell–bent on killing him, so what are your plans?” 

When Kalluin let out a cold huff, Gunner stepped forward with his men, saying, “Mr. Kallum, I’m on it.” 

When they arrived, they quickly learned of the situation there and had put on protective gear beneath their clothes. 

Kallum turned to Ryder and said, “Gunner will capture him, while you lead a team to search for any other exits that might be useful for transporting supplies. If there aren’t any, find a suitable location to create one. We can blast an exit if necessary.” 

13:21 Fri, 31 May M 

Chapter 204 We Have Found Them 

After giving out all the necessary orders, he intently watched the cave–in before him, a growing sense of urgency slowly filling his eyes, 

Dmn it, Calista, I won’t allow anything to happen to you! 

At that moment, due to Kallum’s decisive actions, the government of Corleon was immediately informed. They sent representatives to get in contact but couldn’t figure out their intentions. Nevertheless, given the significant influence of the Fairchild family, they could only keep a close watch, not daring to offend them. 

As time gradually passed, Jarrett finally caught a glimpse of light. 

“We’ve found them!” 

Upon hearing the shout. Kallum hurried forward. Seeing a large rock that had shielded them, he deduced they should be unharmed underneath it. A sigh of relief escaped him. He decided to wait for Calista to emerge before giving her a piece of his mind. 

Upon seeing their imminent rescue, Jarrett felt a sense of relief. Yet, a wave of melancholy washed over him. After all, this was the only time in his life he had been intimately close to the woman he cherished. 

“Get yourself together. We’re about to leave.” 

Jarrett spoke softly to Calista, but Calista did not respond to him. 


She still didn’t respond. At this point, Jarrett panicked, yelling out, “Kallum, hurry up! Calista has lost too much blood. She’s unconscious!” 

His voice came through clearly, startling Kallum. “How is she?” 

At that moment, Jarrett didn’t have the luxury of time to think. “Her back is injured. I don’t know the specifics!” 

Kallum turned to Quintus and said, “Bring the stretcher over, quickly!” 

As he couldn’t see his beloved who was still trapped under the stone slab, frustration consumed Kallum, so much so that he wished he could drag Jarrett out and give the latter a good beating. 

“I can see them!” 

Kallum quickly said, “Be gentle! Don’t hurt her!” 

The massive stone was gradually pried open, revealing the Calista’s blood–stained back. Kallum drew a sharp breath, his gaze burning with murderous intent. 

Jarrett was already feeling somewhat numb from the pressure when suddenly, a light appeared before his eyes. Before he could react, the person in his arms was carefully lifted away by Kallum. 

Although Jarrett was saved, watching the retreating figure of Kallum after he snatched his beloved away felt as if a piece of his heart had been carved out. 


escent still lingered on him, but she was already 


Chapter 204 We Have Found Them 


“Mr. Jarrett, are you alright?” One of Jarrett’s subordinates exclaimed with relief before rushing over to 

assist him. 

Jarrett nodded. “Do you have a smoke?” 

His subordinate was stunned. He didn’t smoke much back home, so why has this habit intensified since he arrived in Corleon? 

However, he didn’t overthink it and promptly lit a cigarette for Jarrett. 

Since Jarrett wasn’t really injured, he simply sat on the pile of stone and smoked. 

One of his subordinates reported, “Mr. Jarrett, the remaining three individuals from Sterling’s side have been successfully restrained. We’ve also conducted a body check and found no issues. How would you like us to proceed?” 

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