The yells and growls coming from Dan's room reach my ears, and I growl lowly as I stand. Sam's angry voice rings out, catching me by surprise, and relief quickly flows through me at the sound of my Luna's voice. Finally! Dan wasn't going to last much longer without her waking up.

The beast within me teeters between relieved and protective as we begin to listen in on her harsh words.

"Stop speaking in half-truths,” Sam growls, and I hear Benji's mate, Mariah, reply lowly.

I growl again as my inner suspicions are confirmed. I tense my muscles and wait. I don't want to barge in on the situation since Angelica is in the room, but I need to be ready. She might have arrived in our time of need, but something about her has always struck me as uneasy.

Her demeanor is too wild for civilized living. She is almost emotionless at times and seems unfazed by uncomfortable situations. But it's her quick reflexes and movements that make me edgy.

As I listen, it becomes clear that Mariah played us from the beginning. Her reasons for being here were dangerous, not helpful. She was here to kill Sam. Kill her because the Bears paid her to...Her killer instincts run farther than I guessed.

After a few more minutes of tense conversation, Samantha's kind nature wins out. She wants the pack to decide if Mariah is allowed to stay.

I turn towards my dresser and yank on a shirt. I need a reason to leave this depressing box anyway. "So she has been scoping out our land looking for the opportunity to kill Luna since she got here. Benji caught her scent when Lewis and him left to handle the trail cameras, and she panicked. She ran from her mate and forced him to believe she didn’t want him. Then she came back to finish the job, but when she got here, she had a change of heart,” Lauren simplifies with sarcastic disbelief dripping from every word.

“Basically,” Dan mumbles, and Sam sends him a "be nice" look.

"l understand you..." Mariah starts to say, but Lauren growls.

"You don't understand anything! You have lived by yourself basically your whole life. You have no idea how important Sam is to our pack. Or how important Sam is to me. She is my best friend, and if you interrupt our deliberation again, I will have my mate decapitate you," Lauren snarls while holding her massive belly, and we all get surprised.

Lauren is typically the forgiving type.

"How can we be sure your assassin days are over with," Boyd asks, and Mike nods.

"Yeah, we can't have the council jumping on us for your crimes. Our pack is just getting recognized,” Mike says, and the others nod.

"I only started accepting that kind of work to feed myself. I never enjoyed it. But the people I have killed have all been bad. I don't plan on continuing unless you all kick me out. I have no education and no means to provide for myself besides killing," Mariah says, and Lewis scoffs.

"You could have contacted the council, and they would have set you up with the appropriate organizations that would have helped you," Lewis says, and Mariah stands up.

Dan growls lowly to warn her, and Mariah hisses.

"The council killed my mom. Sure my mom was in the wrong, but I was a kid asshole! To me, they were the enemy. They killed the only person I had left. I tried to remain in cougar form as much as possible, but shifters aren't animals. We need human time. We need cooked food and clothes! I did what I thought I had to at the time. When I did, I became a criminal. I set my future in stone and couldn't look back,” Mariah growls while yelling into Lewis's shocked face.

The pack falls silent, and Dan glances toward Benji to find him staring at the wall. He looks like he is trying to seem indifferent, but he can't hide the effects of his mate's words.

"What made you decide to help Samantha,” Dan mumbles, and I look back toward the shifter in question.

Mariah sighs and sits back down, sounding exhausted.

"I saw you all run home. I saw how hurt she was. At first, I thought it was my chance to end this...But then I saw my mate frantically getting a spot ready for her. I watched them as they panicked over whether she would live or not. The love for your mate was evident in all their eyes. They wanted to do all they could to save her. It made me hesitate. I waited outside after you came running home with her.

As you know, cougar hearing is the best around, so I listened to it all. I heard the conversations. I listened to the prayers. I heard the doctor cursing as he tried and failed to remove the shrapnel. I heard the baby cry for her...I knew then, and there I couldn't carry out the job. I knew I was here to help. That's why the Goddess told my cougar to choose Benji. I was meant to be here for Samantha when the time came. So when I heard the Doctor finish, I snuck in. I spoke up when I felt the time was right. That's the honest truth. And if you don't believe me, ask the other cougar. Cougars are natural-born lie detectors. Nothing can fool them. It's an advantage we have. Before we shift, we can read people well, and one can trick us,” Mariah says, looking toward Sam.

Dan glances at his mate, and Sam smiles.

"She is purring, so I assume that means you are being transparent with us. But I have one more concern,” Samantha says before looking at Dan.

"Will the council come for her? Will accepting her into the pack protect her from facing execution for being a paid killer,” Samantha asks, and the air grows tense immediately.

I instantly begin to fidget, and Benji turns pale green. They all know the answer is 50/50. We have no way of knowing if the council will pardon Mariah. It's up to their discretion.

"If her targets were all she says. Then the chances of them letting her off are higher. But nothing can guarantee her safety. We will have to report Benji's mating... if or when it happens so they will be notified of where she is," I say lowly, and Samantha's shoulders slump.

"Wait, Sam. You can't be considering this. She is here because she was meant to kill you," Lauren says, and the guys all look away due to the emotion in Lauren's voice.

"I am. I don't think she is a threat anymore,” Sam says, and Lauren scoffs.

"Bullshit! I don't trust her. She could change her mind, Samantha. Just like she changed her mind before. Just because her statements are honest today doesn't mean they will be tomorrow," Lauren growls, and David places a hand on her shoulder.

She shrugs it off and looks around the room

"You all believe her? You are willing to risk our Luna," Lauren snarls, and the guys shift in their seats uncomfortably.

"Lauren, I believe she is..." Dan tries to say, but Lauren silences him with an angry pregnancy glare. Lauren stands up and stares directly at Mariah. She growls loudly before heading for the stairs. "Well, Alpha, my vote is yes. But as you can see, Lauren needs more time," David says before following his mate.

Benji watches Lauren leave with a deep frown on his face, and a ball of pity forms in my stomach. Having his pack members hating his mate can't be easy. If only he knew my drama.

"Well, what does everyone else say,” Dan asks, and the guys exchange looks.

"If Luna says she trusts her, then I trust Luna,” Boyd says, and Mike nods.

"l would never separate my man Benji from his mate," Lewis answers, and Dan grins before looking at Finley and me.

"She is good with Angelica and has ample opportunities to kill Samantha. I think we should trust our gut. My gut says yes, so my answer is yes," Finley says, glancing at me and then Dan.

Dan nods before locking eyes with me. Logic and loyalty battle within me as he searches the depths of my eyes for my answer.

"The council could put their foot down. They could punish all of us, Dan. I'm afraid I have to disagree...I can't place the people I love here in danger for a female who hasn't been open with us. I side with Lauren on this one, even though I know my vote doesn't matter at this point. I will do my best to communicate Mariah's situation in the best light possible, but we are taking a risk," I explain, and his eyes widen.

I know he didn't consider that danger when he listened to Sam, but she is new to our world and still unaware of many laws. Plus, her heart is soft as a Luna's should be.

"Stanley, you sound like a worry-wart. Lighten up,” Sam says suddenly, and we look at her to find her bouncing Angelica on her knee slightly.

"The council won't harm a pack for honoring a mate bond. You just want to agree with Lauren. You don't want to get put in the doghouse like David. I can hear Lauren tearing him a new one right now. This cougar hearing is crazy. The soundproofing doesn't even silence the voices,” Samantha says, looking at Mariah, who nods.

"And the stronger the cougar, the better your senses are,” Mariah explains, and Sam nods.

Dan smirks at the easy way Sam is now communicating with Mariah. But my worry doesn't fade. Lauren is absolutely right. Mariah isn't trustworthy.

"So Benji, what's your vote," Sam asks before looking back at her happy daughter.

Benji snaps his eyes to Sam, looking shocked.

"I didn’t think I would get a vote... mean, I thought you might think I would be biased,” Benji says, and Sam shrugs.

"We still value your opinion, whether it's biased or not. She is your mate. The situation affects you the most," Sam explains softly, and I can’t help but grin at the sweet nature of our Luna.

Even if I disagree, Samantha is truly the heart of our pack.

Benji glances around uncomfortably, and my curiosity spikes. Will he do what is best for the pack or what's best for his matebond?

"I want her here beside me. But I want to make it clear that if she ever...if she ever betrays the pack, I will be on the pack's side. I want to be with my mate, but I want an honest mate—a mate I can depend on," Benji says, sending Mariah serious glances.

She nods and tries to keep a straight face, but we all can see the hurt in her eyes. She hates the fact that her own mate doesn't trust her, but facts are facts. Logic has always been a friend. Just like I know, logically speaking...Lauren will never be mine.

"I think it's best if we follow our inner animals. Separating mates has never been a good thing. I say she stays,” Dan says, and Benji looks at him.

Dan gives him a reassuring nod and Samantha giggles.

"Well, that solves that. Sorry I exposed this whole thing since it blew over, but I would rather us live in the light than in the dark,” Sam says as she smiles at Mariah.

Mariah's cheeks turn pink, and she smiles back before nodding.

"We will have to speak to the council, Mariah, but as far as the pack goes, you are welcome to stay. If you accept Benji's mark, your inner animal will instinctually submit, and you will become one with the pack. Lauren will come around, don't worry. She is too happy of a person not to,” Dan explains before standing up, and my heart squeezes as I think about Lauren.

I love how happy she is typically. I love her smile and her loud laugh. I especially love how she just gets me. I don't have to explain. Lauren knows me better than I know myself. Dan takes Angelica from Samantha's hands, and she smiles at him sweetly.

"Good night," Samantha says, and she stands.

They head in the direction of their room, and the pack disperses as I stand rooted to my spot. My insides twist and my stomach fills with nausea as my longing boils within me.

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