Chapter 184 I Cannot Win With You 

“It was you who forced me… You despicable person!” Kallum began searching for his phone. We haven’t finished our conversation. I want to see what excuses she’s going to make. 

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. He swung the door open with a terrifying expression on his face, and the person outside immediately straightened his back while holding a phone in his hands. 

“Mr… M–Mr. Kallum, Ms Stafford is on the line… 

Kallum grabbed the phone, fixing Julian with an icy stare. “How does she have your number?” 

Julian was on the verge of tears. This isn’t my phone! And even if it was, I wouldn’t dare to have any contact with her privately! 

The same thought crossed Kallum’s mind. He snorted coldly and slammed the door shut, almost hitting Julian’s nose

Feeling distressed, Julian could not help thinking that it was no wonder Ryder refused to come and shoved him into the line of fire instead. They’re too cruel! 

Meanwhile, Kallum drew a deep breath before saying into the phone irritably, “What else do you want to say? 

A soft, rustling sound came from the other end of the line. It seemed that Calista had just turned over. 

“I wanted to see if you’ve calmed down. I’m actually still quite afraid of you getting angry,” came her reply. 

He sneered. “You say you’re afraid of me getting angry? If you did, you wouldn’t dare to act like this!” 

Her lips curved into a smile. Then, she quickly changed the subject. “Are you threatening me?” 

There was a moment’s silence as he tightened his grip on the phone. “I’m not.” 

“You are. Just a moment ago, you didn’t even want to hear my voice and smashed your phone,” she responded, analyzing the situation logically and systematically. Finally, she said in a serious tone, “I’m absolutely heartbroken right now.” 

Kallum started to feel nervous, his anger subsiding the moment he heard that she was upset. As a man, I shouldn’t be petty with a woman. Should I apologize to her first to appease her? But wouldn’t it be humiliating to do s when she’s the one in the wrong? 

“You don’t even want to sweet–talk me anymore. It seems I’ve fallen out of favor,” she uttered with a sigh. 

“Calista!” He paused for a moment before continuing, “You… Stop messing around!” 

“I could, but you need to say something nice to me. Otherwise, I’ll get angry and might just storm off and never come back.” 

“Don’t joke about something like that!” 

“Well, then, are you going to sweet–talk me?” she asked. 

He stared at her wordlessly. This infuriating woman! I just can’t win with her! 


Chapter 184 1 Cannot Win With Your 

After glancing around and making sure that no one else was around, he said reluctantly, “I’m not angry. I’m just… scared. I don’t want you out of my sight.” 

Then, his tone grew serious. “Sometimes, I don’t even want you to go to class.” 

She giggled. “Why? Is it because I’m not scared of you at all that you’re particularly attached to me?” 

He sighed and answered in a helpless voice, “Why? Do I even need to explain? While I’m alive, I hope the first person I see every day is you. And if I die, the person I hope to see in my final moments is still you.” 

It made her chuckle softly to hear him utter romantic things so seriously. “The reason I’m in Corleon is so that you can… see me every day.” 

“I’d rather die than let you risk your life,” he said earnestly. Had I been willing to let her take risks, I wouldn’t have given up on getting the antibody injection to go and save her. 

“But what am I to do? I even gave you the thumb ring my grandmother gave me. If you were to die, who else could I possibly marry?” she asked. 

“You! You…” Kallum’s eyes suddenly sparkled. After all this time, it’s the first time she has ever mentioned anything about her feelings and given me a response! 

What about me? I can’t win with you. Why am I forever entangled with you?” Calista asked in frustration. Yet, deep down, she knew the answer. She had long lost the ability to fall for anyone else. However, Kallum was different because of her feelings for him that had spanned over two decades in her previous life. How could I simply forget all of that after twenty years of yearning? 

Suppressing his excitement, he finally let out a snort and replied, “It’s clear that I’m the one who can’t win with you. 

“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of myself here and go back once a month. You’re not allowed to follow 


Her words hit Kallum like a bucket of cold water, and he gritted his teeth. “Don’t tell me that was why you uttered all those sweet remarks, was it? Do you think that’ll make me leave you be over there? I’m going to make a call right now to have someone bring you back!” 

“I’m afraid you’ll only end up disappointed,” she said regretfully. “I have the thumb ring you gave me. They obey you, but they also obey me.” 


“That’s all I have to say. Wait patiently for me to return. Remember, nothing comes to those who are disobedient.” With that, she ended the call. 

“Darn it…” he muttered while clutching the disconnected phone. He was furious, yet he could not stop a smile from tugging on his lips. Did she mean that she put herself at risk without hesitation just so she could be with me? That d*mned woman! Yet why can’t I bring myself to hate her? 

Thinking about how impossible she was, he swiftly made a phone call. 

“Prepare the jet. I’m going to Corleon,” he instructed before hanging up. Sure she can take risks alone, but it has to be under my watchful eye! 

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. He furrow his brows. It must be Dad. Does she genuinely think that 



Chapter 1841 Cannot Win With You 

getting my father involved can sway met That’s simply too naive. 

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