Chapter 98 An Act or A Plot

After midnight, the banquet finally came to an end and guests left one by one. As the host, Bethan had to accompany Raymond till the end.

"It's late now. Mr. Zavala, Mrs. Zavala, go back and have a rest early." In the end, Adriel bid farewell to them in a natural tone and turned around and left.

He was still as composed as if he didn't know her. Bethany secretly inhaled a cold breath, feeling herself pathetic yet at the same time thought this was the best situation. They were like strangers who wouldn't bother each other when they met again.

After seeing off all the guests, Bethany followed Raymond into the car. She knew that he had seen through everything. She thought he would question her angrily. However, much to her surprise, he looked very calm.

He didn't ask her about anything. A soothing light song was being played in the car. Since he didn't speak, Bethany also remained silent.

He stopped the car downstairs of her apartment and said to her, "You must have gotten tired today. Go back and have a rest early."

"Okay. You should also rest early." With that, Bethany pushed open the door and got out of the car. Then she stood by the roadside and watched him drive away.

She felt uneasy as Raymond didn't ask about anything. It was already late at night and the two kids had fallen asleep. Seeing that Ainsley was still awake, Bethany asked, "It's so late, Ainsley. Why haven't you gone to bed?"

"I sleep less as I'm getting old." Looking at Bethany's gown, Ainsley smiled amiably as she was very proud of her."

Lisa, you look very beautiful in this gown."

Bethany only replied with a light smile. Then Ainsley asked again, "How's today's banquet? You haven't been engaged in such an occasion for years. Were you used to it?"

"I have no problem with this. It's just that..."

As Ainsley was not an outsider and she was the only person whom she could pour out to, Bethany continued, "I saw Adriel."

"What?" Ainsley was very shocked when she heard the name. "Why was that jerk suddenly back? Did he attend the banquet too?"

Bethany nodded and answered honestly, "And he's now Raymond's business partner. I vaguely heard that he has made achievements in his career and is now a senior executive of Ocean Construction."

"This scumbag has always been ruthless in his pursuit of career development." Ainsley got excited at the mention of this. "Your father was right, that he made you his girlfriend because he wanted to make use of your identity as the eldest daughter of the Hamilton family so that he could get promoted in the company. Although your father was not satisfied with him in the beginning, he trusted him very much later. However, he disappeared when your family was in trouble. This man really lacks conscience!"

Every time when they talked about Adriel, Ainsley would get angrier than Bethany and couldn't help but curse at him. After finishing those words, she looked toward Bethany nervously and stopped as she was afraid that Bethany might feel sad. She asked, "How did he react when he saw you?"

"No reaction. He acted as if he didn't know me." Bethany then let out a sigh and forced a relaxed smile as she continued, "This is the best result. No matter if he was pretending or not, it should be the best choice for us to take each other as a stranger."

"It's so great that you can think it this way. Lisa, Mr. Zavala treats you well, so don't do silly things."

"I understand," Bethany replied with a nod. She felt uneasy because Raymond didn't ask her about anything tonight. But meanwhile, she also felt thankful for it. She decided to tell him everything about her pas when he was free.

Raymond didn't go back home tonight. Instead, he directly slept in the longue of the company. Standing before the windows, he could see the window of Bethany's bedroom and he found her bedroom was still lit.

It must be a sleepless night for her as she had suddenly met her ex again.

Raymond got angry at the thought of this and drew the curtains. His mind was occupied with images of her calling Adriel and the scene when she told him her husband had passed away. And he was also sleepless the whole night.

Early in the next morning, Morgan found Raymond was already in the office when he came to his office to report his work."

Morning, Mr. Zavala." Morgan walked into his office and handed a supplementary agreement. "This is the supplementary agreement we signed with Ocean Construction. Please take a look, Mr. Zavala." Raymond quickly skimmed through the agreement. Although there weren't any major issues, he still instructed, "There are some problems in this supplementary agreement. Call Adriel and ask him to come over."

Okay, Mr. Zavala." Morgan immediately called Adrie.

Adriel wasted no time and arrived in 15 minutes. He sat across Raymond and asked, "Which clauses in the supplementary agreement do you find unsuitable, Mr. Zavala?"

"Not big deals. It's just that we need to modify some details." Raymond handed the supplementary agreement to him and Adriel saw some marks on it.

"Okay. I'll ask them to amend it as soon as I come back," Adriel promised in a hurry.

Raymond sneered coldly and asked as if he was trying to start a casual conversation, "Mr. Tucker, I heard from you that your girlfriend is now in Parkville. Is it true?" Adriel remained calm when he heard this question. He replied with composure, "Yes."

"I'm curious what kind of woman can make you miss her till now."

Adriel curled up his lips into a smile and replied, "She's just an ordinary girl. But as the saying goes, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And I think she's very perfect." "How about comparing her with my fiancée?"

Adriel's smile stiffened on his face, but it was very imperceptible. He gave him a decent answer, "She can't be a match for Mrs. Zavala in any aspect, no matter in terms of appearance, figure, or demeanor." "Really?" Raymond questioned with a snort.

Adriel smiled awkwardly and asked, "Mr. Zavala, is there anything else? If not, please go ahead with your business and excuse me to go back to amend this supplementary agreement."

"No hurry." Raymond checked the time and invited, "Have lunch with me this noon. I'll treat you to the meal."

"Okay." Adriel could only agree."

I have a small meeting to attend now and it will be finished soon. Mr. Tucker, please wait for me for a while."

"Of course. Mr. Zavala, you may get busy," Adriel replied politely.

When Raymond walked out of his office, he turned around and peeked at Adriel. It seemed like this man wouldn't admit his relationship with Bethany... When walking into elevator, Raymond called Betha

in her

The latter was still was

bed when her phone rang. She was very listless now as she didn't have a good sleep last night.

"Hello, Raymond." Bethany didn't expect to receive Raymond's call during his working time.

"Are you sleeping?"

"Nah. I woke up."

"That's great. Now come to my office. Didn't you say you want to tell me something last time?"

"Are you free now?"


"Okay. I will arrive soon." Bethany quickly got out of her bed after ending the call. Raymond, who had just hung up, felt a bit guilty. However, he couldn't allow the two to act before him anymore!

Bethany quickly got dressed and ran

to the Zavala Group. Probably because she was not sure about his attitude, she thought she should make it quick later so that she could get rid of the burden in her heart as sooner as possible.

Because it was Raymond who asked her to go to his office, Bethany didn't knock on the door. Instead, she directly pushed open the door and walked into the office. However much to her shock, the one in the office was not Raymond but Adriel...

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