Faith with Wolves
12. Unexpected Encounters


I'm in my office trying to get caught up with paperwork. Between training our warriors, online classes, and dates with Faith I've let some of my alpha duties fall behind, like paperwork.

I'm supposed to be looking over the reports from our nightclub before my date with Faith but I can't focus. Tonight we're supposed to go ice skating. With winter arriving the local rink opened up and their supposed to have hot chocolate and a big event to celebrate opening night. Faith is excited to go. I've been a few times so I know how it is.

The last few weeks of being with my mate have been wonderful. We have so much in common and we never run out of things to talk about. We get each other's humor and when we're together it's like the world has stopped and it's just us.

Dallas still doesn't agree with our relationship but he hasn't brought it up much lately. I really want him to accept her. He's my best friend and beta I want him to like my mate and his Luna. I know it's soon but I want to introduce her to my pack. Once they meet her and see how wonderful she is they'll have to accept her.

I can't let Faith go, I won't. She completes me. I've always been quiet and brooding unless with my friends but with her I can't help but smile. She makes me happy. I'm like a whipped puppy dog around her. I just want to hold her in my arms and kiss her. When we're at O'Dells I constantly snuggle up to her keeping my face in the crook of her neck.

I'm falling for her already

My office door abruptly opens and in walks Dallas. He looks like he's in a bad mood according to the scowl on his face. "We have a problem," he states and I crack my neck ready to go kick someone's ass if needed.

"What's going on?"

"He's here, Malachi. He wants to see you."

I growl and usher Dallas to go get him. Malachi used to be the werewolf king before Zane came along and threatened to kill him. The new werewolf king Alpha Dexter challenged him and won. Malachi was dethroned and banished to be a rogue. Somehow he's kept his sanity still.

Malachi has a plan to become king again. He wants to lead a rebellion against the council that helped kick him out. He's been going to different packs gaining more followers. I told him my pack would support him. Nothing against Alpha Dexter but he and the royal council's stupid plan for unity among us is just what I said it is, stupid. I don't agree with it and a bunch of other packs don't either. Everything was great before when everyone stuck to their own kind, so why change it?

But now I think I was wrong. My mate isn't a werewolf but still, I want her. Faith is incredible and she speaks so highly of the royal council and the vampires she lives with so maybe their not all bad and I was judging them for no reason besides my own prejudice. My dad wanted unity but as soon as he got sick I joined Malachi's rebellion. Now I'm too far in.

Finally, Dallas enters with Malachi beside him. His long black hair covers his face. When he fought Alpha Dexter he lost an eye. He covers it with his hair now. I'm surprised he lost because he's huge being 6'2 and three hundred pounds of muscle. Alpha Dexter is just as tall but has a slim build.

"The Sweetwell pack is joining our cause." He tells me and I nod. They live across the country so I'm surprised. He must have just come back from visiting them since I haven't heard from him in weeks.

I nod. "Is that all you came to tell me because I'm busy." Malachi always wants to talk and hang out but we're not friends. This is merely business and one I want out of now.

"No, I have news. I heard from a few friends that Zane was close. He was spotted two days ago a few towns over." He smiles maliciously like he would kill the vampire if he was here now.

I pretend to be surprised. "Oh really? That's weird I never heard anything."

"You wouldn't it was a secret meeting with some of our enemies. I think he knows war is coming and is getting prepared. Stupid pack wolves are scared of him. I'm glad you're not like that. He's a stupid bloodsucker I can't wait to kill them all."

I keep my growl in that's threatening to break free. I grip my desk digging my claws in. Him threatening vampires is like a threat to my mate. And I'll kill him before I let him touch her.

Dallas quickly mind-links me. "Stay calm. He doesn't know about your mate."

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Dallas is right he doesn't know about Faith and I can't bring her up. He can't know about my connection to Zane. He'll want to use it as an advantage to get close to him. Malachi will kill Zane and then my mate too. He was loyal to the vampire king Vlad but once he died he started hating vampires. I honestly think Vlad compelled him to be his loyal follower.

"So what do you think?" Malachi says and I turn my attention back to him.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I was so distracted I didn't hear him talking at all.

"Damn pups." he scolds me. "I said we should go after Zane while he's alone. It'll be easier. We can even kill his dumb fairy lover too." he states and Dallas opens my office door signalling the meeting is over.

"How about you let us know when you have a plan and we'll talk then." My beta informs him.

Malachi nods and walks over to the office door. He stops in the doorway and turns to face me with a sinister look on his ugly face. "I heard they keep their daughter locked up in the royal palace. Word is she's a cute little thing. Maybe after I have some fun with her we can kill her together."

I stand up from the desk gripping it so hard a piece of wood breaks off. I'm seconds away from throwing it at Malachi's head. Dallas sees my angry expression before him though and quickly ushers him out of my office with a fake apology about us having an upcoming meeting.

As soon as I'm alone I let out a loud growl and I can feel my bones cracking. I'm starting to shift. My wolf is pissed thinking about Malachi and how he spoke about our mate. I close my eyes and try to focus on anything else to keep me from completing the shift and killing that bastard.

Luckily my phone goes off distracting me and I grab it off the desk. I open the message and see a picture of Faith in some black lingerie. The message says she misses me and wants me. My bones slowly go back into place and I slump into my chair.

Why the hell did she send me this now?

I quickly reply and tell her I miss her and tell her I can't wait to see her. But first I have to calm down I can't see her like this. I'm too angry and frustrated still. Plus I need to talk to Dallas about how to tell Malachi we're not siding with him anymore. I need an excuse that doesn't point to Faith being my mate. I won't put her in danger.

Faith texts me back just as quickly with her address. She says she trusts me and wants to see me soon. I want to see her too but I don't know if I can control myself. I don't want to shift and scare her. Of course, I don't think she would be afraid. I would never hurt her.

Before I can text her back she sends me a message that has me grabbing my wallet and keys and ready to leave out the door. She says she's ready to have sex. Unlike me, she's a virgin. We haven't even gone past kissing except the other night behind the bar. But with a message like that how I can say no? My mate needs me.

I get in my car and head toward Faith's. The directions she gave me were strange because I'd driven down this back road many times and had never seen a house on the road.

When I pull up a small cottage materializes. I'm in shock as Faith's large black truck appears in the dirt driveway. I've seen witchcraft before but never a whole house and its surroundings appear out of nowhere. Is my mate a witch also?

I get out of my car and head to the front door. There's a white porch swing and bright yellow and red flowers on the large porch. I raise my fist to knock but the door opens revealing my mate in a black silk robe.

My jaw drops. "Wow." is all I can muster up to say.

"Come in, please," she says and steps back letting me in. I follow her throughout the house and into a small living room with a large black couch.

We sit down and Faith tries to sit beside me but I grab her and place her on my lap. She giggles and lays her head on my shoulder. "That's better." I hold her tight loving the feeling of her in my arms.

"I missed you. Did you have trouble finding the place?" she asks and I shake my head.

"Nope, but I'm curious how a house appeared out of nowhere. Are you a witch too?"

"I'm not. Greta the woman who raised my mom was a witch. She put a protection spell over the house. After she died it doesn't reveal itself to anyone unless I temporarily remove the spell or the house senses you're not a danger to anyone inside."

That makes sense with her mom being a fairy. Their immortal creatures and their blood is known to be very addicting, especially to vampires. The woman raising her would have wanted to protect her.

"I'm glad you're safe," I confess. If anything happened to her I wouldn't be able to control myself. That's why I have to make sure Malachi stays far away.

She grabs my face so we're looking into each other's eyes. "Hey, I know how to protect myself. I'll be fine. No need to worry about me."

"I'll always worry about you, you're mine."

Faith moves so she's straddling me. Her arms wrap around my neck. "And you're mine Caleb." she leans forward planting a gentle kiss on my lips. I deepen the kiss and her tongue collides with mine. Her body grinds against mine and my hard cock strains against my jeans.

"Bedroom," I whisper between kisses.

With Faith still wrapped around me and without breaking our kiss we make it to her bedroom upstairs. I kick the door shut and lay her down on the bed. I yank her robe down and kiss along her shoulder and down her body.

We both end up naked our bodies grinding against each other. I rub my hard cock along her wet folds covering myself in her juices but never entering her.

"Caleb, please." she moans. I keep kissing along her neck making love bites along the way. Grabbing her hands I put them above her head still grinding against her.

"Are you ready for me Faith?" I ask as I stick my hard member along her wet center barely pushing in.

"Yes! Caleb yes!" she screams and I grab her thigh lifting her leg as I push farther into her tight cunt. She's so wet and tight. "Breathe baby and relax," I tell her as I start moving again.

I let her arms go and they immediately go to my back scratching me. "You feel so good Faith." We start kissing again and she moans into my mouth and her head falls back.

"Ahh Caleb!" she screams as I pull out and slam back into her. I pick up my pace going faster and harder. I can feel her clenching around me and I know she's close, and so am I.

"Fuck I'm about to cum already, baby," I warn her.

Faith grabs my face bringing her lips to mine. She starts trailing kisses along my face and down to my neck. Suddenly I feel something sharp in my neck. Fuck she's biting me.

A euphoric feeling of intense pleasure flows through me. I keep thrusting into her but it feels too good to pull out. I finish inside her filling her to the brim. "Fuck Faith." I moan as she comes undone also.

I feel her fangs pull away from my neck and she's licking along the fresh bite mark now. I'm speechless as I come down from the wonderful high I just experienced. I can't believe Faith bit me. I don't think she could control it. I should be mad she did it without asking but for some fucked up reason I liked it. Hell, I want her to do it again.

I roll off Faith and lay beside her catching my breath. My eyes are closed but I hear Faith's heartbeat rapidly pick up and glance over at my mate. She's holding herself and her eyes are watering. Fuck did she not want it? Was I too rough?

"Baby, are you okay? I'm sorry if you weren't ready. I thought you were. I should have double-checked. I never would have kept going if I knew-"

"I bit you." She interrupts and finally makes eye contact with me. She looks so worried about my reaction. Her beautiful gray eyes are full of tears.

I grab her hands holding them. "Faith it was an accident. Plus I never said you couldn't bite me. We never discussed it so how would you know."

She shakes her head. "I should have asked. I should have had better control. You're my mate and I just violated you. You should hate me." She pulls her hands away and covers her face ashamed.

I sit up. "Faith look at me. I'm not upset. Was it unexpected yes? But I'm not mad. Honestly, I kind of liked it. It was different but it felt right. So don't feel bad. I permit you to bite me anytime you want."

She slowly uncovers her face wiping her stray tears away. "Really? You liked it?"

"Yes but don't tell anyone. I'm supposed to be a big bad Alpha." I smirk and she smiles. I caress her face and place a gentle kiss on her lips. "Now let's go shower and you can bite me anywhere you want."

We climb out of bed and head toward the shower. Faith is happy and smiling now. It's taking all my energy not to tell her I love her. But I can't tell her yet it's too soon. But I indeed love her. An Alpha loves a vampire princess.

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