Her Forbidden Alpha
Chapter25 The Monsters Lair

Zidane glared down at the body of the Latina woman, she was barely alive, he wanted to tear her to bits but she was rather useful and she had injected Scarlett with wolfsbane. He smiled coldly, placing his foot on her head. A small whimper left her lips and he pressed harder.

“Because of what you managed to do... I will let you live a little while longer.” He said. Using her as a stepping stool he stepped over her, sending an eruption of pain through her under his weight.

The wolves who had meant to chase Scarlett and that wretched Alpha were cowering as they knelt before him in a line. Despite the blood splattered across his suit and the deep scratches that Scarlett had left him with - Zidane looked calm and composed, but all the men there knew that a calm Zidane was dangerous.

“None of you were able to stop two kids... two fucking kids...” He hissed, his voice poisonous as he approached the wolves. Cade too knelt there despite his injuries.

“Alpha they had help-" The man did not live to finish his sentence as Zidane ripped his head from his body.

“I do not need incompetent wolves to serve me!” He spat, moving on to the next one his claws came out and he ripped the man's heart out.

“I need wolves who are strong... and get the fucking job done!” As he spoke he went along the line; gouging one man's eyes out, tearing the next one's intestines out, another one lost his arms and legs. Some died instantly others writhed in agony before death came.

Cade was the only one left after Zidane was done murdering eleven men, several had been killed by Rafael's men and now another eleven were gone. Cade looked at the hall that now looked like an ocean of blood, the coppery smell strong in the air overcoming the smell of fear that had lingered previously. Things were only getting worse...

“Fools, all of them.” Zidane said glaring at Cade. “Find out the name of the Alpha who helped them.”

“Yes Alpha.” Cade said bowing to him before he got up and staggered from the hall. Zidane turned back to the woman.

“Maya... get this place cleaned up.” He said to the woman who was barely alive. “If it's not done soon, you'll be joining them.”

She struggled to get up, Elijah had hurt her brutally and her bones would need time to heal.

“S-sorry..." She whimpered as he repeatedly slammed her face-first onto her hands. The nails piercing her cheeks, her forehead, her lips, she did her best to protect her eyes. The pain of each slam making her dizzy.

“You were made for this! Do you hear me?! The only reason you were given to me was for my entertainment! I should have been given an heir! An Alpha!” Zidane shrieked. Scarlett said no more, she knew when he became like this there was nothing more to say, he would only stop when he'd had enough.

The pain was growing. He slammed her tiny body across the room, wrenching her hands with the screws off the table. The scream of agony that tore from her throat only fuelled him further, he picked up a hammer approaching her.

“You useless little bitch, I think I will tell your mother you're gone for a few weeks for training, don't you agree?” He hissed, slamming the hammer down on her knees. The sickening sound of bones being crushed loud in their ears. She sobbed silently, her entire body screamed in pain. Her heart hurt, the pain was dizzying, she couldn't breathe.

But he did not stop, even when she huddled into a foetal position repeatedly telling herself she was ok - that nothing was happening. Her eyes tightly shut, Zidane continued his screaming abuse.

“Let's just see how much you can take! Maybe you are better off dead!” With each strike of the hammer; to her ankles, her elbows, even her hands, only pushing the nails deeper into her skin. He seemed to grow excited, he would never hit her head, wanting her to stay conscious whilst he tortured her.

Her body began going numb, the pain was too much to comprehend. He would not stop, he never did because she would heal quickly. She wondered if the moon goddess hated her? Was she a bad child? Did she do something to deserve this?

Her tears had stopped, and Zidane had grown bored of the hammer. He was breathing hard, his hair falling in front of his face, sweat coating his face. He hated how she seemed to handle it, hated that the determination never faded from her disgusting green eyes.

“You're a fucking freak!” He spat. Looking around the room a smile spread across his face when he grabbed a knife, one he kept coated with wolfsbane. At least this took her longer to heal from.

He approached her, grabbing her wrist and began carving long deep gashes down her arms and legs. Slamming his fist across her head, making her see black spots, he slashed her back several times before he threw the knife down. He could see her wounds already closing up, he would use something to keep her in pain for a while longer.

“You were hungry, weren't you?” He said now dragging her around to face him, stroking her hair that was now more a deep red coated with her own blood. Her skin was littered with bruises, wounds and blood. She was no longer recognisable.

Her wide green eyes filled with fear did not even blink when he stroked her hair, it never meant anything good.

“Let me go get you food.” He whispered, playing a soft kiss on her forehead. Her lip quivered as he left the room quickly, her body was agony and she wished she would just die. Was hell as painful as this? She'd rather Selene let her go to hell for her sins. If only she told her what her sins were though, she would promise not to do them ever again.

She heard the door opening and Zidane stood there, a cruel smile on his face.

“Look I got you some food princess.” He said. She looked up, he indeed had a pot in his hand, with the dim lighting and her blurry vision she saw him open it. Had she been a good girl? That he wanted to give her food?

“Say thank you.” He said glaring at her, his eyes turning dark green once again.

“Th-thankyou papa.” She whispered, a cold smile crossed his lips.

“Here.” He said, raising the jar he poured its content onto her. She screamed as the powdery substance hit her, the strong smell of chilli flakes hit her before the stinging agonising pain that erupted from her wounds. The chilli embedded into them, she hadn't expected it and her eyes had been wide open.

She writhed and screamed in pain, scratching at her eyes and arms trying to rid herself of the pain. Zidane watched her laughing psychotically.

“Sleep well princess.” He said icily before turning and walking out the room, leaving the little eight-year-old crying and screaming as she convulsed in pain on the cold hard floor...


Zidane glared at the darkness around him, how had he missed such an obvious clue? Her healing ability was not normal. If it were not for that witch who told him about his firstborn being special, that she was blessed by the moon goddess, he would not have even known she was still alive. Jessica had faked their death rather well... When he found her, he was going to tear her apart too...00000000000000O

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