Chapter 89 

“Roger, this necklace must be very expensive, right? Why are you looking at me when you have nothing better to do? Why did you buy such an expensive thing?” Sophie really did not understand why Roger came to give gifts so early in the morning. 

Roger smiled. He could tell that Sophie was a little heartbroken about the money. 

He could only comfort her. “You’re the most precious gift in my heart. These things are Insignificant compared to you. They’re just decorations. I just want you to be happy. Don’t you like it?” 

Roger suddenly changed the topic and sounded a little disappointed. 

Sophie choked on her reprimanding words. 

She really wanted him to take it back, but Roger looked a little aggrieved. 

Damn it. 

She was really under his control! 

Gritting her teeth, Sophie could only accept her fate. “Yes, I like it very much! Help me put it on!” 

She was really going crazy. 

Why did Roger look like he was going to wheedle? Sophie really could not stand it anymore. 

“Alright.” Roger’s mood instantly brightened. He said with a smile, “Turn around. I’ll help you put it on.” 

Sophie had a moment of concern. If he could not see, could he help her put it on? 

However, Sophie only turned around for a moment, and Roger had already put it on for her! 

Sophie’s eyes were filled with disbelief. She could not help but look back at him. “So fast?” 

She thought he would have to grope around for a while. 

The Dawson family members also looked at Roger in surprise. 

At this moment, Roger realized that his movements were too smooth. 

However, he still said calmly, “I’ve put on a necklace for my mother before. I’ll know once I touch this kind of hidden 


“Oh.” Sophie did not think too much about it. 

At this moment, Evelyn walked down and could not help but say bitterly, “Sophie, you’re so lucky. My brother–in–law 


Chapter 89 

is so good to you. He came over early in the morning to give you a gift.” 

When Roger heard Evelyn’s voice, his expression instantly turned cold. 

Sophie rolled her eyes at Evelyn. 

Evelyn was so scared last night that she almost peed her pants. Now, Evelyn actually dared to be an eyesore in 

front of Sophie. 

Evelyn really did not learn her lessons

Wesley could tell that Evelyn’s tone was not right. He could not help but fan the flames. “My brother–in–law is not only good to Sophie, but also to us. It’s early in the morning, and all of us have gifts.” 

These words stunned Evelyn slightly. 

‘What does Wesley mean? Everyone in the family got presents? Am I the only one who did not get any gift? What about my gift? Evelyn thought to herself. 

She immediately looked back at Roger expectantly. 

This blind man had caused her a lot of trouble last time. 

However, if he gave her an expensive gift, she would not argue with him. 

However, after waiting for a few seconds, Roger did not seem to see Evelyn at all. His eyes were fixed on Marcus and Blanca. 

“Marcus, Blanca, I came early and didn’t have breakfast. I want to stay and eat with Sophie. Is that okay?” 

Marcus and Bianca immediately smiled and welcomed Roger. “Of course. We’re family now. Let’s eat together.” 

As she spoke, Bianca stood up and brought everyone to the dining room. 

Just like that, the family went to the dining room. 

Only Evelyn was left on the spot. 

‘What does this mean? Everyone in the family has gifts, but when I went downstairs, Roger treated me like air? He actually asked them to bring him to the dining room for dinner?‘ Evelyn thought angrily. 

At this moment, her lungs were about to explode from anger! 

“Roger, how dare you humiliate me like this?” 

Evelyn thou 

Evelyn thought that Roger was here to ease the tension! 


Chapter 59 

Unexpectedly, he was here to humiliate her! 

This couple was really too despicable! 

Evelyn was really going to die of anger! 

If this was in the past, she would have already caused 

a scene! 

However, Evelyn had only eaten some food sent by the servants last night

If she continued making a fuss, Marcus and Blanca would be even more disappointed in her! 

Gritting her teeth, Evelyn forced herself to calm down and followed them to the dining room as if nothing had 


However, when she arrived at the restaurant and saw the necklace around Sophie’s neck, she was so jealous that 

she was about to go crazy. 

Why did Sophie come back and snatch everything that belonged to her? How come Sophie still had such a good 


That necklace was worth at least 200 thousand dollars! 

Although Evelyn had also received many expensive gifts from the Dawson family, they were nowhere as big as the diamond on Sophie’s necklace! 

The diamond almost blinded Evelyn! 

Sophie seemed to have sensed that Evelyn had been looking at her necklace. 

Sophie smiled coldly and deliberately flipped her hair to reveal the necklace. She reached out to touch the huge diamond. 

She deliberatel 

turned around and said to Roger, “You have good taste. This necklace is very compatible with me. I like it very much.” 

Roger could not help but be stunned. Sophie was extremely unwilling to wear it just now. It was obvious that she had no choice. 

She was not an unscrupulous woman and was not attracted to these little things. 

However, after noticing Evelyn’s expression, Roger raised his eyebrows slightly and immediately played along. “It’s good that you like it. In the future, you can tell me anything you want. I’ll get someone to buy it and give it to you Immediately.” 

Looking at the two of them acting lovey–dovey, Evelyn was so jealous that she almost turned green with envy. 


Chapter 89 

When the food arrived, she could only poke at the rice in her bowl gloomily. 

However, this was not the end. Roger suddenly thought of something and pretended to be surprised. “Speaking of 

I which, I brought gifts for you and your brothers. It seems like I forgot about someone.” 

Upon being mentioned by Roger, Evelyn immediately felt humiliated. 

Roger was doing it on purpose! 

However, Evelyn could only smile and play along. At the same time, she was looking forward to it. She asked, “Roger, you finally remember me? What gift did you bring me?” 

Roger did not expect her to be so shameless. He could not help but reply calmly, “I’m sorry. I only asked the butler to prepare a gift for Sophie and her family. I’m sorry. You’re not considered her family, so you naturally don’t have a gift.” 

With just one sentence, Evelyn was excluded from the Dawson family. 

Instantly, the atmosphere at the dining table became extremely awkward. 

Evelyn’s expression changed! 

Roger was such a bastard! 

He thought that not bringing her a gift was enough to humiliate her! 

Unexpectedly, he still wanted to embarrass her in public! 

He wanted her to lose all her face in front of her parents! 

At this moment, Evelyn could no longer hold it in. Her eyes immediately turned red. She pretended to be aggrieved and said, “Roger, what do you mean by that? I know that I’m not related to my sister by blood, but I’ve lived in this family for 20 years. I’ve been in the family with my parents for 20 years. This relationship can’t be cut off. Roger, if you hate me, just say it. Don’t humiliate me like this!” 

As soon as Evelyn cried, Marcus and Blanca were in a dilemma. 

They knew that Evelyn had indeed been wronged, but Roger was a guest after all, so they could not say anything. They could not ask him why he did not prepare a gift for their adopted daughter! 

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