Guns & Roses
Chapter 26


As I glanced around the room, I noticed that it was a mix of old and young people. Some in their 50-60′s and the youngest age I could see was about in their 20′s.

They all screamed money and power. The waiters and waitresses never stopped serving champagne and drinks and just as I was about to look on the other direction, I saw a familiar face as he winked at me discretely.

“What the hell is Anton doing here?” I asked Dimitri quietly.

“They’re scouting the place. We believe this might be his main hideout” he answered.


“Yeah, most of the boys are he-” Dimitri went on but was cut off by an elderly man.

“Dimitri! It’s a surprise seeing you here my boy” the elderly man said with a very heavy russian accent.

He looked to be about in his 60′s, all white hair and a white beard to match it. He was about 6 ft tall and what caught my attention was his huge golden ring. It was a typical man’s ring but the crescent moon engraved on it was quite unusual for a man like him. Isn’t it usually letters engraved on family rings? Specifically mafia families?

“Sir Abram” Dimitri said as he shook hands with the man. “Likewise sir, from what I know, you don’t attend these kinds of party, no?”

The man chuckled which brought my attention back to his face. Even though this man looked friendly, he exudes power and respect. He was quite intimidating to be honest.

“I certainly don’t, but I am growing old, I must at least try attending these events that I didn’t go to when I was your age” he explained as his eyes darted towards mine for the first time.

The smile on his face dropped and his stance became rigid.

“Alyona” he breathed out.

My brows scrunched up and I was baffled at his action. The look in his eyes said nothing but recognition but mine said the opposite. I for one did not know him.

Dimitri cleared his throat and gestured for me to come closer.

“This is Tatiana Romanov, Tatiana, this is Abram Lunanov”

Dimitri’s hand snaked around my back and gently urged me to come forward.

“Hello sir, I’m Tatiana. It’s a pleasure meeting you” I said a bit unsurely as I extended my right hand.

As if breaking out of his reverie, he cleared his throat and took my hand shaking it firmly. But then his eyes drifted down, the movement of his eyes didn’t go unnoticed.

I guess he was staring at my necklace? It really was pretty.

Letting go of my hand, he gave me one last look but something in his face tells me there’s more going on here. He turned to Dimitri and smiled even though I knew it was a smile that was fake.

“May I have a word with you Dimitri?” Abram said with a tone that left no room for options.

I was staring at Dimitri and was expecting him to be pissed off since someone was basically ordering him but I was confused as to why Dimitri’s expression was happy? His mouth was almost in a curve but not enough to say he was happy. Huh. Something is definitely up here.

I guess I was staring because Dimitri let go of his hold on me and leaned down towards my ear.

“I’ll be right back, behave mishka” he said as he intentionally grazed his lips on my cheek. Tease.

Before I know it, Dimitri and Abram was lost in the crowds and I was left there standing like a lost puppy. Deciding it was best to go to the bar than stand in the middle of the ballroom, I made my way towards the side where a few of the guests leaned on the bar table chatting.

As I reached the table, I saw the bartender occupied with taking the other guests’ orders. I didn’t mind waiting as I took a seat on the bar stool, careful not to rip my dress in the process. It was revealing as it is.

Turning my chair around, I saw most of the guests were already relaxed, a few of them swaying and a lot more were getting louder. The alcohol must already be kicking in. But what caught my attention the most was that most of the men were on the other side while women were in the other. There were only a few men who had their woman beside them.

I forgot this was a business party after all. From what I know, women in the mafia weren’t really allowed to interfere with the business. And based from what I’m seeing, I guess it is indeed true.

Shame. Women should have a say on what goes on.

“Can I get you anything?”

Facing him, I noticed he was quite young. He had a charming face and the typical boy next door vibe.

“Aren’t you a little too young to be bartending?” I asked. He looked like he was still in high school.

“Aren’t you too beautiful to be at a place like this?” He said back, dimples showing as he flashed me a flirty smile.

I raised a brow at him. “And what kind of place is this?” I asked.

“A place where people taint beautiful things” he answered quietly.

“But I’m already tainted though,” I smiled at him. He was about to reply but I cut him off with my order.

“I’ll have a rum and coke please”

“Of course. Coming right up” he smiled but then something flashed through his eyes and curiosity peaked in.

I was about to look back when a hand rested on the back of my chair, preventing me from turning around.

“Long time no see Tesoro” he said near my ear.

He took a seat beside me, his hand still on my chair.

“You look ravishing my dear, I must say, I miss our little charades”

“I can’t say the same Arturo” I grounded out.

“Oh come on, I know you do. That’s why I came to hate Dimitri more since he took you away from our little game” Arturo said.

I refused to look at him and stared at my glass in front of me. The young bartender was no where to be found and it was for the best. I was just hoping one of the guys finds me soon. As much as I want to, I know I can’t take this guy down alone.

“What do you want Arturo?” I asked.

“Hmm. I’ll tell you what I want if you look at me first” he said. Fucking lunatic.

I refused to look at him and my body was tensed and I could feel every fiber of my body ready to fight. His rough hands suddenly grasped my jaw and held it painfully tight as I took hold of his wrist.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you” he grounded out.

He forcefully directed my face at him as I gave him my meanest glare. He only laughed at me as he let go of my face.

“I missed that glare tesoro. I blame Dimitri for keeping you all to himself leaving poor me without a playmate” he said.

I know this party was technically filled with ‘bad people’ or highly questionable professions, but Arturo was on a whole different level. I’m surprised he was invited here.

I discretely looked sideways hoping someone would notice our little moment here but to no luck, the guests around the bar have suddenly dispersed leaving only the young bartender on the farthest corner of the bar.

“As much as I love our little chitchat Arturo, I would like it if you get straight to the fucking point” I said.

“Oh mio dio” he dramatically sighed.

“For someone as beautiful as you, you sure do pick up things slow, I mean, it’s the same thing everytime tesoro.”

This again? I’m seriously getting tired of this cat and mouse game.

“And for someone as powerful as they claim to be, you sure do look desperate” I retorted.

His jaw ticked and a wicked smile replaced his expression. I know I was poking the bear but I needed to know answers even if it means risking a lunatic’s wrath.

“Tell me Arturo, you have the best spies, the best men, the best army. Why could you possibly want me? I sure as hell don’t hold any information valuable to you. So why?” I asked, scanning his face for clues.

“You’ll soon know why” he said smiling at me creepily.

“What is it with everybody and the suspe-” I complained but I was cut off when a painful sting landed on my thigh.

Chuckling, I faced Arturo with the few seconds I had left. “You never play fair Arturo. Pathetic" I sneered as my surroundings turned black and the last thing I felt was a hand capturing my head as I fell backwards into darkness.


Slowly regaining consciousness, I tried opening my eyes only to see blurry visions. Blinking more, I adjusted my sight only to notice that I was obviously somewhere down below.

My shoulders were awfully sore and my neck was stiff because these bastards tied my hands up in damn metal cuffs you only see in 18th century dungeons. My arms were practically stretched up and it doesn’t help that I’m seated on the cold concrete floor with a dress that barely covers anything. Just my luck.

I tried standing up but it seems like my legs and feet didn’t agree with me. Feeling pins and needles suck but at least it wasn’t a bullet stuck inside. Yet. I thought bitterly. Knowing my track record, it wasn’t such a farfetched scenario.

While my legs are starting to recuperate, I surveyed my surroundings. It looks like we were still at that ball. The architectural layout of this floor is the same with the one I’m guessing is a few floors above us. I couldn’t hear any music so I was not sure whether the ball was still on going or not.

Hearing light footsteps on the corner, I turned my head towards the sound and frowned at the sight.

“Looks like sleeping beauty’s awake” Arturo said, his signature looney smile plastered on his face.

I tried standing up and thankfully my legs did not fail. Stepping one heeled foot at a time, I balanced myself out and stood in defense mode as Arturo came closer.

“You fucking son of a bi-” I grunted as I tried kicking him but Arturo easily dodged it.

“Woah. Calm down woman” he said raising both of his hands in mock surrender.

“Calm down? You want me to calm the fuck down? You should have had the decency to give me a fucking chair if you were going to kidnap me anyway!”

“Is this just about a chair? Seriously?”

I didn’t know why I was so hang up about it. Every part of my body was sore and I was sure it was going to be that time of the month.

“Try wearing a barely there dress in this weather matched with heels. Wait, no- I’ll just shove this 5 inch heels so far up your ass-”

“Dios mio. You are so violent tesoro” Arturo said with wide eyes.

He snapped his fingers on the side, and a man appeared, hurrying to bring him a chair.

Arturo sat on the chair facing me as he pulled out a gun from behind his trousers.

“Tsk tsk that mouth of yours... will get you in trouble”

“As you can see, I’m already in one” I retorted.

Arturo let out a soft chuckle as he looked me in the eyes.

“You are such a spitfire Tesoro, just like her” he said with a distant look, a small smile still on his face.

“Her?” I asked genuinely curious.

“It brings back so many memories... good and bad. But I still treasure them as they had her in it” he said while tapping the gun on his chin.

“Who is she Arturo?” I said unaffected with his gun.

I waited in silence for his answer and the more his dragged it out the more I felt my heart beating so fast.

He remained silent for a few good seconds more until Arturo directed his piercing gaze at me.

“Your mother”

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