Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years
Chapter 43 Bethany Has a Car Accident

Chapter 43 Bethany Has a Car Accident

Bethany had also been particularly busy at the hospital these past few days. She was originally a surgeon who mainly performed surgeries, but after the last incident, Raul didn't allow her into the operating room again.

She spent her days on duty in the ward, dealing with patients' families. Although she was unable to enter the operating room, she was also very busy every day.

Today, there was a patient who suffered from massive bleeding after surgery. Bethany had been working on it and was so busy that she did not even have time for lunch. It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when she finally got some time to eat. Then the emergency room was short-staffed, so she went to help.

There were many injured men, and it was said that they had engaged in a gang fight. Many of them were badly beaten.

Bethany was speechless. She could not believe that they were so immature that they even got into a gang fight on the street.

Since she was too busy, she worked overtime unconsciously. She was still stitching up for an injured man when her phone rang. After she had finished that, she took out her phone and saw that Raymond had just called her.

Bethany called him back. As soon as the phone got through and before she could say anything, she heard Raymond's particularly harsh voice on the other side of the phone.

He scolded, "What did I tell you last time? Have you forgotten that all? It's almost six o'clock now!"

Raymond, who had finished work early today, had been waiting in the lounge for an hour, but Bethany had not yet arrived.

"Mr. Zavala, there are many patients at the hospital now, and I really can't..."

"I don't care. Just come over now!"


Bethany couldn't help but think, "What an arrogant man he is!

He's so selfish, only caring about himself and completely not considering others!"

Finally, her work was almost done. After dressing a slightly injured person, she quickly changed her clothes and ran out of the hospital.

After leaving the hospital, she quickly stopped a taxi. After she got into the car, she found that she was very hungry.

She had been so busy all day that she had not even had time to drink any water. It was not too far or too near from Humanity Hospital to Zavala Group. It would take twenty minutes to drive there if there were no traffic jams.

Unfortunately, it was now rush hour. The destination was actually two more traffic lights away, but the traffic was too heavy.

"Stop here, please."

Bethany thought, "Under such heavy traffic, I'd better go there on foot, but it takes at least fifteen minutes even if I walk quickly. I'm so hungry.

And, that man is not kind at all. He won't allow me to have dinner before giving him acupuncture treatment."

Thinking of this, Bethany turned down another street and entered a convenience store to buy a loaf of bread. While eating the bread, she walked quickly forward.

There was no traffic jam on this street, but she seemed to have taken a detour. Therefore, she quickened her pace, but her phone suddenly rang again.

"Can't he wait for a while more?" Bethany roasted in her heart.

"Bethany, did you throw my warnings to the wind? It's almost seven o'clock, and you've been late for almost an hour!"

Raymond had waited for her for another hour, so he was naturally angry.

"Stop urging me. I can't fly there anyway. Raymond, don't call me again. I'll be there soon!" After saying that, Bethany hung up directly. Then she thought, "He's so annoying!"

Upon hearing Bethany hang up on his phone, Raymond was furious and scolded, "Bethany, how dare you hang up on my phone?"

There was no use in walking fast now, so Bethany had to run. At an intersection, however, just as the green light was about to be over, she hurried over.

A speeding car suddenly crossed the intersection and crashed straight into Bethany, followed by screams of fear from passersby.

Half an hour later, Raymond still had not seen Bethany. Just as he was about to call Bethany, Bethany called him.

Just a second after the bell rang, he picked it up and angrily said, "Bethany, why haven't you..."

"May I ask if you are a family member of Bethany Caldwell?"

Upon hearing a stranger's question, Raymond was startled and then immediately had an ominous presentiment. He quickly replied, "Yes, I am, and you are?"

"I am a doctor from Parkville Central Hospital. Bethany had a car accident. Please come to the hospital immediately."

Raymond's mind immediately went blank at that. He couldn't believe what he had heard.

After hearing that, Raymond felt his legs weaken. After hanging up, he immediately grabbed the car keys and ran out.

By the time he arrived at Parkville Central Hospital as fast as he could, Bethany had already been wheeled into the emergency room.

"May I ask what your relationship is with the patient?" asked the doctor.

"I'm her husband," Raymond blurted out.

"Okay, then please sign on the rescue notice."

Raymond hurriedly signed his name and then asked the doctor, "How is Bethany doing? Is she seriously injured?"

"We are still rescuing her, and we can't tell you anything until the surgery is done. Please be patient."

Raymond's heart tightened at that, and then the doctor gave him the things Bethany had left at the crash site.

There was her bag and her mobile phone.

The screen of her phone was shattered again, and it could be seen that it had just been fixed. When Raymond saw this, his heart ached so much that it seemed as if it had been crushed. And in her bag, apart from a purse, were only a few treatment plans she had written by hand for her patients. There were no cosmetics that other girls often brought with them.

The treatment plans she had written were as meticulous and detailed as the conditioning plan she had written for him.

Looking at them now, Raymond felt very complicated.

While he was thinking, Bethany's phone rang again. It was a call from Shayla. Raymond did not even have the courage to answer the call when he saw it.

He just waited in a daze for the phone to stop ringing. Shayla, however, called a second time shortly afterwards.

He could only answer it.

"Good evening, Shayla..."

Raymond felt very guilty now, and his heart was still tightening. He was in a particularly complex mood.

"Raymond, is that you again?" Shayla said happily, "Did you two go on a date again?"

"Yes." Raymond could only pretend that nothing had happened. He was sure that if Shayla knew that her mother was now being rescued in the emergency room, she would be absolutely terrified. "Well, it seems that Beth is about to fall in love. By the way, you two are almost thirty. Shouldn't you get married directly?"

Hearing that, Raymond was stunned for a moment.

He was seized with a very strong desire to marry Bethany, if she were all right this time.

However, he couldn't make any promises now. After all, he was not sure Bethany would be all right.

"Alright, if you're dating, I won't bother you. Have a good date."

"Shayla!" Raymond heard Shayla about to hang up and hurried to stop her, "Well... Your mother and I have been busy lately, so she may not be able to go back these days." "What? It sounds like you two are about to elope."

"No, it's just a trip. I want to take her on a trip, and we may not come back in half a month." Raymond didn't know if he could deceive Shayla by saying this, but at the moment, he could only say so.

"A trip? Okay, then take your time and tell Beth not to hurry back. Tyrone and I will be obedient. Raymond, Beth is a girl after all, so you must take good care of her during the trip."

"I will." Hearing that, Raymond felt extremely distressed. "Don't worry, Shayla. I will definitely take good care of her."

After putting down the phone, Raymond felt even more guilty. He thought, "Shayla was so happy to hear that we were going on a trip, but the truth is..."

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