Chapter 39 

Sophie’s words immediately brightened Thomas’s mood. Indeed, even if he was afraid of hurting his father, there would come a day when he had to take over the c company. 

With the fog in his mind cleared and under the influence of alcohol, Thomas unconsciously looked admiringly at Sophie. She was very clever, but it was a pity that such a smart woman was just the adopted child of the Bourn family. If she were the heiress of the Bourn family, the one who married her might be him. 

After clearing away, Sophic threw the trash into the bin and said, “Take your time with the food. I’m going upstairs.” 

“Okay.” Thomas responded. 

Sophic politely smiled and turned to leave. However, there was some surprise in her heart. Thomas surprisingly had ambitions. It seemed he was not just a shallow person. 

Soon, Sophie returned to her room. She tiptoed into the room, intending to go straight to the bedside. But suddenly, she found a figure sitting on the sofa. “Oh, my dear!” Sophie exclaimed in. surprise. 

Then she realized that it was Roger who had woken up. Indeed, she reached for the switch, and as soon as the light turned on, she saw the person on the sofa clearly. 

At this moment, Roger’s face seemed a bit unpleasant, and he asked, “Where did you go?” 

For some reason, Sophie felt inexplicably guilty being questioned like this.. 

“I… I went downstairs to eat something.” 

Roger furrowed his brows and asked, “Are you hungry?” He thought, ‘Didn’t she eat several chicken. wings at night?” 

Sophie nodded awkwardly and said, “These days of rehabilitation are quite tiring, and I get hungry easily. Since my stomach was growling, I didn’t want to wake you up, so I went downstairs…” 

Sophie was considerate to him. She wondered why Roger questioned her like this. And it was strange. Roger was blind, yet she always felt like he was staring at her. 

Seeing her seeming a bit guilty, Roger realized he had been too harsh. “It’s fine. If you’re hungry next time, just wake me up. I have some snacks in my study.” 

“What?” Sophie was surprised. “You have snacks in your study?” She had actually gone downstairs to look for snacks. How embarrassing. 

“Yes. I’ll put some by your bedside tomorrow,” Roger replied calmly. 


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Chapter 39 


Sophie said, “Thank you.” 


“No trouble. Since you eat well, go to sleep carly.” 

“Okay,” Sophie responded. 

Roger approached her, guided her to the bedside, and then lifted her, placing her on the bed. 

Sophie lay back on the bed, feeling a bit shy. In front of Roger, she felt like a baby. 

Roger tucked her in, saying, “Sleep well.” After that, he went back to his study. 

“Thank… Sophie wanted to thank him but remembered what he had said, so she swallowed her words. Indeed, they were husband and wife. There was no need to be so polite all the time. 

After Thomas returned, Jasmine’s focus shifted to him. 

Humphrey and Rebecca were busy with the birthday banquet, and Sophie enjoyed a few peaceful days, focusing on rehabilitation and doing nothing else. 

Roger also reduced his daily walks, and he almost accompanied her in rehabilitation every day. 

After more than ten days of practice, Sophie could walk steadily without Roger’s support. Although her legs felt a bit sore if she walked for a long time, as long as she moved slowly, no one could tell that just half a month ago, she could only walk with a wheelchair. 

At this moment, Sophie was slowly walking around the room like a normal person. 

Watching Sophie grow more confident and stable, Roger couldn’t help but smile. “Congratulations! You’ve almost fully recovered.” 

Accepting his congratulations, Sophie smiled and said, “It’s all thanks to you.” 

If Roger hadn’t accompanied her diligently in rehabilitation and helped with massages, her legs. wouldn’t have recovered so quickly. 

Roger shook his head and said, “It’s your own effort.” He had never seen any woman as resilient and powerful as her. 

Despite nearly falling countless times these days, Sophie had never shown fear. Every setback made her more determined. Even when she was improving, she increased the practice time every day, leading to such a quick recovery. 

Sophie accepted his praise, smiling. “But it wouldn’t have been possible without your care.” 

Seeing her being polite, Roger could only accept the thanks, saying, “Alright. Treat me to a big meal another day.” 


Chapter 39 

“Sure.” Since Norman liked him going out, taking Roger out would surely make Norman happy. 

But thinking of Norman, Sophie suddenly remembered something. “Oh, no! Tomorrow is the birthday banquet. My gown!” Saying that, Sophie quickly opened her computer to check the status. of the custom gown she ordered. 

These past ten days, she had been so busy with rehabilitation that she forgot to check the logistics. Most of the things she bought had arrived, but the custom gown was still going through customs. 

Roger sat calmly on the sofa, sipping coffee without getting up, but his expression was somewhat subtle. “Did you order a gown for yourself?” 

While searching for the order, Sophie replied, “Yes. To attend Norman’s banquet, I can’t just dress casually, so I ordered a custom gown. Because international shipping is slow, it will take at least seven to eight days…” 

As she spoke, Sophie had already found her order. It was then that she realized the custom gown she ordered from abroad had arrived in the country but was still going through customs. 

“Oh, no. If it’s still going through customs now, it definitely won’t arrive tomorrow night. What should I do? Where can I find a custom gown at this hour?” Sophie was anxious. Tomorrow was the important day when she would meet her family. It was also Norman’s birthday banquet. She absolutely couldn’t embarrass herself. But now, with an error in the custom gown, she felt disappointed. 

“No. I must go out now to find one,” Sophie murmured. Even if she had to search the entire Habourland, she must find a custom gown. After saying this, she stood up to leave. 

However, Roger suddenly said, “No need. I’ve prepared one for you.” 

Sophie suddenly froze. She turned to look at Roger and asked, “What? You mean you also prepared. a gown for me?” She hadn’t mentioned this to Roger at all. She didn’t expect him to think of helping her order a gown. 

Slowly getting up, Roger, with deep eyes, stared straight ahead and said, “Isn’t this a husband’s duty?” 

He answered quite casually, but Sophie felt awkward for a moment. She didn’t expect him to say so. 

In her shy moment, Roger actually walked into the study and took out a large gift box. The gift box was very delicate, with a gold–embossed totem on the lid, looking very precious. 


But there was no brand on the box, and Sophie didn’t know which brand the gown was from. Well, at this point, even if it was not a famous brand or custom–made, as long as it fitted, she could it. After all, this was the first time she had received a gift in her life. 

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