I looked at Ryder confused and said, "You have 2 familes? Where are they?" "Brisbow," he replied. "Brisbow Academy?" Zero asks him, Ryder nods and starts to walk towards the buildings. "Wait! Ry! Where are you going?!" Momo yells out. "To Brisbow." He says, and we all looked at him in awe. We don't even know where we are, so how the hell are we supposed to find it? We all go after him, trying to knock some sense into him. "Ry, do you even know where you're going?!" I asked, still amazed by his chill attitude. "Course not," "Then why are you walking? We should stay here and-" "And what? Wait for people to come for us? What people?! It's pretty damn obvious they wanted us to die here. Sending us to fight demons, the fuck! We're only Freshman dammit!!"

Ryder says while standing still and looking at the ground. He was right, there was no way we could have defeated those demons on our own. We all have a dejected expression on our faces. "Wait...didn't Henry say he has an uncle? Why don't we ask him for help too!" Zero says to Ryder. "Ah!! You're right! Wait...what if...he's in on this too?" Ryder says with a hurt expression. "He's right, we can't trust anyone but ourselves right now," Momo says seriously. "No, you can trust my family, I will find them!" Ryder says running towards the buildings. We go after him, and we realize just how big these buildings are. They all look kinda abandoned though. Sheesh, where in the world are we?

"Seriously, where the fuck are we?" I ask in utter confusion. We all looked around at the buildings again, they were all over 5 meters tall. They all has numerous windows, probably over 100. "Should we go inside?" Zero asks looking at all of us. "No, we don't know what's in there." Momo says with a untrusting look. "Oi! What are y'all doin here!" We turned around to see a dark skinned, fat man in ragged clothes with a white beard. "Uh...who are you?" Ryder asked nervously. "Da name's Monti; Monti Chiba. I live round in deez parts. I ain't neva had company befoe." He says while squinting his eyes. I could tell he had a strong accent. "Uh, well we're students from the White Dove Academy. We were sent here against our will," Momo tells him. "Oh? Wait a damn minute, don't tell meh, y'all was sent here ta fight da damons?"

"Damons?" I asked. "He's talking about demons Reese." Ryder says helping me. I really can't understand this guys speech. "How do you know about the demons?" Zero asks him suspiciously. "Oh don't look at meh like dat. I know cuz I seen em ere. I see em ere all da damn time." He says pointing all around the area. "Really?! Then you must know where they went!!" Ryder says excitedly. This could be a clue to find Henry. "Woah boy, chill out nah, I dunno where dey went." "Fuck!!" Ryder yells out. "Hol on, I do know where dey live at." "Really?! Please tell us!!" Momo yells out. "Wus wit y'all and all dis excitement?" He asks confused. "Our friend was taken, and we want to get him back." Zero says with a relived expression.

"Oh lawd, y'all in some deep doo doo, dem damons are not a force to be reckoned wit." "Yes sir, we know, but we have to." I told him with a worried expression. "Please help us," Ryder says. "Yes sir please," "Please!" We all started to beg him. "Alright, alright, Jesus Christ, but I'll tell ya, yur gonna need more than four people if ya wanna go to da damons lair." "Yes, that's why I wanted to get the help of my family at my old school." Ryder says confidently. "What school is dat boy?" "Brisbow," "Oh wow, ma adopted son went there, I uh, don't know if you know him." "I might, what's his name?" "Zayne, Zayne Chiba."

When I looked back at Ryder, his face goes a pale white. He collapses onto the floor and starts sobbing. Me and Momo both asked what was wrong. I looked over at Zero, who was also a bit pale. Who's this Zayne guy? Why are they so sad? "Wus wrong? Did I say sumin wrong? You know ma boy?" Monti asked. "I'm sorry.." Zero says with a saddened look. "Why ya sayin sorry??" "Ryder gets up and hugs Monti instantly. "Woah boy! What's wrong wit ya?!" "I'm so sorry! I couldn't protect your son! I'm so sorry!" Ryder says while hugging him tighter. "Wut do ya mean kid?" "Zayne...your son...he's dead.." Zero told him with a hurt expression. Wait, how does Zero know? Did Ryder tell him? How did this Zayne guy die? I have so many questions.

All of a sudden Monti started to scream in agony. He collapsed, but Ryder was still holding him. They fell to the floor together and they were both crying. Seeing this, also made me want to cry. Momo wiped her tears and Zero also looked sad. We all have our heads down, and we didn't dare say anything. After about five minutes, they both stopped crying. Monti looks like he's lost something important to him. "Ma...ma boy...wut happened to em?.." Ryder tells us everything that happened at the rookie tournament. It was a shock to say the least.

Wait, so is that why Henry beat the ever living shit out of Lucas?! "Wow...I-I'm so sorry.." Momo says putting her head down. "It's okay...but Monti, our friend that we're trying to save, he was Zayne's best friend. He felt the most guilty about it. You should definitely meet him. It would definitely be an honor for him too." Ryder says wiping his tears away." Monti looked so sad, I felt so bad for him. "His...bes fren?" Monti asked while looking at Ryder. "Yes, his best friend." "He..neva had onna dose...growin up. He always wanted one doe..." Monti says with a faint smile. "He got his wish," Ryder said grabbing Monti's hands.

"Alright, imma help y'all, ya seem like good people." Monti said to Ryder with a smile. "Thank you, but I need to find my family first. Please, tell me where Brisbow is." Ryder asked Monti. "I'll guide y'all there, it's not far, issa bout 10 miles from here." "Really?! Are we back in Texas?" "Yessum, you is in Texas." "Thank you Monti," Zero says with a smile. "No prollem." Monti says back. "You think they sent us here knowing Ryder and Henry went to Brisbow? Knowing we could've met Monti here? All of this...was it seriously planned?" Zero says with a frustrated look.

"It's alright, we can talk about what to do later, let's focus on finding Henry." Ryder said. "Alright, follow me," Monti says before guiding us behind the buildings. I really hope this is the right way, and I really hope we can trust Monti. Ryder and Zero look convinced but I should definitely stay neutral. I didn't know Zayne sadly, but he sounds like a good person. I wonder what the rest of Ryders family is like. I hope they're cool. We kept walking, and walking, and walking. I didn't realize how long 10 miles was until today.

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