Her Freezing Heart
Chapter 16- Amara

I opened my eyes to the warm glow of the light lamp of my cabin. How did I get here? The last thing I remember is coming to see papa and then he being mad about something. Something stirred beside me or the bed making me stiffen. I slowly turned my head in the direction and sighed in relief. It's just Alec. Wait. How the hell did he get here? How did he even find this place?

I feel weird. What is this feeling? What's that sound? Is there someone else outside? I can hear people talking outside the cabin. Three. No Four. I got up and stood up to check the voices, only to fall flat on my ass. Why are my legs shaking? I got up again with the help of the bed frame and started walking out of the cabin with the support of the wall. The main door was wide open to my dismay. Who the hell left the front door open? That should be the least of my concern at the moment. My home is being invaded. I need to find out who these people are.

I exited the cabin into the darkness of the woods. Is it night time? No. It's the crack of the dawn. The voices got stronger but where are these people and how the hell can I hear them from so far?

"Amara." Ryder's voice came from right behind me, startling the hell out of me.

"Geez Ryder. Don't sneak up on me like that." I said collapsing on the floor from fright.

"I didn't mean to princess." He replied.

Why does he look so sad?

"Are you alright Ryder?" I asked looking up at him.

"I don't know." He said plopping in front of me.

I moved to rest my head on his back but he pulled me towards him with his paws, resulting in me burying my face in his neck area. He pulled me closer and enclosed my back with his head, hugging me close, engulfing me in his massive frame.

"What is it Ryder? Did something happen?" I asked worried.

He never does this. He looks so miserable.

"I don't want to lose you too." He mumbled.

"I am not going anywhere Ry and what do you mean by too?"

Am I missing something?

"What do you remember?" He asked.

"I came here. Papa was mad about something and then..." I tried to recall but couldn't. What happened after that? "What happened after that Ryder?"

"Well..." he started. His warmth was seeping into me and I actually felt better. Even the forest floor didn't bother me. "After we talked, papa was mad about...um... something that is hurting you then we were talking but you started feeling pain." I stiffened. No. I didn't want them to see me like that. "We didn't knew what to do but Caleb, Carter, Alec and the witch and warlock showed up. The witch helped us save you."

"How and where is papa?" I asked.

Something stirred inside me making me gasp. It felt like another presence in my body but a warm. The same warm feeling I get from Ryder and... and...papa?

"Ryder where is papa?" I asked, terrified for some reason.

"He is inside you." He choked out.

Is he dead? Did he die because of me?

"WHAT?" I shouted and tried to get up but he won't let me go. "Why?" I asked after struggling but he just won't let go.

"That was the only way I could come up with." Cassidy's voice came from the side where the river is located.

I could hear footsteps. Four sets of them. Two lighter than the other two.

"Ryder can I sit up please." I asked.

"No." he said flatly.

"Ryder this is not the time to be stubborn." I said irritated.

I need to know if papa is dead or alive. I won't be able to forgive myself if he died because of me.

"Ryder please. I need to know." I said rubbing his head a little.

"Fine but you will not leave my side." He said letting go of me.

"I wasn't going to brother." I said reassuring him.

He moved to a sitting position and I leaned my back on him. I turned to look at Cassidy and the others to find her looking at us in awe and wonder. What is wrong with this one now? Well papa comes first. "Is papa dead?" I asked hoping to keep the guilt out of my voice and face.

"No." She said coming out of her trance. "He is your wolf now."

"I don't understand." I asked confused. The only thing that matters is he is not dead.

"For you to understand, I need to tell you everything from the beginning." She said making herself comfortable on the forest floor that too a considerable distance away from Ryder and me as Ryder growled when she came closer than ten feet. Grayson sat beside her with Caleb and Carter next to them. They were not looking me in the eye. "So to start, I will tell you why you are getting these weird chest pains. Your mate is cheating on you." She breathed out making my breath hitch. She started talking before I can say anything. "The first time, I thought that you were going to die when you were in coma for three days but you woke up because of the Alpha wolf that is inside you now. He healed you at a certain degree making you good enough to wake up and I knew if I can convince this spirit, I can save your life. I also found out that you are human to a certain degree that is part human. I have no idea what your other part is. When we came here, you were writhing on the floor in pain and I knew this is it. I have to make the decision now. I asked the Alpha wolf spirit to be your wolf to keep you alive. He agreed without any convincing. So for now the damage has stopped from spreading any more than it has happened. That is the reason you are feeling so weak. You will heal with time but you got to work hard. Maybe someday you will be able to talk to the wolf, that I know now is your father."

I felt stunned. I opened and closed my mouth but no word would come out. Asher is cheating on me? Papa is my wolf now? What nonsense is this? But deep down I know it is true. The presence I felt earlier was papa.

"Why?" I managed to say.

"I don't know honey but he will pay for it one way or another. For the tie being though you should focus on healing yourself." Cassidy said in a motherly voice.

"What do I need to heal?" I asked stupidly.00000

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