Chapter 62 They Came Looking for Trouble

I couldn't help but hold my forehead, pulling him along and saying, "Alright, alright, I know you're a grateful young man with good character, but let's not talk about this now. Let's go back to the room and change your clothes first."

Alexander's thought process had always been so unconventional.

During this period of time together, I have indeed experienced it.

Seeing his clothes dirtied, my mother scolded me while looking for clean clothes for him to change into. Alexander probably had a slight case of mysophobia.

His brows were furrowed tightly. Seeing him like this, I couldn't help but say, "Why don't you take a bath? I'll ask my mother to find you a new set of clothes."

He nodded and entered the bathroom.

After my father left, there were no men's clothes left at home. It was getting late, and I thought about going out to buy some for him, but my mother stopped me. She said it was not safe for me, a pregnant woman, to run around in the middle of the night. She would go to buy them.

Before I could speak, the person hurriedly left the house.

Seeing this situation, I had no choice but to wait at home.

Standing in the bedroom, I placed the bath towel outside the bathroom. Facing the bathroom from which the sound of running water was coming, I said, "Mr. Borseth, I've put the bath towel here at the bathroom door. It's new. There are no new clothes at home. My mom




has gone out to buy some and will be back soon. Please make do for now."

After a response from inside, I turned around and went downstairs. Hearing the sound of an engine in the yard, I was taken aback, thinking that my mother had returned from clothes shopping. Wondering how she could be so fast, I was just about to go out to greet her when I saw Ashley and Walter both coming in.

Upon seeing me, Ashley's face stiffened for a moment, but it was only for an instant. She provocatively hooked her arm through Walter's, looking at me with a smile, "Tabatha, Walter and I came to see mom, is she doing okay?"

How long has it been, and only now you thought to come and visit? Hypocrite.

Watching the two of them, I pursed my lips, turned around and sat back down on the sofa, saying indifferently, "Pretty good, she would be even better if you didn't appear in front of her and poke her eyes.


Seeing the sharpness in my words, Ashley's face fell, and she said with a look of grievance, "I know that my affair with Walter has disappointed mom, but what's done is done. After all, I am her daughter, and with dad gone, I just couldn't rest easy. I wanted to come back and check on her."

Listening to these hypocritical words, I sneered, really not in the mood. to chat with her at all. I simply lay on the sofa and ignored both of them.

Seeing the situation, Ashley looked around and didn't see her mother. She probably thought her mother was resting. She said to Walter, "Walter, mom might be sleeping, I'll go upstairs to check on her." Walter nodded, a hint of gentleness in his brow as he said, "Yes, go




Seeing her so gentle, Ashley showed a bit of shyness on her face and nodded. Before going upstairs, she didn't forget to glance at me. Her look seemed to be showing off Walter's gentleness to me. I played blind, believing that what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.

Bowing my head to scroll through my phone, it was only a few

seconds before the light in front of me was blocked. I could clearly feel someone standing in front of me. I frowned, looking up at the tall man in front of me, feeling displeased. I said coldly, "Mr. Hinton, you're blocking my light."

Walter looked at me, his dark eyes restrained, his voice low, "Why didn't you return to Water Villa?"

"It's too spacious over there, I feel lonely living alone," I said, feeling somewhat irritated.

His handsome brows furrowed slightly as he said, "Am I not human?"

I was irritated by his inexplicable questioning. I put down my phone, stood up, and looked at him, saying, "If Mr. Hinton has something to say, he can get straight to the point. There's no need to chase me to my house in the middle of the night with your lover just to annoy me."

He furrowed his brows, his face slightly darkened, "When do you plan to return to Water Villa?”

"I didn't plan to go back. My dad was no longer there, and I was worried about leaving my mom alone here. I planned to live here in the future." Divorce was inevitable, why should I go back?

He furrowed his brows, fell silent for a moment, then said, "Alright, I'll have Roy bring over some change of clothes later. We'll stay here for




I frowned, looking at him, couldn't help but ask, "Are you planning to move in?"

He was expressionless, nodding, "Your belly is almost three months. now, it's convenient for me to take care of you living here."


I no longer wanted to waste words with him. The person who told me during the day that he wanted to send Ashley away, appeared at the Conner family's place arm in arm with her at night. I didn't want to believe a single word from this person anymore.

I took a deep breath and said, "My mother won't agree, Walter, I don't want you to be upset. I hope you feel the same way as I do, and don't make me upset either. You saw my mother's reaction on the day of my father's funeral. I don't want her emotional instability to cause any excessive actions towards Ashley again. So, could you please take Ashley and leave here as soon as possible, and not let any unpleasant things happen again, okay?"


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