Falling For Storm
Chapter 6


I asked Amara out on a date, and now I am not so sure where to go from here. I’ve only known her for two days, so I don’t know much about the things she liked. Go figure. I was also not an expert on this subject because I had never really asked anyone on a date before. And I’d just learned a painful lesson: asking my sister was pretty much useless. She ended up teasing me endlessly, like I was some teenage schoolboy experiencing puppy love for the very first time.

I asked Wyatt and Hunter’s opinion, and they gave me all these ideas—good ones, in fact—but I was way too nervous to pick one, knowing that I could either blow it or make her happy. Basically, I guess I was really screwed, and I didn’t know what else to do. I was just going to go with the flow and treat her to dinner at my favorite diner first, then I’d just improvise. Yeah, that was a good start... I think.

By six, I’d already sent her a message letting her know that I was already waiting in front of her dorm. I sat on the edge of the hood of my car while I waited for her to come down. A lot of students were staring at me, mostly girls who were curious to know what business I had here. I could sense their curiosity, and normally, I’d send them a few flirty winks or give them my winning mega-watt smile, and maybe have a few small talks here and there, but since I’d met Amara, I kind of just didn’t want to pay attention to anyone else. Sure, it had only been two days, but imprinting on your mate changes your perspective on everything, especially about love and whatnot. No one and nothing was more attractive and earth-shattering than a werewolf’s mate. Your mate becomes your entire universe. You automatically zero in on him or her, and no amount of distance matters. You just feel your mate day in and day out. For example, right now. I wasn’t staring at the door of her dorm, but I automatically felt her coming down the stairs and making her way towards me. I didn’t have to look up because, the moment she was out the door, I had already caught a whiff of her sweet scent.

“Hey, sorry I took so long,” she said, stopping about two feet away from me. She looked so unsure of herself, and it was so damn adorable that I had to stop myself from reaching out to her. “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t wait long. Anyway, ready to go?” I asked, opening the passenger door for her. “Absolutely,” she answered, her grin growing wider. “I hope you’re hungry because the place we’re going to has some good stuff you should try,” I mentioned. “Oh, I am,” she smiled, before getting inside the car. The drive to the diner was full of tension, but I made sure to act as cool as I could to avoid making her feel more uncomfortable. I took the opportunity to ask questions so that I’d also get a clue about whether or not my next plan would work out. Surprisingly, she was also into nature, which was great. I was assuming it had something to do with her being an artist.

She was shy for the first part of our date, but when you get her to tell you about her interests, it’s as if she becomes a whole different person. She becomes animated and engages in conversations more. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, and I absolutely love listening to her stories. She’s crazy beautiful and awesome as hell, and I wasn’t saying this just because she’s my mate. I couldn’t pin it down, but there was something oddly special about her. “Are you ready to go to our next stop?” I asked, grinning like a Cheshire cat. She bit her bottom lip as she thought about what we were going to do next, and all I could think of was wanting to kiss her. “Where are we going exactly?” I wanted it to be a surprise, so I just winked at her and said, “You’ll see.” I offered my hand out to her, and she took it without hesitation. I felt a shock of electricity as soon as our fingers touched, and it took every ounce of my willpower to stop myself from pulling her into my arms.

We drove a few miles away from the city, and her eyes immediately widened when she realized that we were passing through the countryside. “We’ll be there soon. Trust me, you’ll like it,” I assured her. “Is this the part where you’re going to murder me, cut me into pieces, put me in a body bag, and bury me deep in the woods?” she asked, all seriousness etched on her face. I took a double-take at her, my brows pinching together, wondering if she really thought that way about me. She must have noticed my confusion because she half-snorted and half-giggled. And fuck, that was the cutest sound I’d ever heard in my entire life. “I’m kidding!” She teased. I shook my head at her amusement, evident in my smile. “You got me.”

I took a left turn into the woods, drove as far as the car could reach, and parked in front of the trail that leads further into the woods. I grabbed my backpack from the back seat and told her to follow me. I took her hand in mine and intertwined our fingers. To my delight, she didn’t try to pull away. We walked for a bit, and as soon as we reached the clearing, her eyes almost fell out of their sockets. She scanned the scenery before her, her awe evident in her expression. “This is my favorite place in the whole world. I come out here often to think, and it’s also beautiful in the morning,” I told her. “It’s breathtaking,” she gasped as she slowly scanned the entire place, possibly taking a mental photo of it. I mean, how could she not? The moon was shining brightly, and the stars were twinkling above us, illuminating the trees that surround the lake. It was pure magic, kind of like that movie called Avatar.

I took a blanket out of my backpack along with two canisters and gently pulled her down to sit next to me. “Do you drink hot chocolate?” I asked. She nodded enthusiastically, obviously pleased with my choice of drink. “Okay, cool, because that’s all I have with me,” I chuckled. We sat there quietly, just enjoying the enchanting scene, and then I felt her shiver next to me. I thought about several ways to keep her warm, and let me tell you, the last one was not PG 13. Since I wanted to be the perfect gentleman, even though my true nature was anything but that, I opted to take my jacket off instead and wrap it around her. I then placed my arm around her waist so she’d feel my naturally warm body to keep her warm enough. Once she visibly relaxed, she peered at me through her lashes, and that was my undoing. The wolf inside me went ballistic, and the next thing I knew, I was leaning in to kiss her.

She moaned into my mouth, and it was so sexy as fuck that it sent my cock throbbing. I wanted to consume her, so I deepened the kiss by pushing my tongue into her mouth. I licked and teased her sensually, coaxing her to follow my lead. God, she tastes like cherry and cream. She flicked her tongue once, which made me smile, and then, ever so slowly, her tongue started exploring mine. I wanted to rip her clothes off and take her right there, but I had to take things slow with her. I pulled away, slightly leaning my forehead against hers. “Are you okay?” I asked. She nodded, breathing heavily. I can smell a bit of arousal on her, and it’s causing mayhem in me. “That was my first kiss,” she whispered.

I almost howled in excitement upon hearing her confession. I don’t think I’ll be able to stand knowing that other guys have kissed and held her the way I am kissing and holding her now. I cupped her face and looked into her eyes. “I’m glad your first kiss was with me,” I admitted. She then beamed at me, and I could have sworn that my heart flew out of my chest and then landed in her hands. My mate was the most captivating creature in the entire universe, and she was simply perfect.

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