Her Safe Place
Chapter 24

Layla Andrews

I awoke the next morning with Axel's arms wrapped around me. I smiled as I turned over and rested my hand against his cheek. I felt my ran my fingers over his features. Axels arms tightened around my waist, but he didn’t stir anymore.

I heard Alexia begin to cry from the bassinet next to our bed. Axel had told me about his fears when she first arrived. I stood up and picked my baby up. I fed Alexia before laying her next to Ax. I could feel Axels wolf take notice of Alexia.

Axel sifted closer and curled Alexia towards him. My heart warmed at the sight. I stood and walked towards the closet, my eyes stopped on the balcony doors. I released a breath as my eyes widened. Beyond the balcony was a garden.

“That wasn’t there before.” I muttered, placing my hand on the glass door.

“It was put in very recently.” I turned at the sound of Axels voice. He was sitting up in bed with Alexia on his bare chest.

“You put a garden in?” I asked. “Why?”

A sad smile crossed his face. “Go get dressed and I’ll take you down to show you.” He replied. I nodded before crossing to the closet and pulling on some jeans and a t-shirt. I slipped some sandals on my feet before exiting the closet. I quickly tamed my hair before putting it up and out of my face.

Axel wasn’t in the room when I returned, but he entered a moment later with Alexia in his arms. He has changed her from her pajamas to day clothing. “I’ll take her, you go get dressed,” I said, reaching for Alexia.

Axel handed her over before rushing into the closet. I played with Alexia, trying to get her to smile.

“Ready?” Axel asked, returning to the room. I nodded and stood, holding Alexia against my shoulder. Axel wrapped his arm around me and opened the balcony doors.

“Those stairs are new as well,” I commented. Axel only nodded as he led me to the garden. It was filled with all different types of flowers, ranging in color and size.

I noticed we were making our way to the stone placement in the middle of the flowers. I stopped to look at a couple flowers, smelling ones I was unfamiliar with.

Axel stopped us in front of the stone. My eyes watered at the words carved into the stone. In Loving Memory of Layla Andrews.

“This was for me?” I questioned quietly.

“I wanted something that reminded me of you. I know you always wanted a garden. I also wanted a place Alexia could feel as though she could connect with you.” Axel’s voice had grown slightly rougher as he talked.

I turned to him before I walked into his arms. He held Alexia and I as silent tears fell from my eyes.

“I love you,” I said.

I felt Axel kiss the top of me head, his arms tightening around me. “I love you more.” He replied.

14 Years Later

The young princess, Alexia Pierce, had run from the palace yet again. The craziness had yet to stop. With the upcoming wedding of Alexia’s uncle, the palace was alive with preparations. Alexia’s Uncle Xander had become a part of the kings court, making his wedding a huge event.

Alexia was happy that her uncle had found his mate and that they were to be married. She loved her future aunt as well. They were a perfect match. However, the love the two shared made Alexia envious.

She wanted the mate connection her aunt and uncle shared. The love she could see in both her parents' marriage and her uncle’s relationship. She was only fourteen and still had two more years before she could find her mate.

She had been counting down the days since her twelfth birthday when she finally understood the importance of the mate bond.

Alexia’s head snapped up as she sensed someone approaching. She assumed it would be her tutor, coming to fetch her for the days schooling. Alexia sighed. She was already missing the quietness of the forest beyond the palace walls.

It was not, however, her tutor that stepped through the trees. A young boy, most likely around Alexia’s own age, came into view.

“Well, we’ll, well, if it isn’t the princess.” The boy said. His tone was hostile, something icy in his words. “Where’s your guards? Are you out here pouting?”

Alexia’s back stiffened. He was mocking her. Alexia hadn’t shifted into her wolf yet, but she focused on the boys smell, trying to place him. She took a step back.

“You’re a rogue!” She stated.

The boy rolled his eyes. “Glad you can smell.”

“What are you doing this close to palace lands. You know rogues aren’t allowed here unless they are invited by the king.” Alexia said proudly. It was parts of her education that had been pounded into her brain.

“My father has a meeting with the king.” The boy said, seeming to be bored with the conversation. “I came here for some peace. Seems I found a princess instead.”

“I’m sure you must return to your father soon. I doubt he’d want to leave his son here alone.” Alexia said, wanting to get away from the boy.

The boy checked the watch on his wrist. “He won’t miss me.” He replied, “but it would be better than staying here.” He turned without another glance in Alexia’s direction.

Furious, Alexia stomped back to the palace, cursing the boy to hell and back.

She entered the foyer and was promptly bombarded by her ladies maid. “Princess Alexia, your father wishes to see you in the throne room.”

Alexia was not offered a chance to reply before she was pushed into the throne room. “Alexia.” Her fathers voice had her turning towards the large and imposing thrones. Alexia moved towards her father, taking note of the man who stood before the king.

“Continue.” Axel said to the man.

“We were kicked from our pack after my mate was killed. My wolf went crazy. I don’t believe I can stay alive much longer. I do not wish for my son to roam as a rogue for the rest of his life for the actions that he had no control over.” Alexia glanced at her father.

“We will take your son in. He will be tutored at the palace and given money to chose his career path. You will be allowed to visit him outside the palace walls if you continue to fight your battle.” Alexia knew her fathers unsaid words.

A downside to mates. When one dies, the others wolf goes crazy and then becomes a shell of their former self. Many wolves ended their own lives after losing their mates. Alexia knew this man was struggling with the same thing as any wolf who lost their mate.

“Thank you my king.” The man bowed deeply to her father. “I cannot thank you enough.”

Axel nodded. “Bring your son in. I would like to know hos face before our butler settles him in.”

“Of course.” The man left for a moment.

“Who is that?” Alexia asked into the silence.

“An old Alpha.” Axels response surpassed Alexia. Alphas we’re not normally kicked from their packs. “He lost his mate and had to hand the reigns over to his beta. His beta was power hungry and primarily kicked him and his son out of the pack.” Alexia frowned.

The man returned as Alexia tried to digest everything. Her eyes stayed on the floor until the man said, “King Axel, this is my son.”

“A pleasure your highness.” Alexia’s head snapped up in shock at the familiar voice. She met the smirking gaze of the boy from the forest.


Hey Guys!

I am so glad to have finsished this book. I loved writing Axel and Laylas story. If you coukdnt already tell, I have decided to make this a series. The bext book will be about Alexia and her story. I am also thinking of writhng a prequel and going into more detail about Axel’s parents and the prolouge.

Thank you for all the support and your feeback. I will begin the editing process soon and hopefully make this book even better.

I would also like to know whether you like to read in 1st person or 3rd


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