Chapter 53 Pampering her

Hearing it, the man was stunned for a few seconds.

Then he laughed out loud, "Kelvin, you? Mr. Lawson is your son-in-law, haha, how dare you brag."

"Why didn't you say that the President of the United States is your son-in-law?" The man slapped Kelvin on the head.

Kelvin was anxious and looked at Norah, "Norah, tell him. Do you know where they are taking you to?"


"They're going to sell you to a nightclub to serve other men." Kelvin gritted his teeth.

Norah suddenly raised her head and looked at the man in disbelief, "This is illegal. You have no right to buy or sell my personal freedom, let alone force me." The man glanced at her, sarcastically.

At the same time, Kelvin grabbed the man's arm, and took out his mobile phone and called Shawn.


Seeing that it was Kelvin, Shawn's tone was very cold.

"Shawn, I'm your father-in-law." Kelvin replied politely.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that Shawn didn't deny it, the man freed Norah and listened carefully.

He was even more suspicious, could it be that Mr. Lawson was really Kelvin's son-in-law?

"Shawn, I...I owe money, they asked me to pay it back, or they would cut off my..."

Before Kelvin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shawn, "It's none of my business."

Just when he was about to hang up, Kelvin immediately shouted, "They detained Norah to force us to pay back the money."

"Where are you?" Shawn immediately stood up from chair.

"Tell me the address."

After getting it, Shawn took his jacket and went out.

In the car, Shawn's face was so cold that he would freeze people into ice cubes. He pursed his lips and said nothing. The aura around him was icy cold, and his face was only described as gloomy at the moment.

He wanted to see which group of people was so bold and dared to hold his wife hostage to blackmail him.

They were just getting carried away.

Twenty minutes later.

When Norah saw Shawn, she almost thought she was hallucinating.



The two spoke at the same time.

Norah happily ran towards Shawn.

Before she could walk for a long distance, she was stopped by the group of people again.

"Piss off."

Shawn's voice was so cold that it could scare people to death.

He was calm with gloomy eyes.

The man who stopped Norah shivered and moved away.

The next moment, Norah was hugged by Shawn.

It wasn't until she hugged him, listened to his heartbeat, and smelled the familiar scent on his body that Norah felt that it was all true.

He really came.

"Feared?" Shawn rubbed her head and asked softly.

Norah lowered her head and hugged him tighter.

Until Norah was comforted, Shawn lowered his head and placed a kiss on her forehead, softly coaxing her, "Wait for me in the car, I'll deal with it."

"I don't want to go, I'll just be an onlooker, okay? I promise I won't affect you."

Actually, she was worried about him.

It was not because of how reluctant she was for Kelvin, but because her mother begged her thousands of times before she died. Even if she hated her father, she must save his life in times of crisis. How could she forget her mother's last wish.

"Honey, go to the car, I promise to get down in ten minutes." Shawn coaxed her again dotingly.

Norah nodded, "Okay."

As soon as left, Shawn took off his jacket directly.

Anthony moved a chair for Shawn to sit on. His left leg was naturally folded on his right, full of the innate sense of a king.

Such an action made people feared and to surrender for just a glance.

Shawn raised his eyebrows. Anthony immediately understood and closed the door.

The man was still in confusion. It took a long time before he staggered to Shawn, and explained in horror with a smile, "Mr. Lawson, it's really, I, I failed to recognize Mrs. Lawson and almost hurt her. I beg for your mercy."

"But, Kelvin..." Realizing something, the man immediately changed the words, "Your father-in-law owes us 1.8 million yuan for three months and he doesn't want to pay back with various accuses. To liquidate a debt is perfectly justified. Please help us."

"Want your money back?" Shawn looked at him sharply.

The man nodded immediately, "Yes, of course."

"Okay, then do as I say."

Shawn raised his finger, searching in the room, and finally looked at Kelvin, "Beat him up."

"Ah, Mr. Lawson." The man was completely confused.

"Can't you understand what I said?" Shawn raised his voice, obviously angry.

"Now that Mr. Lawson asked you to do so, just follow it." Anthony added.

The man reacted immediately and waved his hand to summon his healer. They then beat Kelvin wildly.

The fist fell on Kelvin like raindrops.

Soon, he curled up into a ball and begged for mercy in pain, "My son-in-law, what's going on? Did you make a mistake? It wasn't me but they kidnapped Norah ."

"Go on."

Shawn said coldly without looking at him.

"Shawn, it hurts, stop, let them stop."


Five minutes later, Shawn asked them to stop.

Kelvin's face was bruised and swollen, he lied on the ground like a puddle of mud.

He gasped in pain and looked at Shawn, "My son-in-law, I think you may be mistaken."

"Nope" Shawn stood up and looked down at Kelvin condescendingly, "If it isn't for Norah, you're a lump of mud for me, and I won't even frown if you died on the street."

"For the sake of you being Norah's father, I've been kind enough to you."

"Don't think I don't know who planned her to come here today. But you shouldn't, you shouldn't set her up. Kelvin, I'll give you the money today. Next time, not to say your hand, I won't care if they chop off your limbs. Understand?"

Kelvin nodded again and again, and cried bitterly, "I, I understood, thank you, Shawn."

Shawn handed the check in his hand to the man, "I'll give you four hundred thousand dollars. Fifty thousand dollars will be left. Help me keep an eye on him. If he dares to gamble again, you can deal with it as you want without reporting."

The man took the check and nodded seriously, "Mr. Lawson, don't worry, I will obey your orders."

At the same time, Kelvin was already sweating profusely.

Suddenly, Shawn reached out his hands, quickly grabbed the man's wrist, and threw him over his shoulder.

In an instant, his whining resounded throughout the room.

"This is the consequence of kidnapping her."

"Get out of here."

In the car, Norah had been waiting anxiously.

When she saw Shawn approaching, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and walked over quickly.

"How did you deal with it?" Norah asked anxiously.

Unexpectedly, Shawn suddenly stopped and pointed at his cheek.

Norah stared blankly for a while without reacting.

Anthony teased, "Mrs. Lawson, don't you want to give Mr. Lawson any reward?"

Norah looked at Shawn again, and instantly understood.

So, did he really mean to kiss him?

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