Chapter 41 Damion's Wish

"Well, I didn't expect you to care so much for me." With that, Raymond picked up his coffee cup and slowly took a sip.

"You almost died once. As your best friend who grew up with you, how can I not care for you?" Nolan frowned slightly and continued, "Your serious injury and retirement were all caused by that organization. You hate them, and they also hate you. After that confrontation, their leader disappeared. This is a bomb that can explode at any time."

"I know."

"Then why are you still so blatant? It's good that you left the military and went into business. If you hide your name, that's fine, but you have to make it known. Are you not afraid that those guys will know you're still alive?"

Raymond smiled faintly at Nolan's roast, but he was moved by his concern.

"Don't worry, the person who can kill me hasn't been born yet!" Raymond took another sip of coffee, and his eyes grew sharp. "I really look forward to them appearing. Do you know how regretful it is for a soldier to not complete his mission?"

The whereabouts of the leader of that organization were not known, and this remained a knot in Raymond's heart.

If he could personally kill the leader in his lifetime, he would be extremely happy.

"Fine, I'm not as sublime as you, Col. Zavala." Nolan breathed a sigh and said, "Maybe I'm worried about nothing. After all, it's been almost ten years now, and those guys haven't appeared again. Maybe they are all dead. Then let's just put them aside. Let's talk about you and Bethany. Do you really like her?"

"No comment!"

Hearing that, Nolan let out a snort.

Then he said, "I am a doctor, and I grew up with you. You didn't choose me to be your personal doctor, but you chose her. I know what you mean. However, regarding what you said just now, I really feel sorry for my sister. Bethany is such a tough woman, and she has two kids. How can her condition be better than my sister's?"

"She is more beautiful than your sister."

Nolan was surprised to hear that.

"Just because of that?" Nolan was a little speechless. "Anyway, my sister is only focused on you. She has never married anyone and has a good family background."

"She is more beautiful than your sister."

"My sister is a popular celebrity, and she's just a little doctor."

"She is more beautiful than your sister."

Nolan lost his words for a while.

"Superficial!" Nolan couldn't help but roast, "I thought you had a good taste. After all, you've seen the world and met many kinds of women. I didn't expect you to be so superficial!" Raymond couldn't help but smile. He thought, "She's indeed beautiful. Frankly speaking, Bethany is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

However, she's not only beautiful, and she also has some other small advantages..."

It was already dark when Bethany left Raymond's company. She then went to a phone repair shop to fix the screen. While waiting, she went to a portrait shop.

Just like the last time, the painter drew according to her description of Gina's appearance.

When the painting was finished, however, Bethany frowned. "It's not like her."

"I drew it based on what you described, and that's how it came out."

Bethany didn't think it looked like Gina at all. She thought, "I was too careless back then. I should have taken a photo with my phone."

She could only say, "I don't want it anymore. Thank you." Bethany paid the painter, but she didn't take the portrait, for it was useless.

After Bethany had left, the painter made a phone call and reported in trepidation, "Mr. Shepard, I have done everything you requested."

After putting down his phone, Karter showed a faint, sly smile and then looked at the photo.

Since the photo was taken from a far distance, what he vaguely saw was Bethany close to Raymond's chest, and their posture was particularly ambiguous.

As Karter looked at it, his eyes were filled with anger. A moment later, he picked up a lighter, lit the photo, and casually threw it into the trash can.

Bethany went to a few more painters, and the same thing happened. The painter she found last time was on her way to see Keira. However, it was far away, so she couldn't go there for now.

After the phone was fixed, Bethany returned home. It was late, and Ainsley, Tyrone, and Shayla had gone to bed.

Bethany couldn't sleep, so she lay on the bed and casually read the news on her phone. Then she saw the news about Raymond, saying, "Zavala Group is about to make a big move. It is reported that Raymond is going to spend a huge amount of money to build the first entertainment city in the country. Once it is built, it will become a new landmark!"

After reading it, Bethany thought, "Is he going to build an entertainment city?

This man is really busy!"

Just as she was thinking, the door to her room was gently pushed open. Bethany looked up, then quickly got up and asked, "Tyrone, why are you still up so late?"

"I just woke up and went to the restroom." Damion walked over to Bethany's bed and sat down. Then he looked at her and asked, "Beth, I heard from Shayla that you went on a date with Raymond tonight, right?"

Bethany couldn't believe that Shayla had actually told him everything.

She could only explain, "No, I'm his personal doctor now. I am treating him for insomnia. It's not what you think."

When Damion heard from Shayla that they had gone on a date, he was very happy, but he hadn't expected to hear that.

Seeing his disappointment, Bethany couldn't help but smile bitterly and ask, "Do you really want me to get married so much?"

"No, I just want you to marry Raymond." After saying that, Damion was afraid of exposing himself, so he quickly explained, "I just think he has served in the military and is a group CEO. Therefore, marrying him will definitely give you a great sense of security."

Bethany really couldn't understand why her two kids liked Raymond so much. She even suspected that he had bewitched them.

"Don't worry about such adult affairs. You're still a kid." Bethany picked up Damion and walked out with him while saying, "It'll be sad to marry someone without feelings. When I meet the right man, and he also likes me, then we will naturally get married."

"I see..." Bethany had already carried him back to his bedroom. She then laid him down on the bed and covered him with a blanket. Seeing that Bethany was about to leave, Damion hurriedly asked, "Is there any possibility between you two?"

Hearing that, Bethany thought, "Well...

To be honest, not at all. After all, we're not in the same world."

However, just as she was hesitating for a few seconds, Damion immediately forcefully said, "Since you don't answer me, I'll take it as a yes. I'll wait for the good news of you marrying him. I should go to sleep now. Good night, Beth."

Hearing that, Bethany couldn't help but roast in her heart, "He didn't give me a chance to speak at all!"

For the next month, Bethany went every Wednesday and Saturday to give Raymond acupuncture treatments. She was never late.

"You've been treated with acupuncture for a month. How is it? Has there been a significant improvement in insomnia?" asked Bethany with great confidence.

"It really works quite well."

Raymond did not lie. He fell asleep significantly faster than before.

"Of course. I have carefully studied the plan for treating insomnia for a long time, so of course it works," said Bethany with some pride.

"Did you study it for that Adriel specifically?"

A sudden silence fell over the room after Raymond's question, and Bethany's expression changed in an instant.

She thought, "This man is really good at airing others' dirty laundry!"

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