Chapter 42 

Sophie did not take Jasmine’s threat to heart. Instead, she smiled coldly and replied, “Jasmine, your should keep those words to yourself.” 

Jasmine choked on her words. As she attempted to speak further, Thomas helplessly reached out and gently pulled her away, urging, “Come on, Mom, let’s go.” 

Sophie glanced at Thomas and felt something, thinking, ‘It feels like Thomas is helping me. 

However, Sophie did not dwell on it too much. Soon, Daisy approached with a smile, carrying Roger, and remarked, “Sophie, you look stunning today.” 

Sophie smiled and responded, “Thanks. Daisy, you also look pretty today.” 

She noticed Daisy’s gown looked similar to the one she was wearing although Daisy’s had a more understated design. 

Sophie murmured inside, ‘It seems Daisy’s gown and my gown are designed by the same person. 

“Did Roger also prepare a dress for his mom?” 

Roger reminded Daisy in a low voice, “Mom, let’s go.” 

Daisy nodded and said, “Sure. Remember, we should enjoy this banquet tonight instead of focusing on Jasmine.” 

Sophie readily embraced the idea and said, “Great suggestion!” 

The three of them walked out together. Sophie praised Daisy and said, “Daisy, your argument was impressive. Jasmine’s face turned green.” 

Daisy felt embarrassed by the compliment and replied, “Thanks for your words. I was worried that I wasn’t tough enough.” 

“No, no. You’re already very tough.” 

The three of them chatted and laughed as they walked out. 

Ronald and Emily followed behind them. 

Emily looked at Ronald and said meaningfully, “A big change is coming to this family.” 

Ronald nodded to agree and replied, “You’re right. Daisy and Roger seem to change into different people since Sophie married Roger. The dynamics of the family are turning upside down.” 

Night fell, and the lights lit up. 

Habourland Citadel Hotel was situated in the most bustling area of Habourland. At this moment, the hotel was brilliantly illuminated. 

Chapter 42 

It was because the Nicholls family, the head of the ten great families in Habourland, was holding a grand banquet here. 

The banquet started at five o’clock, but many guests had already arrived at about three o’clock. 

The banquet was hosted by Norman’s second son, Humphrey Nicholls, and his wife, Rebecca Nicholls. The venue was adorned with grand decorations. What made this year’s banquet unique was the live orchestra playing music for everyone. 

When it was almost five o’clock, the hotel was filled with the figures of prominent families and celebrities across all industries. 

Everyone toasted each other and chatted happily. 

At this moment, more renowned people arrived and gathered at the hotel entrance. 

Like the film festivals, a red carpet was laid out at the hotel entrance, and bodyguards and cordons were on both sides. 

This was because numerous paparazzi and photographers were capturing shots of the prominent figures in attendance. 

Norman’s car arrived first. 

Soon, Damian, Jasmine, and Norman got out of the car. 

Seeing the star of the banquet arrive, the paparazzi immediately took photos with all their might. 

Jasmine was not in a good mood along the way. 

However, all her unhappiness was gone when she saw so many people desperately taking photos of her. She posed before every camera, relishing the attention and indulging her vanity. 

Ronald stepped out of the car and witnessed Damian and Jasmine slowly assisting Norman into the hotel. Both Damian and Jasmine took the opportunity to wave at the surrounding paparazzi, striking poses for the cameras. Ronald couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the display. 

He mocked, “These paparazzi are pervasive. They show up at our family’s banquet every year, and each time, they arrive earlier than us.” 

Unlike Ronald, Emily had a calm expression on her face. She enjoyed the feeling of being photographed under the spotlight. She even smiled and waved at the cameras playfully. “Certainly, they have to capture the moments. Honestly, things are subdued this year since Isabella is away for filming and couldn’t make it back. If she were here, these paparazzi would be in a frenzy.” 

Ronald’s face was filled with disdain when he heard Emily mention Isabella. He asked, “Why do you bring up that woman? Isn’t it enough that Thomas suppresses us at home every day? I can’t stand that Thomas’s elder sister steals our limelight when we’re out for a banquet. I wish she couldn’t come back next ye 

Chapter 42 

As Ronald and Emily spoke, the Nicholls family’s last car stopped. 

The paparazzi instinctively assumed that there must be someone they wanted since they failed to see her in the first two cars

Someone shouted in the crowd, “Hurry up! Isabella Nicholls must be in this car!” 

Many paparazzi immediately aimed their cameras at the Nicholls family’s third car after hearing that reminder. 

Ronald said sarcastically, “I’m afraid they’ll be disappointed.” 

He thought, “What’s so special about Roger’s car

As Ronald spoke, Roger’s car stopped completely. 

Dillon swiftly exited the car. Then, he opened the door and respectfully assisted Roger out of the vehicle. 

The paparazzi were shocked. 

“What? Why is Mr. Roger?” 

Just as everyone was confused, they saw Mr. Roger turn around and extend his hand to the person in the car. He said, “Take your time. I’ll hold your hand.” 

Sophie was extremely nervous because she had already seen many paparazzi and reporters on the way to the hotel. 

She never expected that the first place she would visit after her leg recovered would be filled with so 

many cameras. 

Sophie thought, “I am Roger’s wife now. If I fell, would I embarrass Roger as well?‘ 

Thus, she hesitated and did not dare to take a step. 

The reporters waiting outside were getting impatient. They could not help but shout, “Hurry up and come out! What’s the point of hiding!” 

Being mocked like this, Sophie became even more nervous. 

Sensing Sophie’s emotions, Roger lowered his voice and comforted her, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here for you.” 

These two sentences calmed Sophie down. 

She talked to herself, ‘Roger’s right. What am I afraid of? 

“I am no longer alone now.” 

Thinking of this, Sophie took a deep breath and placed her hand on Roger’s palm. 

Chapter 42 

As soon as a slender hand reached out, everyone grew tense and shifted their attention to capturing photos of the renowned star, Isabella. 

To everyone’s disappointment, it turned out that the woman was not Isabella. 

However, it was a woman who was even more beautiful than Isabella! 

Everyone was shocked by Sophie’s beauty and forgot to press the shutter. 

“Oh my god. What a beautiful woman.” 

“Yeah. She’s even prettier than Isabella.” 

“Who is she?” The paparazzi got curious and asked each other. 

However, no one knew who Sophie was. 

Some paparazzi quickly took photos of Sophie. 

“She must be the daughter of a rich family since she can attend the banquet with Mr. Roger!” 

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly took photos of Sophie. 

Surrounded by numerous flashlights and cameras, Sophie was incredibly nervous. After she took a moment to stand firmly, a sense of unease crept in, leaving her unsure how to react. 

Roger smiled and said, “Those are compliments. Give them a mile.” 

Sophie took Roger’s advice and smiled in the direction of the paparazzi. 

The paparazzi worked even harder after receiving that smile. 

“Oh, my God, her smile is so stunning!” 

“Agreed. She looks gorgeous!” 

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