Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years
Chapter 59 Why Were You Peeking at Me

Chapter 59 Why Were You Peeking at Me Adriel?

Seeing this name, Raymond subconsciously glanced at Bethany, who was engrossed in her book and hadn't noticed him looking at her.

As for what Bethany had mentioned about her deceased husband, he only knew that his name was Adriel. He didn't know the exact spell or his surname.

Adriel Tucker? It must be a coincidence, Raymond suddenly found himself amused. When he saw that name earlier, he felt a tightening in his heart, how absurd!

Raymond had thoroughly reviewed the profiles of these six companies and was pleasantly surprised to discover that Ocean International Company was indeed quite competitive. Adriel, as the director of Ocean Construction, had shown sincerity by personally participating.

Putting down the documents, Raymond checked the time and realized it was already eleven o'clock at night. He stood up and walked to the bedside, took the book Bethany was reading away. "It's late, you should rest," Raymond said.

Bethany had been immersed in her reading and hadn't paid attention to the time. It was indeed very late.

Without waiting for Bethany's response, Raymond carefully helped her lie down and tucked her in with the blanket.

This was the VIP ward with a dedicated accompanying hospital bed. Raymond would sleep there, separated by a curtain. Every night, the curtain would be drawn, and they would sleep separately. Tonight was no exception.

Normally, Bethany would fall asleep early, but tonight she wasn't feeling sleepy. She turned her head and looked at the curtain. The light was still on, and she could clearly see his movements as he undressed through the shadow. After taking off his shirt, his well-built chest was clearly reflected on the curtain.

Bethany kept staring, and as she continued watching, she recalled a scene from the past. It was that night when Adriel did the same, standing by the bed and taking off his shirt.

It was in a hotel room. She had decided to give him her first time, and it was the craziest decision she had ever made.

"Lisa, are you really sure about this?" Adriel asked anxiously.

"I'm sure. Once we've crossed that bridge, my father won't object anymore. At worst, he'll give us a beating. Come on!"

After saying that, she tightly held onto the bedsheet and closed her eyes. After all, it was her first time, and she was especially nervous. It was at that moment that her phone suddenly rang-it was her father calling.

"Melisa, are you at Prosperity Hotel? Are you with Adriel?!"

"No, I'm alone!"

"If I find out that guy is with you, believe me, I'll immediately fire him and you'll never see him again!"

"I'm really alone. I'm coming home right now."

Therefore, the plan for that night failed. From that night onwards, her father watched her closely and held a strong disapproval towards Adriel.

In order to gain her father's approval, Adriel worked tirelessly. Within a short span of four years, he became the vice director and became her father's trusted assistant.

He had worked so hard to gain her father's acceptance as his son-in-law, but...


Just then, the curtain was suddenly pulled back, and Bethany snapped back to reality, looking at Raymond. At this moment, he was only wearing a pair of boxer shorts, and before she could react, Raymond questioned her with a stern tone echoing above her head, "Why were you peeking at me?"

What? Peeking?

"I didn't..." Bethany's words were cut off as Raymond swiftly moved towards her, his hand propping up beside her pillow. He pressed his body against hers, looking at her from such a close distance that it frightened her to the point where she couldn't even breathe.

"Why were you peeking at me?"

What was he saying!

Raymond, he must have hypochondria. She was not peeking at him!

She had just accidentally thought of her ex-boyfriend. But if she were to tell him the truth, he would probably be so angry that he could strangle her.

"Curious about my body?"

What?! Bethany just felt unbelievable. Why was this man so narcissistic?


"Don't want to deny. Your body is always honest."

Bethany was speechless.

"Mr. Zavala, I'm lying in a hospital bed with only half a life left. What can I think about?" Bethany felt really helpless.

Raymond smiled and replied, "You know what you are thinking about."

With that, he stood up and left her sight. Bethany took a big breath after he was gone, and then she noticed that Raymond had already settled on the accompanying bed. "Aren't you going to close the curtain?"

"We're not sleeping on the same bed. We each have our own space. Why bother closing the curtain? From today onwards, we won't close the curtain anymore."

After saying that, Raymond closed his eyes. Bethany couldn't help but curse, that bastard. He's taking advantage of the fact that she can't get out of bed!

Raymond had already closed his eyes to sleep. Bethany closed her eyes too, but she just couldn't fall asleep. When she opened her eyes, she saw Raymond sleeping on the accompanying bed. Previously, Raymond would always wake up earlier than her, so she had never seen him sleeping before. But now she finally did.

He was indeed quite peaceful, not snoring or talking in his sleep. And he fell asleep very quickly, didn't he? Was he really suffering from insomnia?

It was strange. Even the most luxurious VIP ward couldn't be more comfortable than home. Except for the days when Bethany was unconscious, Raymond always slept well.

Bethany fell asleep very late, so she woke up a bit late the next day. She sensed the doctor giving her an injection and slowly opened her eyes.

"Awake?" Raymond asked.

Bethany replied faintly. After the doctor finished giving her the injection and left, Raymond used a warm towel to wipe her face and hands, and then handed her breakfast. "You woke up a bit late today." It was already 9:30 in the morning.

"Sleeping for a long time is good."

Raymond was truly envious of Bethany's quality of sleep. Just like when they were in the car earlier, she slept deeply.

Just before Bethany woke up, Raymond had gone through the information of the six companies again. Based on comprehensive strength and the bid price, Ocean International Company had a high chance of winning the bid.


When he thought of that name again, Raymond inexplicably felt uneasy. When Bethany almost finished eating, he asked, "By the way, I only know your two children are called Tyrone and Shayla. What are their full names?"

"Tyrone Hamilton and Shayla Hamilton," Bethany honestly replied.

"Surname Hamilton?" Raymond didn't know Bethany's original name was Melisa Hamilton, so naturally he would think of the children's father having the surname Hamilton. "So your late husband's name was Adriel Hamilton?"

Adriel Hamilton?

Bethany paused for a moment, and quickly understood Raymond's reasoning. She could only respond accordingly.

"Yes, his name was Adriel Hamilton. Mr. Zavala is really smart," Bethany said with a smile.

Adriel Hamilton? Not Adriel Tucker? Raymond couldn't help but slightly raise the corner of his mouth.

It was strange. Why did seeing the name Adriel make him feel uneasy?

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