Chapter Twenty-Four

That night, Maggie walked into her new room with a towel wrapped around her body. She scrunched a towel through her hair as she walked over to the dressers filled with the Vorik clothing she picked out when Marie and Emma took her shopping in the village. She changed into a t-shirt and panties and dropped her eyes to her dragonscale gloves when she went to pick up her brush. She didn’t miss them but was grateful for the gift Diana had given her. She let out a small laugh and held her hand up. She willed a spark of magic to her hand and the purple energy flicked out of her palm, spinning into a ball.

If only Diana could see her now.

“Those are your pajamas?” Heath said, making Maggie jump. She lost the power ball and turned to face him, scolding him for scaring her. “At least I know your first reaction of being scared isn’t to attack,” he teased her and stepped closer. He took her by the waist and bent down to kiss the space between her neck and shoulder. “Remember the last time you wore something like this?” he breathed onto her skin, making her tremble.

Maggie smiled, enjoying his kisses, “I found out who you were outside that uniform.”

“And?” he let out, kissing behind her ear.

“We had our first kiss the night before,” Maggie let out, her smile growing wider.

“I wanted to make you mine that day,” he kissed under her jaw.

“What stopped you?” she managed to say. Her senses tingling from his touch.

“You,” he kissed under her chin, “I knew I had to wait.” He moved to place his mouth over hers. He pulled her closer and she allowed the kiss to deepen, but only for a few moments.

“I’m still mad at you, you know,” she said, pulling back. His eyes showing how amused he was, but she could also see the desire burning in them.

“That’s what will make tonight so much better,” Heath said, following her to the bed. He hovered over her, as she laid back. He looked down at her, “We’re still even.” He bent down to kiss Maggie again, pushing into her, but she rolled him to the side and ended up on top of him.

Maggie smirked, knowing that their anger towards each other never lasted, even before they finally confessed their true feelings. Heath submitted and laid on his back, looking up at her. “How was work?” she asked, playing with the button on his shirt.

“You can unbutton it if you’d like,” he winked at her, enjoying every moment.

Maggie lightly hit his chest, “I’m serious. I actually want to know.”

“It was stressful,” Heath said, putting his hands behind his head. “Benzi was right. Vanessa has grown impatient. She swore today she’d flatten Ori just to find you and Jace.”

“It’s only been a week.”

“That’s a very long time for a crazy woman.”

“What if she realizes you’re working against them? She will kill you.”

“She can try,” Heath said, smirking. “I’ve put up a protection spell that will prevent any permanent damage done to me. It’s necro and only I can remove it.”

“It’ll work against an Archmage?”

“It should. The only thing it won’t prevent is if she replaces that curse on my mind.”

“Would she do that?” Maggie’s eyebrows scrunched.

“That’s another threat she’s been throwing around.”

Maggie sat up away from Heath. She felt sick to her stomach with the thought of Heath turning against them. “Wouldn’t I be able to break the spell again?”

Heath sat up, “I’m not sure… But I have no doubt the moment we enter Valo together, she will attempt to turn me.” He watched Maggie’s face go pale. He took her face in his hands, “I have a way for their spell to be broken no matter what she does.”

“What is it?” her eyes pleaded.

He stuck his hand in his pocket and when he opened his hand to reveal what he had, Maggie’s eyes went wide. He held a ring with a black diamond in the center. The silver band separated to hold the diamond in place.

“Heath-” she let out, hiding her gaped mouth with her hand.

“It’s a necro blood diamond. With a drop of both of our blood on the diamond our hearts will always recognize each other no matter what.”

Maggie peeled her eyes away from the ring to look at Heath’s. “Will this be forever?

“Did you want it to be?”

Maggie looked back at the diamond. She always believed blood rituals bound people together until the end of time so necro magic shouldn’t be any different. Necro always bent the rules. She met Heath’s eyes again and knew that even if this was just a simple ring, she would want it to be forever. She gave him a smile and told him, “Yes.”

Heath’s eyes twinkled, and he returned her smile. He knew exactly what Maggie was asking for and he couldn’t be more than happy to offer it to her. “Then we will make it forever,” he answered then began to explain what they needed to do. He went to his boots and took out his dagger, pricking his finger. He knelt to her, as he said, “My blood first,” and touched the diamond. The diamond soaked the blood in, putting a red mist in the black coloring. “Now yours,” he continued and pricked her finger. She placed it on the diamond and watched the diamond become a deepened red as their blood swirled together.

“Repeat after me,” he said, sliding the ring on her finger that was closest to the heart - the ring finger. ”Med deen ring, jeg er din,” he began to say in necro. Maggie followed his words so effortlessly it was like she knew the language.

The diamond began to glow.

"Mijn hart kent je hart,” he continued, and she repeated. Their eyes locked on each other’s. ”Forevigt more,” he completed and waited for her to speak.

With the last two words spoken, the diamond flashed and instantly Maggie felt their hearts connect. She closed her eyes, feeling Heath’s essence enter her heart and settle. She felt warm inside and a smile came to her lips as she felt like he was embracing her. When she opened her eyes, she saw Heath smiling at her with the same expression that she felt.

The ring settled back to its natural black color.

“What did we say?” she let out.

“With this ring I am yours, my heart knows your heart. Forever more.”

Maggie smiled again then pulled him in for a kiss. She leaned back, and Heath followed, keeping their mouths connected. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they kissed - their hearts beating in sync.

In the morning, Maggie didn’t feel Heath wake up and leave. She sat up and looked around the room, settling her eyes on the ring her placed on her finger. She smiled, feeling that warmth inside her again, then slowly got out of bed. She pulled on clothes and went down the hall. She found Heath in the living room, pulling his cowl over his head.

“Please don’t go,” she said, leaning against the door frame. She had her arms crossed.

“I have to,” Heath answered, adjusting his chest plate. “Vanessa will become suspicious.” He clipped the cowl to the armor. He walked up to her and held her arms that she kept crossed against her chest. “I’ll see you tonight,” he kissed her forehead, “Don’t forget we’re going to the Undercity.”

Maggie didn’t answer. She watched him step through the magic door into Picco. She rubbed her arms watching the light flash around the doorframe. She grabbed her cloak and stepped outside. Marie was sitting on her porch drinking her morning tea and she decided to sit with the Mage. She greeted her, sitting on a rocking chair. Marie took notice of the ring, but didn’t say anything, she only smiled and asked Maggie what was wrong.

“My nephew always has a plan, dear,” Marie responded after Maggie told her.

“The last plan him and Jace had went against them.”

“He didn’t know the tricks he knows now. I can assure you he will know a way out. He has a dark side to him when he or the ones he loves are crossed. It’s the necro blood in him,” she added, sipping her tea.

Maggie sat with Marie for the rest of the morning. Everyone was anxious about going to the Undercity and seemed to take every moment a little slower than normal. They knew that once a portal was received, going into the palace was next.

As noon approached, Maggie withdrew to her room, while Jace and Emma had lunch together.

When Maggie heard a scream, she quickly ran to the living room to see what happened.

Heath sat on a chair with his hands cuffed behind him. His face was bleeding from his eyebrows and lip; and she could see bruises starting to form on his cheeks. Jace cursed as he tried to get the cuffs off without magic. They were only anti-magic from inside, from the outside, magic needed to be used to open them.

Heath refused Emma’s healing, telling them that they would be going to the Undercity early and that there was a change of plans, but stopped speaking when he saw Maggie at the door. He closed his eye as the blood stung it and cursed under his breath, looking away from her.

Jace took Emma’s hand, suggesting they leave the two be.

Maggie didn’t say anything when they left. She stared at Heath’s swollen face for a few more moments before kneeling behind him. She held the cuffs and her energy poured into them, opening them. They dropped to the ground and Heath rubbed his wrist.

“That protection spell worked,” Heath joked, letting out a laugh as she came back to the front of him.

“It’s not funny, Heath,” Maggie retorted. “How did she find out?”

“She was informed that they were chasing decoys. They had a necro insider who pointed their finger at me.”

“How would a necro know?”

“Because he is my father,” Heath answered, walking out of the room and heading towards the kitchen. “He can spot my magic anywhere,” he walked up to the sink and turned on the water.

Jace and Emma sat at the table with Marie.

“Was it Vanessa who did that to you?” Jace asked, standing up from his seat.

Heath answered that it was as he threw cold water on his face to get the blood out of his eyes and mouth. “She wanted to know where you all were and when I didn’t give her the answers she wanted, she tried to beat it out of me.”

“How did you get here?” Emma asked, feeling her hands becoming warm as she looked at Heath’s face.

“I used an emergency port,” Heath answered, patting his face dry with a towel. He sharply breathed in from the stinging. “Necro of course, so when she left the room, I called for it and dropped through.”

Maggie looked to Marie who raised her eyebrow at her in amusement.

“I’m changing and taking a port to the Undercity,” Heath said, walking out of the room, “Be ready in five.”

“He looks like he got into the biggest bar fight of his life and he wants to go to the Undercity?” Maggie said, looking at the others. “Is he out of his mind? Can you talk some sense into him, Marie?”

Marie let out a laugh while Jace chuckled. “Heath’s pissed, Mags,” Jace snickered, “He said his father ratted him out, right?”

Marie made a tsk sound and shook her head, “I never liked that underbelly fool.”

“I’ve seen Heath lose his cool once and even as his Commanding Officer I knew not to go against him. It’s no wonder they promoted him after I left.”

“Ready?” Heath asked, standing at the door and looking in on everyone.

They all turned to him and looked back at each other. They stood from their seats and followed Heath to the port. He made his chant then opened the door to a black rock. It was the entrance to the Undercity and only the blood of a necro was allowed access.

Heath removed his hidden dagger and pierced his finger. He placed his hand on the door and the blood began to spider out from his touch. The rock moved upwards, revealing a small cave that lead into the city. Before stepping through this door, Emma grabbed his arm.

“What about me?” she asked with fear coming into her eyes.

“Stay close to Jace and you’ll be fine,” Heath answered, looking down at her.

Emma looked at Jace who held his hand out to her. She took it and he tugged her to him. They followed Heath into the city. The surrounding Necromancers all turned away from what they were doing to see who was approaching their world, but the moment they took notice of who it was, they quickly turned back. A few brave ones stepped out from their huts and gave the group a dirty look as they passed.

Heath brought them to one of the last huts where a man in black rags quickly swung around to face who was approaching him. “What is the meaning of this?” he forced out, as Heath pushed him into the counter and held a blade to his father’s neck.

“Heath!” Maggie exclaimed, moving forward, but Jace grabbed her arm and held her back.

Maggie looked at her brother then Emma, who turned into Jace’s arm and held her necklace. Maggie pulled her arm from her brother’s grip and turned back to Heath, who was threatening his father.

“You think I wouldn’t put two and two together?” Heath asked, pushing into the dagger.

“I- I didn’t think she would do that to you, my boy,” his father stuttered, trying to lean back.

“You have no right to call me that,” Heath spat out. “You disclosed my magic to the Commander of the Garzil Knights,” Heath continued, “You helped them dispel then ratted me out. I should kill you where you stand.”

“Why not do it then?”

“Because I need something from you. A necro-portal.”

“And what makes you think I would give it to you?”

“I would listen, Lance,” Jace said. Jace had met Heath’s father a few times while in the Garzil and was never a fan of him. Lance had disowned his son the moment he learned he would live among the white lighters of Galena and not as the newest member of the Necromancer Clan. “He does have the upper hand,” he added.

Lance tried to swallow as the blade pushed against his throat. “You armored fools are always demanding something,” Lance mumbled, agreeing to give his son the portal. He grabbed a box off the top shelf and opened it, pulling a small, black vial out. He handed it to Heath, telling him to look.

Heath opened the vial and stuck his pinky inside. He touched his pinky to his tongue and nodded. The portal was what he asked for. He handed the vial to Maggie and went to leave, but turned back to Lance. “Oh, one more thing,” he said, going up to his father again. Lance backed into his counter, as Heath chanted, ”Bloed naar bloed, verraadt nooit. Stilte is gouden, manier van necro.[3]" With his last words, Heath flicked his father’s throat. “Just in case you want to help the Garzil again,” he said and stepped away.

Lance knew what Heath had done and as Heath turned, he grabbed a knife that hung from above and lunged at his son. Jace swung around and held his sword out, pushing it into Lance’s chest. Lance froze from the sharp pain the golden blade’s point caused him. Maggie and Emma stepped back from what they saw while Heath proudly stood next to Jace, staring at his father’s poor attempt of attacking him.

Jace glared down the blade at Lance, making him drop the knife. “Your Majesty,” he let out as he kept his hands raised in the air.

“You attempt that attack again and I will let your son finish the job,” Jace sternly said, as his eyes narrowed on the necromancer.

Lance could only nod - the rest of his body was still frozen from what he just witnessed. Kard dissolved as Jace dropped his hand and followed Heath and the others out of the area.

“What did you do to him?” Emma asked Heath, watching the necromancers that stood outside their huts before, now duck inside.

“I cursed him, so he can’t go against us again,” Heath answered, opening the entrance. They stepped back into Emma’s hallway and the portal closed. “Jace,” he said, grabbing Jace’s attention before he disappeared down the hall with Emma. “Thanks for having my back,” he said, holding his hand out.

Jace looked down at Heath’s hand and grabbed his forearm, shaking it - honoring their pact. “You’ve always come through for me,” he said, returning Heath’s thank you with his own. He gave him a smile and continued holding Heath’s arm, adding, “You look like hell.”

Heath let out a laugh and dropped his arm from Jace’s hold. “I’ll have Emma heal me later,” he said and Jace slapped his bicep before walking away.

Heath looked over at Maggie, his gaze softening, as she slowly approached him and lightly touched his face. She looked at all the bruising, swelling, and cuts from the beating he took from Vanessa earlier. Heath took her hands, giving her a smile, then wrapped his arms around her.

Maggie dug her face into his chest as she held him. She was surprised to see the side he showed in the Undercity, but he had every right. Heath did what he could to protect them and she respected that. She pulled back to look up at him and asked, “Why not just put that protection spell on us? It would’ve saved you so much trouble.”

“I wish I could,” he answered, kissing her forehead, “But you would need to be necro for those spells to work.

Just then Marie burst through the front door. “Thank Yhden you’re here,” she said, rushing up to Heath. She looked at the four, “They’re here. The Garzil and Vanessa. They came right after you left for the Undercity. She’s been killing whoever she finds, taking their magic,” she began to say - tears escaping both eyes. “I’ve helped who I can and shielded this home from her, but she’s coming!”

As Heath consoled his aunt, Jace spoke for them, “Then this is how it happens. We have to go with them to put an end to this.” He turned to Emma, “You need to go with Marie.”

Emma shook her head, “No. I’m going with you.”

Jace shook his head, “Your healing powers are needed with whoever is injured. You must go with Marie,” he moved her towards Marie, but she gripped his arms, “Em. Please,” he pulled her into him and kissed her. “I can’t have another Hart die for me.”

As Jace pleaded with Emma, Heath gave Marie the necro-portal, telling her to use it when she was with the Vorks she saved. She needed to bring them to safety away from Vorik. Marie took the portal and went to Emma, holding her shoulders, she pulled a tearful Emma away from Jace and gave Jace a stern look as if to wish them luck and teleported away with Emma crumbling beside her.

Heath turned to Maggie and saw the fear shooting through her eyes. “Focus and rely on your abilities,” he said, holding her arms. “Jace and I will be with you.”

“She’ll take you from me,” Maggie’s voice trembled.

“As expected,” he answered, holding her hand up to remind her of their binding. He gently kissed her hand then looked over his shoulder at Jace, who stated they needed to find Vanessa.

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