Guns & Roses
Chapter 28


“Your Mother”

I felt the breath knock out of me. My eyes widened at the sudden bomb Arturo just dropped.

I was lost for words. My mother? How the hell does Arturo know my mother? Heck, I didn’t even remember her that much.

Arturo brought his attention to my face, a wicked smile replaced the reminiscing one he had on his face just seconds ago.

“Cat got your tongue tesoro?”

“How do you know her?” I asked silently.

He laughed out loud as he stood up from his seat and came closer to me.

“So now you want something from me Tatiana?” He said as he gave emphasis on my name. He smiled evilly as he took hold of my chin and brought my face upwards, so close I could feel his breath on my cheeks.

I glared at him but that didn’t stop his other hand from roaming all over my body. I was squirming in disgust and for once in my life I was actually scared of what this bastard may do to me.

“Don’t fucking touch me” I said deadly low.

“You look just like her tesoro, the hourglass body, beautiful face, the wavy hair...the fierceness in your eyes and those lips...” he said longingly as he started leaning towards me more.

With panic coursing through me, I did the first thing that popped into my head.

Banging my head as hard and forceful as I can, Arturo shouted in pain as he clutched his bleeding nose and backed away from me.

He merely chuckled at my action until he backhanded me with so much force that I couldn’t suppress the pain as a quiet grunt escaped from me.

I knew for a fact that he had a giant ring on his hand that made the slap hurt so much. I felt warm liquid ooze from my cheek and the familiar pain was all too familiar.

“You’re just like Alyona... Both you and your mom are equally feisty ” he chuckled.

Alyona? So that’s my mother’s name. Hold on, I’m sure I’ve heard of it before..

I glared at him as he took a seat at the chair and brought out a handkerchief to clean off his wound.

“So I’m guessing Dimitri hasn’t told you yet, no?” He started.

The look on my face said it all and his annoying smirk grew wider. What does Dimitri have to do with this?

“Oh this is gold! Gold I tell you!” He smiled maniacally.

“You know I love our games right, cucciola?” He said as he snapped his fingers on the other direction.

“You want answers yes?” He asked me but I only rolled my eyes at him.

“I’ll take that as a yes”

Just then, I saw some of his men bring out a metal table and a leather bag that I was well acquainted with.

The torture bag.

I tried to mask off my indifference and tried giving myself internal pep talks. Every agent had gone through this training. We just had to keep our mouths shut until the pain goes away. Which is a long long time.

The metal table was set beside me and the duffle bag containing different torture devices was placed on top. Arturo dragged his chair with a screeching sound as he stood a reasonable space from me.

“I’m aware you know what this bag holds. And I’m sure you’ll enjoy this little game I had in mind” Arturo smiled sadistically.

I only kept quiet, afraid that my big mouth will only get me in deeper trouble.

“The game’s pretty simple” he said, opening the few top buttons of his black shirt and rolling the sleeves up to his elbows.

“Hmm... I suppose it’s what you kids play called 21 questions? I ask you questions and you ask me, every time you answer wrong... well, let’s just say I’ll have my fun with you”

“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” I said, finding the courage to speak.

“Oh trust me, the truth will certainly hurt you in more ways than one. So basically, I get to inflict both physical and emotional pain on you.”

Sadistic son of a bitch.

I wanted answers. Answers I’m afraid won’t be coming from Dimitri anytime soon. Even if pain was the price, so be it. I’ve done this a hundred times back at the Agency.

“Okay! Let’s begin shall we?” He said as he clapped his hand and took a simple knife from the bag.

“I’ll go first. Hmm... what to ask?” He said tapping the knife on his chin.

“Aha! I’ve got the perfect question to kickstart this game” he smirked. “What’s your name tesoro?”

I stayed silent. This was not the question I was expecting.

“Tatiana Romanov” I answered.

“Are you sure?” He asked smirking wider.

“Tsk. First question and you got it wrong, well, technically right and wrong” he said as he stood up and walked in front of me, holding my head tightly as he trailed the knife just beneath my birthmark.

I sucked in a breath, concentrating on other things. The cut wasn’t too deep but it still left a stinging sensation. I honestly wasn’t surprised I got it wrong, most of the agents at the Agency were branded with a different name when they were recruited and I wasn’t any different from them.

“This right here..” he said tapping the knife on my birthmark “is your identity”.

“Since you got your first name right, the wound isn’t too deep. Now, do you want to know your real family name?”

“Cut with the chitchat Arturo, it’s getting quite boring” I taunted as my other cheek met with his hand.

I feel the metallic taste inside my mouth as I spat it out smiling at Arturo.

“Stop interrupting my dear” he said as he flexed his hand. “So, where was I? Yes, your name” he rambled on like the true lunatic he is.

“That mark you have, isn’t just a coincidental mark. You’re a Lunanov”

My eyes widened at his statement. My mouth must surely be opened as I processed his words.

“T-that can’t be” I said.

The Lunanovs were a powerful mafia family close to the ranks of the Aleksandrovs, Dimitri’s family.

“Every true Lunanov has that mark, whether they like it or not, and you, tesoro, is the missing princess of the Lunanovs”

“How is that possible..” I ask, still stunned from the revelation.

“It’s quite simple really. The old man you met earlier is your grandfather and he had a son, a son that stole your mother away from me” he said with so much hate.

I guess that ‘son’ was my father. But what is Arturo’s relationship with my mom?

“Okay, enough of that. It’s my turn again”

This game was basically one way. I get wounded for every answer I wanted to hear from him.

“My question is... how do you think did your parents die?” He asked.

“I-I don’t know” I answered truthfully.

“Aw. You’re not even going to try to guess?” He asked as he reached for the bag.

He pulled out a whip. And I tried my best to not show any emotion.

He turned me around, twisting my cuffed hands in the process and shoved me to the wall. I was sure my face was pretty bruised up but there’s nothing I can do.

Arturo’s hand grazed through my bare back as he leaned down on my ear and whispered “beautiful”

I shouted as the first whip landed on my back. It hurt like a bitch I tell you.

“Since I’m dying to tell you. Your parents... died through my hands” he announced.

Tears were already falling from the pain of the whip but even though I didn’t know my parents, I still cried for my loss.

“You bastard” I grounded out shooting daggers at him.

“You know I only find that glare cute cucciola” he cooed. “Go on, it’s your turn to ask” he said challenging me.

Ignoring the pain of my back, I asked the question that I was dreading to hear the answer.

“How do you know my mother?” I asked.

“Oh now that’s the question I want to hear”

“You see, both me and your mother were orphans on a little town in Italy. We were best friends even though she was older than me. She protected me from the bullies at the orphanage. And even though she saw me as nothing but a little brother, I didn’t. I loved her” he said as he was digging through the bag as if his revelation was not shocking at all.

He snatched a glance my way as he took my silence to go on.

“When your mother was almost 20, she was sold off to become a maid. There was no way of getting out of the orphanage and your mother craved a life where she could truly live. But little did she know she just signed up for a life filled with the exact opposite of her dream. She wrote me letters, even if it took months for me to receive them. She was adjusting fine and that she met someone"

I was devastated. My heart was broken. I let her go because I knew she wanted adventure but I just ended up letting her go just for her to end up in another man’s arms.

And well, the rest was history. I hated them, so I made myself stronger, took my revenge but your mother was incredibly stubborn and unfortunately died together with your father”

“Oh. And there was someone else...” clapping his hands together as he recalled the other person. He looked back at me and the words he said stunned me yet again.

“Dimitri’s mother” he said as he resumed in digging through the bag until he retrieved a knife with rough edges on it.

“But of course, that’s a story reserved for another time. It’s my turn again!”

As much as I feign being strong, my body ached a whole lot. The sting on my back still hurt and I could feel my face swell up now.

“Here’s my question. How long have you known Dimitri?” He asked smirking evilly.

“A couple of months” I answered. It was the truth after all.

Making the ‘error sound’ “I feel like Dimitri should see how lying to you cost your pretty little face to be fucked up”

He traced the tip of the knife on my cheeks as I bit my lip in pain, grunting every second he took.

When he was done, I let out a breath as I feel the blood trickling down my face. The saltiness of my tears stung my fresh wound but the man in front of me only admired his work.

“I won’t tell you the correct answer tesoro, I’ll let Dimitri ponder on his actions”

“You sadistic son of a bi-”

“Uh uh uh. Don’t disrespect me like that”

I spat in his face and my stomach instantly met with his fist. I slumped forward as the pain registered.

“Excuse me Boss, you have a call”

A man said from the distance.

“Excuse me for a moment my dear” he said as he walked off.

I tried standing up to lessen the strain on my wrists but I was just to tired.

Suddenly, I heard static or someone. I’m going crazy, and I haven’t eaten any decent meal.

“Hello?” I asked to no one in particular.

“Shit. Tatiana can you hear me?!”

“Viktor?” I asked unsurely. Maybe I was hearing things.

“Thank God. We’re comi-” he started saying but all I heard was static and in came Arturo.

My eyes widened in realization. I still had my earpiece with me but there must be signal blockers if the guys only reached me just now. The blockers were turned off because Arturo had to take a call...

“Sorry for that my dear, it interrupted our game”

I know the guys are coming and it only gave me more courage.

“I believe it’s my turn now Arturo” I said with confidence.

He seemed to perk up at my sudden interest but hell he was wrong.

“What did you not have that my dad has? I mean, my mom won’t leave you if you had everything” I taunted.

“She didn’t leave me because of me, she wanted a life” he said as the veins on his temple started to pulse.

“Keep telling yourself that. If she wanted you she wouldn’t have searched outside. Just face it Arturo, you weren’t enough” I sneered.

He punched me near my rib and I swear he just broke something. I coughed uncontrollably as I tried smiling at a raging man.

“The truth hurts huh Arturo? My mom chose my dad because you. were. not. good. enough”

He withdrew his gun from his back and pointed the barrel at my temple.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, so I suggest you shut the fuck up or I’ll make you” he said.

Suddenly, there were gun shots heard from the floor above.

Both of our heads snapped up and soon enough, shouting were heard and a whole lot of commotion was happening.

The same man who notified Arturo about the phone call was now at our side, panting like his life depended on it. Well, maybe that was the case.

“We’re being infiltrated sir. We are outnumbered”

"Figlio di puttana!” He cursed out in Italian.

While they were busy, I pushed myself up and discreetly and took off one of my earring clutching it for dear life.

When Arturo was just about to turn his back, I quickly returned to my slumped position. When he stood in front of me, he bent down and took out a syringe from his back pocket. Not again.

“I’m afraid we have to continue our game the next time we meet. But for now, arrivederci my dear” he said as he plunged the syringe on my arm. When he turned his back, I grabbed him by his arm as his eyes directed on mine.

"Poshel na khuy, mudak" I cursed him for good measure as he undoubtedly did not notice the small act I just pulled off.

He just laughed as black dots started clouding my vision and Arturo’s back slowly disappearing to the darkness.

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