Chapter 33 Walter Is Injured

Before I realized it, Ryan's wife somehow got a sharp knife the size of a pen and stabbed Ashley and Walter. Song Ashley was the first to find her action and screamed out.

Walter reacted very quickly, and before the knife was stabbed at him, he grasped the hilt. The hilt was not long, and after all, the woman's strength was limited. Walter pinched the woman's wrist with another hand. Out of the pain, Ryan's wife loosened the knife instinctively and was pushed to the ground.

When this happened, the coffee shop immediately became a mess, and the security outside quickly came in, directly controlling Ryan's wife, and then called the police.

"Walter, you're bleeding." Ashley looked at Walter's hand that was holding the hilt and said with concern.

looked at it and found that Walter was really hurt. Although the knife. was small, it was extremely sharp. Just now the situation was urgent. Walter was hurt no matter how quickly he reacted. Luckily, it only hurt his hand. I couldn't help but just sigh in relief.

Ashley, with red eyes, went directly to the captured Ryan's wife, slapped her, and said angrily, "Crazy woman, we have no grudge against you. Why did you want to kill us?"

Ashley had slapped her hard. After that, Ryan's wife was bleeding from the corners of her mouth.

"Bah!" Ryan's wife vomited the blood in her mouth toward Ashley, staring at her and Walter with disdain, and said angrily, "You are


shameless and deserve to die."

Ashley was startled by her angry look and approached Walter. Ryan's wife looked at me and said, "You can really stand it. Those bastards deserved to die a hundred times. If I were you, I'd have to kill them into. pieces to vent my hatred."

Knowing she was disgusted by my husband's behavior, I sighed in relief and didn't say anything.

After a while, the police came and asked about the situation, and then they intended to take Ryan's wife away.

Seeing this, I opened my mouth and stopped the leading policeman and said, "Sir, wait a minute."

The policeman was no more than a few years older than me. Although he was stunned by my call, he still looked at me and said, "What else can I do for you?"

After hesitation, I said, "She killed her husband, and the body should be in the trunk of a blue BMW in Downers Valley. Go now."

The policeman was stupefied, and the policeman who followed him was also shocked, "Murder!"

After all, it was a time of peace, and murder was enough to attract people's attention. The police had intended to take Ryan's wife directly back to the police station for trial about her carrying a knife, but after hearing what I said, the policeman took her directly to Downers Valley

Because I knew something, the policeman asked me to go with him. As for Walter, he was injured. Ashley was worried about him, and she wanted to take him to the hospital, but he followed us to Downers Valley.

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I had never seen Walter like to join in the fun.

I didn't want to talk to him, but when we were in the car, he suddenly looked at me and said, "How do you know that woman killed her husband?"

"She said it herself." I opened my mouth, trying not to look at the injury on his hand. I really didn't want to add trouble to myself.

But as if on purpose, he directly opened the palm of his hand and exposed the wound, gory and shocking. He looked at me as if he didn't care about his injury and continued, "Why did she tell you she killed him?"

I really didn't want to see his bloody wound. I looked away and said impatiently, "The man she killed was the Conner Group's CFO. She probably wanted to talk to someone, so she came to me."

The car finally arrived at Downers Valley. The car stopped and I got off. I looked around at the gate of the community, found a drugstore, and went straight in.

By the time I came out, the police had cordoned off the blue BMW Several drops of blood had been stained outside the trunk door, which had dried up. After the criminal police had taken pictures of the place around, they were ready to open the trunk.

I was not interested in the body. I went to Walter, stuffed him with medicine and bandages, and said coldly, "Deal with your wound. It is an eyesore to me."

He looked at me and seemed to be smiling. But he didn't accept it, but looked at me and said, "I can't handle it with one hand. Why don't you help me?" "Ashley will be more willing to help you," I blurted out without thinking.

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