Good Grades & Mystery Games (North University Series Book 2)
Good Grades & Mystery Games (North University Series Book 2)

Good Grades & Mystery Games (North University Series Book 2)

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Scarlett Voss is what girls at North University want to be but also what they fear. She’s stubborn, confident and spends too much of her free time arguing with a certain blonde in all of her classes. She’s grown up with money so she knows how it feels to be used for something other than her personality. So when a family mystery arises, Scarlett jumps at the opportunity to prove to everyone and herself, that she is capable of more than people think.

Evan Branson is the stuck-up, flirty boy who irritates Scarlett on a day-to-day basis, seeing how far he can push her until she cracks. It’s no secret that he’s a millionaire but that might be the only thing keeping him going after an embarrassing scandal involving a weeping Evan and a packet of Oreo’s leads to him getting pushed aside from the family business. His one chance at getting back in with the Branson’s is through a simple plan: Get close to Scarlett, find out more about her family and don’t blow your cover.

When the two are paired up for an end of year project, an unlikely mystery tying them together and a final grade on the line, can they put their family feud and general hatred for each other to the side while they strive for a grade? How far are they willing to push each other to get what they want?

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