Chapter 95 Another Sweet Kiss

"Mrs. Shepard's physical condition is indeed very poor. Besides medication, she needs emotional support as well, as mood can significantly affect the illness," Bethany said slowly. "Of course, I will. I have already turned down all my work to stay at home with her."

"That's good," Bethany said. "I will come again for the next chemotherapy session. If Mrs. Shepard experiences any discomfort during this period, you can also call me."

"You're really putting in a lot of effort. Please stay for lunch. I have instructed the cooks to prepare for the meal."

"Don't bother," Bethany quickly declined. She would rather go hungry than eat with Karter and Aria. "I have to go home to take care of the children."

"In that case, I won't force you to stay." Karter then sent her to the front courtyard. Suddenly, Karter asked, "Bethany, are you and Raymond getting married soon?"

Caught off guard by the question, Bethany didn't know how to respond. Before she could answer, Karter continued, "If you two get married, I'll be happy for you. But I really regard Raymond as my own son. No one wants to see his son being deceived, so I hope you can be honest with him."

This question again...

"I understand," Bethany said slowly. "Then please excuse me, Mr. Shepard."

"All right, go home and have a rest early. You've had a tough day." Karter arranged a car for her and watched her leave.

After she left, Aria still felt uneasy and looked at Karter with concern. She asked, "Dad, are you sure nothing will go wrong?"

"As long as you don't give yourself away, there won't be any problems," Karter replied.

Aria fell silent, followed by frustration and anger. She kicked over a flowerpot angrily and cursed, "I feel so helpless now! I've been that little bastard's mother for so many years just because I hope I can be Raymond's real wife one day. But in the end, I'm rewarded with nothing. I hate it! If I had known that Raymond was so heartless, I wouldn't have done these foolish things for him."

Aria deeply regretted it now, but Karter said, "It's no use complaining about it now that everything has happened. As long as we assert that we know nothing about it, the blame won't fall on us. Just rest assured."

Aria felt slightly reassured when she heard the words. After all, for so many years, as long as her father was there, there was no problem they couldn't handle.

As soon as Bethany returned home, she kept thinking about Karter's words. Raymond truly wanted to marry her and was honest with her

Therefore, she couldn't hide her past from him. It was unfair to Raymond. After much contemplation, Bethany decided to tell him everything that had happened before.

If he accepted her past, she would finally be able to let go of the burden in her heart. If he didn't accept it, it would be better to end things before they truly began, sparing themselves from prolonged pain. After returning from Shepard's mansion, Bethany went to the Zavala Group. As everyone in the company knew she would become Raymond's wife soon, naturally no one would stop her from finding Raymond. Upon inquiring with Morgan, Bethany learned that Raymond was alone in his office. Gathering her courage, she knocked on the door.

Since she had decided to move forward and get rid of the shadow of the past, she should accept her past calmly. She was determined to tell Raymond everything about her past without holding back. With these thoughts in mind, Bethany felt nervous about how he would react.

"Come in."

Hearing Raymond's reply, Bethany pushed the door open and walked in. Raymond was surprised to see her and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I..." Bethany gathered her courage and came straight to the point, "I came to talk to you about something. Are you free now?"

"Unfortunately, you've come at a bad time. The director of the Construction Bureau is coming to inspect the site, and I need to go there," Raymond replied.

"Oh, then you may deal with it first. Never mind," Bethany thought she must have something wrong with her mind that she came to find him during his work hours. But it was perhaps because she was afraid that her impulsive courage would fade away.

Noticing Bethany's disappointment,


Raymond smiled indulgently. He stood up and walked to her, saying, "I'm pleasantly surprised that you e to the company to find me. So, have you had a change of heart? Do you want to get marriage certificates with me?"

Bethany was rendered speechless.

This man really cared a lot about the marriage certificates!

"Don't look at me like this. I was just joking," Raymond leaned down slightly, looking at her face from a close distance. He smiled again and spoke in a gentle tone, "Why are so disobedient? Didn't I tell you to go home and rest? Look at those dark

circles under your eyes, they're

about to fall off."

Bethany quickly touched her eyes, feeling somewhat embarrassed by his comment. She must look so ugly now...

"Go home and get some rest. Take

good care of yourself these next few

days. I'll come pick you up tomorrow afternoon, Raymond said, holding up her hand. His touch sent electricity down Bethany's spine, making her whole body tingle. She felt as if she wasn't in control of her own body, allowing him to lead her outside.

"It happens that I need to go out now. I'll send you home first." Raymond was still holding her hand as they walked out of his office and entered the elevator.

They were the only two people in the elevator. Raymond let go of her hand and said, "Everyone in the company knows you're my fiancée. You need to play this role well."

Raymond's words and actions just now made his intentions quite clear to Bethany. She moved closer to him and wrapped her hands around his arm, leaning her body against his. "Is this okay?" Bethany asked cautiously, looking at him.

"Smart girl." Raymond smiled with satisfaction. The elevator doors opened, and the two of them walked out.

"Mr. Zavala, Mrs. Zavala," everyone they walked past greeted them respectfully.

It was their first time being so intimate in the company, and there was a wave of envious discussions following their path.

After they left the company, Bethany spoke up, "You may go ahead and attend to your business. It's close enough for me to walk home by myself."

"Okay," Raymond responded lightly. "Go straight to bed as soon as you go back home. If you're disobedient, I'll have to punish you again."

"I see," Bethany replied. Then she reminded him thoughtfully, "Now go and attend to your matters. Be safe at the construction site."

Just as Bethany finished speaking, Raymond planted a quick kiss on her lips, like a dragonfly skimming the water's surface. He then turned and got into his car. The car had driven away, but it seemed like Bethany still didn't come back to her senses.

Belatedly, Bethany touched the corner of her lips, suddenly feeling sweet. She felt as if she was in love again.

How could this man say he was not skilled in romance? Every time, he would tease her and stop at the most crucial moment. Wasn't this what he called playing hard to get?

But the poor Bethany still couldn't be the proactive one in love although she had a boyfriend before...

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