Chapter 2460

“For a Feng Shui master, there cannot be another Feng Shui master stronger than himself.”

“It will only affect his status.”

“You’re being so sincere while trying to recruit me, but I’m sure you’ll kill me in a heartbeat when you

discover that my death will be more beneficial to you. Or am I wrong?”

Jon was stunned for a moment, taken by

surprise. He didn’t expect Harvey to be so shrewd and think so far ahead…

However, he didn’t let his surprise show and merely smiled again. He patted Harvey’s shoulder

affectionately and said loftily, “Harvey, Harvey. You’re making malicious speculations. Your words are

slander against me!”

“I admit, I love fame and money. But I also know what can and can’t be done!”

“I’d never resort to something as terrible as murdering just for a bit of cash. Do I look like I’d do such a


“You’re so young, yet how can you harbor such terrible thoughts?”

Jon then retreated to his seat and took a sip of his tea. He was still smiling amiably. “Think about it. If I’m

really as insidious as you claim, why would I give you money in the first place? Why would I invite you to

work at Surrey Establishment?”

“But since you’ve just entered society, I won’t blame you for trying to protect yourself.”

Jon feigned a distressed expression. His words showed his kindness and concern for Harvey.

He was acting as if he was thoroughly hurt and disappointed because Harvey seemed to think that he

had ulterior motives.

Harvey was unmoved by Jon’s act. He narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, “You really didn’ t have

any other intentions as to hiring me in your Surrey Establishment?”

“If I enter Surrey Establishment, there won’t be any need for you to kill me.”

“By then, you can just use money to restrain me and pin me down, or even destroy me.”

“For you, using money to keep my mouth shut is just a stop-gap measure.”

“If I run out of money one day, or if I’m drunk, there is the possibility I might expose you.”

“If it’s someone else, you wouldn’t care. But one who knows a hidden art is naturally someone

you fear the most!”

“The reason you’re letting me stay alive now is to obtain my hidden art.”

“Once you’ve succeeded, you’ll find a way to kill me.”

“Of course, you won’t kill me now. You’ll use me as you see fit and try to learn more about the hidden art.

You’ll also make me do your bidding in your stead.”

“You don’t even need to go to the trouble to kill me. You could just make me go into a death trap and let

me die without myself knowing it.”

Harvey rose from his seat and walkt to Jon. He grabbed a banknote and flicked it lightly. It sprang in the

air and instantly stuck itself on the wall.

Harvey said indifferently, “Who doesn’t like money?”

“Unfortunately, I find it repulsive to accept money given by a disgusting person.”

“How can I possibly want that kind of money?”

“It’s too bad, Master Surrey, but I refuse to accept your offers.”

“Harvey, I’m very disappointed in you!”

Jon was furious. He slammed the table and roared in indignation, “Do you know how many people

wanted me to be their master?!”

“Do you know how many people wanted to enter Surrey Establishment?!”

“Do you know how many people wanted to flatter me, but were denied the chance?!”

“Not only did you refuse my offers, but you also rejected me and slandered me?!”

“Who do you think you are, Harvey?”

“Don’t you think you’ve crossed the line?!”

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