Falling For Storm
Chapter 33


We stood there assessing each other, waiting like a ticking time bomb. His gaze raised so that he could meet mine as I stood tall and unrelenting. My friends were still unconscious, and I refused to accept that my mate was gone. She couldn’t be, I told myself, and as hard as it was for me to keep it together, I had to continuously remind myself that, as the alpha, I was responsible for my pack. I couldn’t let my emotions get the best of me, though the thought of losing Amara was worse than spending eternity in hell. This was my obligation; I must eliminate anything or anyone that could harm everyone at all costs.

I slowly exhaled as I felt the wind ripple through my black fur. I flexed my shoulder blades and extended my claws as I envisioned my line of attack. Through my mate’s blood, he became stronger and faster, and I was not sure whether he had truly become a hybrid like Amara. All I knew was that he was dangerous, but the urge to take his life with my own hands was so strong that I wanted to see him burn under the sun a million times. I stared at the old vampire with so much anger and menace before leaping into action. We collided like derailed trains, trying to overpower each other. Biting teeth and snapping jaws could be heard from a thousand miles away as we continued with our deathmatch.

His fists were connecting to different parts of my body, but none of them were powerful enough to land me a big one since I never stayed in one place for too long. I mean, they hurt, but not enough to stop me from countering. I was moving all over the place way too fast, and even I was having a hard time keeping up. He kept charging at me from the front aggressively, while I simply did what I could to study his movements and abilities without getting killed first. I watched as he sent me a right hook that I was luckily able to dodge and took as an opening to grab the said arm with my mouth clamping down hard before violently shaking my head from side to side.

I flailed and flung him around while he kicked and swung at me several times. I endured the many hard blows he was raining on my body, but I was determined to hurt him a thousand times more. I slammed his body on the ground, trapped the upper part with my front legs, and successfully ripped his arm out. He cried a loud shrieking sound as his arm came off and quickly escaped from underneath me. I spat the hanging limb out and braced myself for another round of adverse impacts. He spoke gibberish, then attacked more viciously. I made him mad, alright? He spun around, and I took an unexpected elbow to the ribs, knocking the wind out of my lungs, which had me staggering and whizzing slightly. Fuck, that hurt!

I shook off the pain that shocked my core, just as a boxer does when he gets hit hard, and forced myself to gain momentum. I took several more painful and almost deadly blows while he suffered from more teeth and claws. At some point, I took a wild hit to the head that had me sliding back a few feet and whimpering, and as payback, I managed to slash his face and neck deeply. I couldn’t believe that he was still able to move and kick my ass in his damaged state. When we separated, we circled each other like two predators staking their claim.

A few seconds later, I heard a few grunts and groans, and I realized that my friends were coming back to life. Relief washed over me knowing that they were fine and, well, at least I was no longer alone. Eric was the first to gain consciousness, and soon after he joined in, the rest gained mobility and senses as well. We surrounded him once more, and hopefully this time, without an arm, the odds would be in our favor.

“Thank God you’re still alive! How are you holding up?” Hunter was the first to ask.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence! I’m a little banged up, but managing,” I truthfully answered.

“What? He knocked us all out with one blow, so I’m just saying,” he retorted.

“If you haven’t noticed he lost an arm, let’s just hope he won’t get the chance to attach it back,” I snarled.

“We have more chances of surviving and hopefully winning if we attack all at once,” Wyatt interjected, and everyone agreed, except Eric, who couldn’t join in on our mind link session.

Nonetheless, he was a perceptive one, so it only took a minute before he realized what our intentions were. However, before we could get our plans into motion, his eyes darted to his discarded arm and went for it.

“Stop him!” Eric shouted, sprinting after his father, Dakota, hot on his trail, but they were too late.

Shit! I should have thrown it far into the woods. Why didn’t I think of that earlier? Oh, yeah... because I was busy staying alive, and now he was back with two working arms trying to escape from us.

“We can’t let him go!” Eric ordered.

“No shit, Sherlock,” I snorted out of irritation.

“Shut it, Storm!” Dakota reprimanded.

I didn’t notice that I mind-linked my wise-ass comment to all of them, but I guess I did. And by the way, why was she asking me to shut up? Wyatt took longer and faster sprints, shooting past everyone, and had almost gotten hold of our enemy, but to our surprise, he managed to throw his arms around Wyatt from behind, instantly crushing a few bones. My friend slumped to the ground, unable to move.

“Wyatt!” Hunter and I called out at the same time, and he responded with a whimper.

“Go,” he weakly said, and we reluctantly continued with the chase. I sent out his location to the rest of the pack members so that they could come, and then I prayed hard that they could get to him soon.

The rest of us were able to catch up and keep him surrounded. Eric tried to reason with his father again, which was futile if you asked me, because even if he succeeded in making him stop this madness, I was sure as hell it wouldn’t change my mind about murdering him. He made the biggest mistake by attacking my pack and... No, she’s still alive. I had to keep believing that, I told myself.

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