Chapter 164 Crumbled Self Control 

Calista closed her eyes, her thoughts wandering away. 

The selection of a mentor was imminent, offering her the opportunity to identify deficiencies and gradually refine the thoughts swirling in her mind. As for the future, she had her plans. Once Kalluma recovered from his illness, she intended to establish her own research center since she had a fondness for medical research. Of course, all of this was contingent on her dealing with those pesky individuals first. 

Images of her adversaries, both known and unknown, flashed in her mind, one by one. Calista opened her eyes, her gaze icy cold. 

Striking a deal with the Fairchilds is a wise decision. At least those enemies can’t do anything to me for now. That said, I should still establish my own influence, in case I fall out with the Fairchilds in the future. It’s unwise to put all of one’s qges in a basket. 

After washing up, Calista wiped her body dry, gathered her energy, and prepared to perform acupuncture on Kallum. The thought that his life was in her hands brought a mischievous grin to her face. She reached out to grab the neatly folded pajamas. 


Calista picked it up to see. The pajamas she used to wear had always been of a conservative and adorable style, and it was clear the butler had prepared them. But this silk slip nightgown; isn’t this a little too excessive? It’s obviously too seductive! 

She glanced at the dirty clothes she threw on the floor, then picked up the bathroom phone to call Paul. 

Extreme guilt engulfed Paul. He knew Calista would come looking for him, so he had prepared his excuses 

in advance. 

“C… Clothes? Oh… It’s like this. Mr. Kallum feels it’s been rather cold recently, so we’ve adjusted the indoor temperature from sixty–eight degrees Fahrenheit to eighty–two degrees Fahrenheit. I took the liberty to change the pajamas, and all the old ones have been discarded…” he said seriously. 

Calista frowned. “Buy some more clothes, then. I prefer the style from before.” 

Sweat poured down Paul’s forehead. “I… I can’t make that decision. We need to consult Mr. Kallum first…” 

For the first time, he rudely hung up the phone after saying those words, praying that Calista wouldn’t call again. 

Indeed, Calista didn’t call back. She stared at the phone in her hand, her eyebrows raised in 

contemplation, but eventually gave up, changed into a fresh set of pajamas, and started blow–drying her 


She was curious to see what exactly Kallum was planning to do

When Calista emerged, Kallum’s gaze was immediately drawn to her. The steamy mist had lent a touch of rosiness to her overly pale skin and her damp hair clung to her silk nightgown. The nightgown, tailored to fit her measurements, accentuated her figure perfectly. It was no doubt pajamas, but a rather sexy one. 

Initially, Kallum merely wanted to have a feast for his eyes. Not being able to touch was already a severe punishment in itself, so he sought to comfort himself in another way. 


Chapter 164 Chrambled Self Control 

Little did he imagine that this approach would cause his much–prided self–control to crumble in an Instant. His Adam’s apple bobbed continuously, and only then did he remember that he had no self- control in front of Calista! 

Pleasure filled Calista at the sight of Kallum’s reaction. With a chilly expression on her face, she walked over, stood before him, and looked down at him with her arms crossed over her chest, exuding an air of regal dominance. 

“Is this outfit your idea? What are you trying to achieve?” 

Kallum tried to divert his gaze, eventually settling on her face. Under the glow of the lights, her pupils shone brighter than a multitude of stars. His breath hitched, almost as if a hand had delicately grasped his 


His gaze, no doubt, carried the look of infatuation. 

“L… I just thought you’d look good this way.” 

His voice was extremely raspy. Compared to Calista’s icy demeanor, his blood was circulating rapidly, almost like it was blazing with flames, 

Calista raised an eyebrow, her expression far from pleasant. 

“So, you want to look because you can’t touch? Kallum, aren’t you perhaps a bit too desperate, hmm?” 

Her high–pitched voice toward the end of the sentence instantly set Kallum’s ears on fire, and her calling his name simply sent a strange thrilling sensation through his entire body. Have I been driven to abnormality by something that’s beyond my reach

Seeing Kallum shut his eyes in frustration, Calista leaned in closer. Her long hair cascaded down his knees, a cool fragrance wafting in the air. 

“You look like you’re really desperate,” she concluded. 

Sure enough, the very next second, she was abruptly pulled into the arms of the man who was longing for 


He was breathing heavily next to her ear, and in a nearly frantic manner, he uttered, “Don’t move!” 

He tightened his grip, let go, then tightened it again. 

His voice was hoarse, almost as if being scorched by fire. “Let me hold you for a moment. Just a moment!” 

If possible, Calista would have wholeheartedly agreed. In her opinion, Kallum’s current state of mind was perilous. 

He might’ve suppressed himself too much because of his illness, resulting in him having such extreme desires. It’s normal for one to be more radical when their life is under threat. Some would choose to suppress their emotions, some inflict harm upon others, while others simply accept their fate. It’s obvious Kallum is the kind that chooses to suppress himself. The burden of his family alone has already left him gasping for breath. If he dies, it wouldn’t just affect him, so how would he dare die in such a circumstance? And with that extreme repression, it’s only right he needs an outlet to vent his feelings. So, from how things are now, it seems like he’s venting it on me, huh? Perhaps it’s because I’m the only one who’s willing to approach him, or maybe there are other reasons, but clearly, this situation is putting me in great danger. 



Her Vengeful Rebirth 

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