Chapter 66 Whose Child was Ashley's, After All?

A man like him, once caught by the police, would undoubtedly be doomed. His daring return indicates that there must be something here worth risking it all for.

"Bang!" The sound of glass shattering came from next door.

After a tacit glance with Rachel, we both pressed our ears against the wall, trying to hear what had happened next door.

The commotion was so big, it must have been that the two had a falling out.

"Ashley, how dare you!" A furious voice of a man came from next door, it should be the voice of Henry. He seemed to be provoked by Ashley, roaring, "If you dare to harm my son, you won't live to see another day. I'm sparing you because you're carrying my child, otherwise, do you think you would have a chance to return to your country?"

When Henry said this, he probably started to take action. Rachel and I clearly heard a "slap!" sound, obviously, Ashley had been hit.

"I understand, I will take good care of the child in my belly, I definitely will," Ashley's voice came through, probably a bit scared of Henry, so there was a slight tremble in her voice, and a bit hoarse, "But, Carley from the Hinton family said that once the child is born, she will arrange for someone to do a paternity test. I'm worried that if she finds out the child is not Walter's, she will kick me out of the Hinton family, and then our plan can't continue."

"Hmph!" Henry snorted coldly, "Since that Carley is a stumbling block, wouldn't you think of a way to send her to heaven? You're already in




the old house, there are plenty of opportunities, Ashley, don't tell me you're scared?"


"But there were no ifs!"

"I've found out." The voice belonged to Ashley.

"Ladies, may I take your order now?" The door to the private room was suddenly pushed open, startling both Rachel and me. We quickly sat up straight, nodding at the waiter, and began to order as if nothing had happened.

Just the sound from next door, it was already gone.

Rachel absentmindedly ordered a few dishes. As she was about to listen again, it seemed like the door of the neighboring private room was pushed open, followed by the sound of footsteps in the corridor. "Gone?" Rachel frowned, looking at me as she spoke.

I pursed my lips, didn't speak, but the answer was affirmative.

Listening to the footsteps fading away, Rachel and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at me, and after a moment, said, "Ashley and Henry must be plotting something shady. You need to go tell Walter to be careful of Ashley."

I pursed my lips, falling silent.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Rachel became anxious, "You should go now."

I sighed, somewhat helplessly telling her, "Words without proof, even if I told Walter, he wouldn't believe." Walter's care for Ashley was such that even if I told him these things, he would only think I was


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making trouble without reason.

"Don't believe it? Then what?" Rachel was somewhat anxious, "If Ashley doesn't do anything, it's fine. But what if she really harms Carley? You said it before, Carley let her live in the old house. If she wants to hurt Carley, it's hard to guard against."

At this point, she paused, looking at me and said, "Did Henry just ask Ashley to take good care of his son? So, is the child in Ashley's belly Henry's?"

I pursed my lips, carefully considering the time frame of Ashley's pregnancy. If the child was Henry's, did that mean Henry and Ashley had returned to the country together? Then what exactly was going on between Walter and Ashley?

Did Ashley deliberately make Walter believe that the child was his?

Ashley had often engaged in deceitful practices, but I never thought she would set her sights on Walter.

After Rachel saw that I didn't respond, she began to imagine on her own, "Tabatha, do you think there's a possibility that after Ashley slept with Henry and then with Walter, she found out she was pregnant and actually didn't know who the father was, so she told both men that the child was theirs and then made both of them take responsibility?"

I raised my hand and tapped her forehead, saying, "Do you think Henry is a fool? Doesn't he know whether the child is his or not?"

Henry was a man of intelligence and ruthlessness. How could Ashley possibly deceive him?

"Why did both Walter and Henry believe that the child in Ashley's belly was theirs?" Rachel asked me, holding her forehead.

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