Falling For Storm
Chapter 13


I swiftly moved in front of Amara to block her from the charging rogues, and when the right time came, I leaped into action, shifting mid-air and landing on one of the smaller rogues, tearing its throat out. She screamed in horror at the sight of that. I didn’t need a scientist to know that she was very frightened, and as much as I wanted to comfort her and let her know that it was going to be okay, I’d made up my mind that it was my top priority to kill the attackers and keep her safe. The two other rogues aggressively charged at me, snapping their sharp teeth in every direction, and I managed to duck and counter each time.

I maneuvered in between them, making sure that they wouldn’t have a chance to walk, run, or jump past me. I was aware that Amara hadn’t moved an inch. I’m guessing that she was either frozen on her feet or crouching on the ground, covering her eyes. It was not very ideal, but at least, thankfully, she hadn’t run off into the woods where the fourth rogue could be lurking. The bigger one tried to get to her, and I quickly caught up from behind, sinking my teeth deep into the back of its neck, and slung it out of the way, tearing a big chunk of flesh out. Blood sprayed out from the wound, and it went down with a yelp. The third rogue started to break into a run to where Amara was standing, which pushed her to sprint in the direction where we left the car. My thoughts were suddenly one massive blur, knowing that at any moment she could get hurt or, worse, get killed. Shit! No, no, no!

I went after them, forcing myself to move faster, and before I was able to catch up to them, I saw how my mate fell to the ground, screaming for help, her left arm slightly caught inside the rogue’s mouth. She was thrashing, punching, and yelling in pain, fighting for her dear life even though fear was evident in her eyes. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, and I growled in pure rage and murderous intent. It fucking bit her, so there was no chance in hell that it was going to survive. I slammed its body to the ground with my own body when its hold eased up on Amara’s arm. I was going to crush every bone and tear every part of this piece of trash until it was unrecognizable, and I was going to do good on that promise. I slashed its head, stomach, and neck with my claws countless times before biting down on its throat with shear force. It didn’t matter if its flesh and blood tasted foul. I’d chew off more if I could until it was no longer moving. The rogue whizzed and gurgled, still attempting to fight, but the moment I bit down harder and tore more parts, it instantly stopped breathing and moving.

I turned to face Amara, and what I saw broke my heart to pieces. She had her back to a tree, her eyes wide in horror as she clutched her bleeding arm. I couldn’t tell if she was disgusted or just scared and couldn’t believe what just happened, but either way, I needed to make sure she was okay. She trembled and cried some more when I took a step toward her, so I immediately stopped, not knowing what to do or say at first.

“Don’t come near me!” she shouted in fear.

Honestly, I had no idea how to handle this properly, but I was compelled to see the extent of her bite wounds. She was human, so she didn’t have our healing abilities. That, and other things that could cause complications for her. I shifted to my human form and didn’t think much about her seeing me completely naked. The truth is, that was the least of our concerns.

And just when I thought her eyes wouldn’t get any bigger, they actually did as soon as I’d completely transformed. I was about to slowly approach her when Wyatt, Hunter, and Dakota showed up in their wolf forms as well, and I immediately thought what impeccable timing this was. The last thing she needed was to see more wolves. She was about to scream again when all three halted behind me, so I pleaded for her to calm down and told her that we weren’t going to hurt her. I immediately ordered the three to search the vicinity for the remaining rogue who didn’t partake in the fight through the mind link, of course, and they all headed in different directions to check.

“Amara, please trust me. I’m not going to hurt you,” I told her in the gentlest tone I could possibly muster.

When she didn’t respond and just stared at me, I pushed on.

“I’m going to come closer to you, okay? I need to check on your wound.”

I took slow steps toward her and held my hand out, waiting for her to make the next move. I waited for what felt like hours until she finally but gently stretched her injured hand out, and I closed the distance to inspect the damage. My brows furrowed at the sight, and anger rose from within me once more. I had to keep reminding myself that the bite wasn’t too deep, but...

“I promise I’m not going to do anything to hurt you, but you have to come with me so I can take you to the hospital now, alright?” I uttered as if I were speaking to a child, and I sighed a breath of relief when she nodded.

I put on the spare clothes I carried around when we got to where the car was and drove to the pack hospital like a mad man, and when I glanced at Amara, I noticed that she was shivering so hard.

“Talk to me, please; are you shivering because you’re cold, or is it because you’re frightened of me?” I asked.

“B-b-both,” she answered.

This was bad. This was really, really bad, and though it hurt me to know that she was scared of me, I pushed the feeling away. I turned the heater on and started reaching from behind her seat for a blanket. I pretended not to notice how she flinched when I moved, but then she visibly relaxed when I wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. We didn’t say another word the entire time I drove, even though I wanted to explain everything to her.

Minutes later, I sat in the waiting area while I let the pack doctor fix Amara up. I raked my hands through my hair in agitation as I thought back about what happened at the lake. It was a good thing that I insisted on coming, but at the same time, I was all worked up trying to figure out the possible angles behind the attack. Again, it seemed like it wasn’t a coincidence. Their movements were a bit calculated, and why didn’t the fourth one make a move while everything was going down and just disappear into thin air? Also, if their only goal was to kill me and Amara, how come the one who bit her didn’t try to tear her arm apart?

Questions swirled in my mind without answers, so the more I thought about them, the more I became agitated. Could it be that they...Motherfucker! I pushed to my feet and called Hunter to relay the possible angles in this situation.

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