Chapter 91 

Panicked, Evelyn quickly parted her bangs, revealing her injured forehead. She was the one who had tried to harm Sophie but failed, so Evelyn didn’t want to mention what happened last night. 

However, Roger had already brought it up. Evelyn had no choice but to accuse Sophie. Evelyn went on, “Moreover, Sophle overreacted! She even… pressed her arm against my neck and almost suffocated me to death! Sophie even threatened me, saying that if I dared to tell you, she would cut off my tongue… She really said all that! I’m the victim!” 

At that moment, Sophie finally saw through Evelyn. Sophie didn’t expect Roger to know Evelyn so well. 

Evelyn had no regrets at all. Even now, she was still trying to turn the tables. 

Sophie snorted coldly. “Evelyn, your ability to lie is improving. You know that my legs have just recovered, but you still want to push me down the stairs. If I become disabled again, I’m likely unable to stand up for the rest of my life. You don’t know how long it took me to recover. You don’t know how much effort I have to put in every time I undergo rehabilitation before ! can stand up again and walk like a normal person. You want to push me back to the hell I used to be in. You should be glad that when I lost control last night, I only injured your forehead. You’re safe and sound now, but you aren’t grateful. Roger is right. How can a person like you repent sincerely?” 

Sophie was s 

too naive. She showed mercy to Evelyn because she didn’t want her parents to be sad. 

But Evelyn was an ingrate. “You want to kill me! What makes you think I’d be grateful to you? Godfather, Godmother, did you hear what she said? Sophie admitted that she hurt me! She even strangled me…. 

“Enough!!” When Marcus heard Evelyn still accusing Sophie, he lost his patience with Evelyn. 

“Evelyn… I’m disappointed in you!” Pointing at Evelyn, Marcus spoke bitterly, “Sophie has sacrificed so much just to stand up, and you want her to become disabled again. Even if she wants to kill you, it’s understandable! You don’t have the slightest bit of remorse. Since you’re so vicious, don’t blame me for being heartless. The Dawson family will not keep you anymore. Leave! I don’t want to see you again!” 

“Marcus…” Bianca did not expect Marcus to say such a thing. 

Although Bianca was also furious and disappointed in Evelyn, Bianca had never thought of asking Evelyn to leave the Dawson family. 

“Shut up.” For the first time, Marcus spoke to his wife in a serious tone. “I felt sorry for you and didn’t want you to be sad. I didn’t want Evelyn to have no one to rely on, so I kept her. But now, what has she done to Sophie? Sophie is my biological daughter! No one can hurt her!” 

Evelyn was dumbfounded. She did not expect this outcome. 

Roger had 

only made a trip to the Dawson family and now Marcus wanted to chase her out of this house, 

“No, don’t… Godfather! I beg you, don’t chase me away!” At this moment, Evelyn was terrified! 

If Evelyn was chased out by the Dawson family, she would no longer be the Dawson family’s daughter. She would never lead such an extravagant life again. All her shoes, bags, and gorgeous rooms would be gone. 

Chapter 91 


Evelyn didn’t want to live the life of a commoner. 

However, Marcus had already turned his head away. “There’s no need to say anything else. Go upstairs, pack your things, and go. Kenneth, arrange a place for her. Let her have a place to stay before she finds her family.” 

The Dawson family had already done everything they could for her. 

“Got it.” Kenneth nodded and prepared to get up. 


dawned on Evelyn that the Dawson family had abandoned her a long time ago. They could ask her to leave at any time. 

It was no time to think about her pride and vanity. 

Evelyn quickly got up and went to Marcus. She knelt in front of him and grabbed his pants leg, tears running down her cheeks. “Dad! I beg you… No, don’t chase me away. I know I was wrong… I won’t dare to do it again! It’s all my fault. I was narrow–minded, but I’m just a child, I can be jealous and sad too… You were so good to me in the past, but after Sophie came back, all your love and attention were given to her. As for me, I became an orphan without parents. I do feel the difference in treatment. Dad, Mom, don’t you think about me?” 

Evelyn’s tears fell like broken pearls. At that moment, she finally spoke from the bottom of her heart. “I also need time to get used to the feeling of being left out I need to accept the fact that you’re no longer my parents and won’t love me anymore, but I don’t want to leave you. I know you’re good to me. I won’t forget the kindness you’ve shown me for the past twenty years… It’s because I can’t accept reality for a while. It’s also because I’ve been blinded by jealousy… Dad, Mom, I’ll change. I won’t target Sophie anymore. I’ll get along well with her. I’ll do anything for her! I’ll even wait on her. I beg you… Don’t leave me behind… I’m already an orphan. You’re all I have now. If you don’t even want me as my adoptive parents… Where would I go? I might as well… I might as well die.” 

As Evelyn spoke, she picked up the knife on the table and pressed it against her neck! 

Sophie’s eyes instantly turned cold. The bitch, Evelyn, was willing to use her life to force them to let her stay. Sophie had underestimated Evelyn previously. 

Roger’s expression was also icy. When he saw Marcus quickly snatch the knife from Evelyn’s hand, Roger immediately. knew that it was impossible to chase Evelyn away tonight. 

Marcus, who had taken away the knife, pulled Evelyn up and asked, “What are you doing? Do you want to die?” 

I I 

Evelyn looked at Marcus innocently and uttered, “Ever since I was born… you and Mom are the ones who raised me. You are my only family… If my parents and brothers don’t want me anymore, what’s the point of me living…” 

Evelyn’s words were like knives that pierced Marcus and Bianca’s hearts

Even Kenneth’s cold expression became a little helpless. 

Wesley and Timothy’s expressions became complicated. 

They did not expect that they were so important to Evelyn. 

After all, they had lived together for 20 years. It would be a lie to say that they could watch Evelyn commit suicide without being moved 



Chapter 91 

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Wesley gritted his teeth. Although he felt a little guilty toward Sophie, he still spoke up. “Father… Evelyn might have been muddle–headed for a moment. After all, we really can’t treat her as well as we used to. She must be upset and jealous of Sophie. I can understand why Evelyn would lose control of herself… Why don’t you give her a chance?” 

This was the first time Wesley had thought of Evelyn as his sister in the past few days. 

Evelyn’s heart instantly softened for a moment “Wesley… 

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