Chapter 2373

“If you save me, I’ll tell you everything!”

“I even have proof! I have voice recordings and the checks he’s given me!”

“I’m telling you the truth!”

The woman was so frightened, she was willing to give up everything just to survive.

Compared to Matthew’s blind promise, her impending death was real.

“Fine. Remember what you said. I want to see proof later. Come with me.”

Harvey dragged Freya and snuck around the broken building full of abandoned luggages, heading

toward the VIP room.

The hall was in utter chaos. If any conflict were to happen here, innocents would be dragged to

their graves.

The VIP room, on the other hand, must’ve been empty since an explosion just happened there.

Harvey and Freya got inside the room, which was filled with smoke. Other than a few corpses scattered

about the place was a mess. It was a horrible sight

Harvey’s expression changed for the worse after seeing the place.

In one swift motion, he picked up a few knives on the ground and took Freya to the pantry.

Nobody was inside, but there were quite a lot of lockers and a window door present.

Harvey’s eyes lit up as an idea came to him. He lifted up a locker and smashed it against the window

panes, forming a hole in the shattered glass.

Harvey didn’t crawl out of the hole, though. Instead, he took Freya and hid in a slightly bigger locker.


Right as the two were safely hidden, the door to the pantry was kicked open. The armed foreigners

rushed in.

They were clearly retired soldiers, with every single one of them having plenty of experience in battle.

The first thing they did was to open fire at everything they saw.

In just an instant, the entire room was filled with holes from their vicious bullets. Even Harvey and Freya’s

locker wasn’t exempt from their attacks and were riddled with holes.

Harvey remained calm while tightly covering Freya’s mouth, so that she wouldn’t let out a single noise.

Soon after, more foreign killers burst into the


They carried their firearms as the paced the place, their faces murderous.

Their eyes swept around as they searched for their target, but they couldn’t find anything.

A man with blonde hair, who was leading the group, yelled into his walkie-talkie, “He might have run

away through the window!”

“Quick! Get a few people outside and stop him before he can escape!”

The man kicked the locker near him down in rage as he spoke.

The locker fell to the side, but didn’t budge at all.

The man froze, shocked. He was about to say something, but someone leapt out of the locker at that

instant and slashed his throat with a knife.

Without giving a chance for the other foreigners to react, Harvey swung his hand and flung the knives he

had previously collected at them.

Immediately after, painful wails followed.

Some of the foreigners had their hands pierced, while others immediately fell unconscious to the ground

with slashed necks. Those who were fortunate to stay alive had collapsed. They covered their wounds,

looking miserable. It was a wretched sight.

After a short while, they returned to their senses.

“Let’s go! Kill him now!” someone screamed


Bang, bang, bang!

The remaining killers aimed their firearms at Harvey and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

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