Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years
Chapter 14 The Conspiracy of the Two Boys

Chapter 14 The Conspiracy of the Two Boys

Tyrone reacted quickly and sat on the floor, starting to cry loud. His wails dazed Aria.

Hearing his son crying, Raymond hurried upstairs without changing his clothes and shoes.

Tyrone pointed at Aria and accused her in a sobbing voice, "Daddy, she's my stepmother. She hit me just now."

"What's going on?" Raymond berated Aria in a sharp voice, "What did I tell you before I left?"

"I didn't hit him. When did I hit him?"

"You grabbed my clothes and tried to thrust the medicines into my mouth. That's not hitting? Daddy, I was scared to death just now. I fell to the ground, and it hurts." Tyrone wailed and looked pitiful.

Damion had never cried like this no matter what happened before, so Raymond was distressed to see him wail desperately.

"It's okay. Damion, I'm with you." Raymond quickly held Tyrone in his arms and soothed him in a soft voice.

"Get out. Don't get near Damion again." Raymond was exasperated by Aria. When Damion lost his memory, Raymond wanted to give Aria one last chance to befriend Damion, but surprisingly, she did worse than before.

Raymond felt that his heart was in his throat. He was afraid that his son would get sick again.

Aria's eyes were burning with anger. She gritted her teeth and thought, "This little bastard is a good liar."

Although she was angry, she didn't dare to say anything else to Raymond, so she had to leave.

After Aria left, Tyrone threw himself into Raymond's arms and said with a grievance, "Daddy, is she really my mother? I don't feel she loves me. I think she hates me."

Tyrone didn't think Aria was a good mother. Although he didn't know Damion, he had to get rid of Aria for Damion since they exchanged their lives.

"She's your mother."

Raymond had been in a coma for three years due to a serious injury. When he woke up, he found he had a son. Raymond never shed tears previously, but tears welled up in his eyes when he first saw Damion.

After he woke up from a long coma, Raymond saw that his life had been extended by his son. It was difficult to describe his feelings at that moment.

Raymond hadn't taken a paternity test with Damion, but he had never suspected Damion was not his son. Perhaps he could feel Damion was his son because they were related in blood.

As for Aria, Raymond didn't want to recognize her as Damion's mother. However, the Zavala family and Shepard family had been friends for generations. Besides, it was agreed between the two families that he would marry Aria one day. Therefore, Raymond believed firmly that Aria was Damion's mother.

"Daddy, even though she's my mother, you can change your wife. I don't mind changing my mommy. Why don't you divorce her? I'll go out and look for a mom."


Although Damion insisted on taking Bethany as his mom like crazy before, he had never talked like this. Raymond wondered if his son had completely changed after losing his memory. "Damion, don't say that!"

Tyrone pursed his mouth and couldn't help complaining inwardly, "This man is rigid."

No, he had to think of a way. He thought Raymond was a nice daddy. It'd be great if he could put Raymond and Bethany together.

Tyrone guessed Damion had the same wish, so he had to figure out a way to team up with Damion.

Shayla enjoyed herself these two days. Tyrone suddenly stopped teasing her and became a rich doting brother.

She was happy with his change.


"Yes?" Shayla was happily counting the gifts she received from Damion and kept thinking of them. "Tyrone, what gifts are you going to give me? Thank you."

"No, it's about Beth." Damion approached Shayla and said, "Isn't Beth a doctor of Humanity Hospital? Why doesn't she go to work these days?"

"You're right. She doesn't go to work these days." Shay didn't notice that.

Damion had a bad feeling. Did Bethany lose her job because of him? After all, his daddy was the main patron of Humanity Hospital. A word from Raymond could get Bethany fired. No, he can't drag Bethany down. However, he had left home. How could he help Bethany and Raymond clear up the misunderstanding?

At this moment, Shayla's phone watch rang. It was Tyrone calling.

"This little swindler hasn't given up yet." After she spoke, Shayla was about to hang up the phone. Damion quickly stopped her. "Don't hang up. I'll answer the phone."

Damion knew it was Tyrone calling. He had pretended to be Tyrone for many days, but Tyrone hadn't come back, so Damion felt uneasy.


Hearing that it was not Shayla who picked up the phone, Tyrone smiled complacently. His plan would work.

"Are you Damion? Are you pretending to be me and staying with Beth and Shayla?"

Damion quickly glanced at Shayla and nodded when she was not watching him. "Yes."

"Same here. I'm staying at your home with your identity." Tyrone said, "I have something to discuss with you. You can't let anyone know about this yet."

Damion heard that and quickly went into the bathroom, closing the door. "What on earth do you want to do?"

"Of course, I want to help you." Tyrone asked, "Don't you like my mom a lot? Don't deny it. If you didn't like her, you wouldn't have run away from home and stayed with my mom." Damion admitted, "Yes."

"What a coincidence! I like your daddy too. We look alike, so I think we are destined to be family."

"Do you want to put my daddy and Beth together?"

"You're smart."

"Although I want to do that, it's impossible." Damion said, "My grandma is intimidating. Sometimes, I feel frightened at the sight of her. She only accepts Aria as her daughter-in-law. That's what she always says."

"Make your daddy fall in love with my mommy. Your daddy will fight your grandma by then. You're foolish."

"You're stupid. Do you know my family better than me?"

"Do you want Beth to be your mom or not? Do you want to see your daddy and Beth at the same time?" "Yes, I do."

"That's it. Where there's a will, there is a way. Let's think of a way to put them together." "How?"

"Shall we lock them up in the same room and let nature take its course? What do you think?"


"That's it." Tyrone said decisively, "We'll talk about the details online. Don't tell Shayla about this. She only cares about money and doesn't have any principles. If she betrays us, our plan will fail." "Okay." Tyrone knew well about Shayla.

When Damion knew that Tyrone was at the Zavala's mansion, he got relieved. He would think of a way to put Raymond and Bethany together.

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